Tech News

Scarlett Johansson is angered by tech company OpenAI over its ChatGPT app's voice similarity to hers. Nvidia's rapid growth in AI technology is eagerly awaited on Wall Street. China unveils its first full-size electric running humanoid robot. Google's I/O conference reveals plans to change the world.

Key Points

  • Scarlett Johansson accuses OpenAI of mimicking her voice
  • Nvidia's impressive growth in artificial intelligence sector
  • China's unveiling of a full-size electric running humanoid robot
  • Google's I/O conference showcasing technological advancements


  • Rapid advancements in AI technology
  • Potential future applications of humanoid robots
  • Innovations in Big Tech conferences


  • Intellectual property concerns over voice similarity
  • Ethical considerations regarding AI development
  • Impact of technology on society and human interactions