Development of Chinese Neucyber Chip

China has developed a chip called Neucyber, similar to Elon Musk's Neuralink, which allows direct interface between the brain and electronics. The chip has been implanted in a monkey for a year and aims to control a robot arm. China aims to catch up with the West in brain-computer interface technology.

Key Points

  • Neucyber chip developed by the Chinese Institute for Brain Research
  • Chip implanted in a monkey for a year to collect brainwave signals
  • Aims to allow the monkey to control a robot arm
  • China aims to catch up with Western advancements in BCI technology


  • Potential advancement in brain-computer interface technology
  • Ability to control electronics directly with brainwaves


  • Chip has not been implanted in a human host yet
  • Potential ethical concerns regarding control over human capabilities