Strange Luminous 'Rods' in South American Skies

Strange luminous 'rods' captured on camera in the skies over South American countries, believed to be UFOs but experts say they could be Starlink satellites. Videos filmed in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil show long white and blue objects moving slowly in the sky. UFO researcher Rony Vernet captured one of the incidents in Brazil on April 29, and witnesses in Argentina and Chile also filmed similar objects. Experts suggest the objects may be Starlink satellites, as they resemble the satellite constellation launched by Elon Musk's company SpaceX.

Key Points

  • Videos filmed in multiple South American countries show strange luminous objects in the sky
  • Experts suggest the objects may be Starlink satellites, not UFOs
  • Witnesses captured similar white and blue objects moving slowly through the sky


  • Interesting phenomenon captured on camera
  • Raises questions about UFO sightings and satellite activity


  • Uncertainty and confusion regarding the true nature of the objects