Brazil-Argentina Relations

Brazilian President Lula demanded an apology from Argentine President Milei for criticizing him, threatening to damage friendly ties. Milei called Lula a communist and a thief. The leaders exchanged a brief greeting at the G7 summit but did not speak otherwise. Lula's administration publicly demanded an apology from Milei twice.

Argentine Inflation Rates

Argentina experienced a zero-percent increase in the inflation rates of food and drinks for the first time in 30 years during the third week of June. President Javier Milei confirmed the findings, attributing it to his economic policies.

Argentina Senate Approves President Javier Milei's Proposals

Argentina's Senate approved President Javier Milei's proposals to slash spending and boost his own powers, leading to clashes between protesters and police. The legislation still needs to survive an article-by-article vote and faces opposition from both right-wing and left-wing lawmakers.

Argentina's Women's National Soccer Team Controversy

Three players quit Argentina’s women’s national soccer team due to unpaid wages and poor conditions at camp, including inadequate meals and lack of support from the Argentine Football Association.

Argentina's President Javier Milei meeting with top tech executives in the U.S.

Argentina's President Javier Milei is set to meet with top-level executives from Google, Meta, and Apple during a trip to the United States. He will also speak at various events and meet with economists, investors, and entrepreneurs linked to artificial intelligence.

Argentina questions ICC over arrest warrants for Israeli officials

Argentina questions ICC for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister over self-defense operations against Hamas. Argentina expresses concerns over comparisons between Israeli officials and Hamas terrorists. President Milei realigned Argentina's foreign policy to support the US and Israel.

Strange Luminous 'Rods' in South American Skies

Strange luminous 'rods' captured on camera in the skies over South American countries, believed to be UFOs but experts say they could be Starlink satellites. Videos filmed in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil show long white and blue objects moving slowly in the sky. UFO researcher Rony Vernet captured one of the incidents in Brazil on April 29, and witnesses in Argentina and Chile also filmed similar objects. Experts suggest the objects may be Starlink satellites, as they resemble the satellite constellation launched by Elon Musk's company SpaceX.

Book presentation by Argentina's president and economist Javier Milei

Argentina's president and libertarian economist Javier Milei draws huge crowds at a book presentation on neoclassical economic theory, mixing academic lectures with rock performances to advocate for freeing capital from state control.

Diplomatic Dispute Between Spain and Argentina

Spain declares permanent withdrawal of ambassador to Buenos Aires in response to derogatory comments by Argentine President about Spanish Prime Minister's wife. Argentina refuses to reciprocate the action.

Argentinian President Javier Milei's Economic Policies

Argentinian President Javier Milei is praised for defending free market and deregulation, leading to positive economic changes despite initial concerns. Milei's policies include cutting spending, reducing inflation, and stabilizing the currency.

Argentina's President Javier Milei's Visit to Madrid

Argentina's President Javier Milei accuses Spain's socialist government of bringing poverty and death, attends far-right summit in Madrid, and promotes his book 'The Way of the Libertarian.' He criticizes socialism, celebrates economic freedom, and plans to eliminate Argentina's central bank.

Argentina's Inflation Rate Drops to 8.8% in April

Argentina's inflation rate dropped to 8.8% in April, the first single-digit figure in six months, following President Milei's economic measures. Milei celebrated the decrease on social media, attributing it to his policies.

Raids on Leftist Picketer Leaders in Argentina

Federal justice authorities in Argentina conducted raids on leaders of leftist picketer organizations following complaints of extortion and blackmail. The picketers were accused of threatening citizens to participate in protests against President Milei. The investigation revealed instances of citizens being coerced to give up stipend money, participate in protests, and pay fees to receive government assistance. The raids targeted leaders of three picketer groups, implicating individuals associated with Kirchnerism. Evidence collected includes audio logs and financial records suggesting a system of control and punishment for non-compliance.

Train collision in Argentina's capital

At least 90 people were injured in Argentina's capital when a passenger train struck an empty boxcar on the tracks and derailed. The collision brought increased scrutiny to rail safety in Argentina.

Argentina's Inflation Crisis

Argentina has experienced a surge in prices, leading to the introduction of a new 10,000 peso banknote to ease transactions. The country's annual inflation rate reached 287% in March, prompting the government to take measures to stabilize the economy.

Argentina Introduces New 10,000 Peso Banknote

Argentina introduces new 10,000 peso banknote to help with high inflation rate, worth around $10, featuring independence icons Manuel Belgrano and Maria Remedios del Valle. President Javier Milei implementing austerity measures to stabilize the economy.

Argentina's NATO Partnership Request and Falkland Islands Dispute

Argentina has submitted a request to become a 'global partner' of NATO, with the country's president Javier Milei aiming to protect sovereignty claims on the Falkland Islands while strengthening ties with the West.

Argentina buys F-16 fighter jets from Denmark

Argentina signs deal to buy 24 F-16 fighter jets from Denmark for $300 million, as Denmark transitions to new F-35 aircraft.

Argentina's President Javier Milei splits from girlfriend due to conflicting work schedules

Argentina's firebrand president Javier Milei announces split from glamorous actress and comedian girlfriend due to conflicting work schedules, maintaining a bond of friendship. He vows to establish a diplomatic 'roadmap' towards the United Kingdom handing over sovereignty of the Falkland Islands to South America.

Political unrest in Argentina

Argentines elect political outsider and populist as president in 2023, sparking protests.

Argentina President Javier Milei meets Elon Musk amid protests

Argentina's President Javier Milei met with tech billionaire Elon Musk amidst protests over recent economic decisions causing financial hardship in the country.

1994 Buenos Aires Jewish Community Center bombing

Argentina's highest criminal court concluded that Iran and Hezbollah were responsible for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people. The court ruled that the attack was in retaliation for Argentina reneging on a nuclear cooperation deal with Iran.

Dengue outbreak in Argentina

Argentina is facing its worst-ever outbreak of dengue, with bug spray out of stock as cases surge. The country reported 233,000 cases and 161 deaths so far. Measures are being taken to import more repellent and control the outbreak.

Volunteering Iris Scans for Crypto Tokens in Argentina

Argentines are volunteering to have their irises scanned in exchange for crypto tokens as part of a biometrics project by Worldcoin, despite concerns about privacy and security in several countries. The project aims to create a digital identification system using iris data for online transactions.

Comparison of Economic Models in Argentina and Brazil

Argentina's Javier Milei and Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva represent radically different economic models, sparking ideological clash. Investors are watching closely to see which economic vision will be more successful in the developing world.

Diplomatic Tension between Colombia and Argentina

Colombia ordered the expulsion of Argentine diplomats due to denigrating comments made by Argentine President Javier Milei about Colombian President Gustavo Petro, calling him a terrorist, murderer, and communist. Colombia expressed that these comments offended the dignity of President Petro, who was democratically elected.

Anniversary of 1976 Argentina military coup

On the anniversary of the 1976 military coup in Argentina, thousands of Argentinians protested to commemorate those killed during the Dirty War. President Javier Milei sparked outrage by commemorating victims of leftist guerrillas in a video.

Recovered Grandchildren of Argentina

Claudia Poblete, one of the 'recovered grandchildren' of Argentina, shares her story of being abducted during the Argentine dictatorship and reunited with her biological family years later. The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo organization helped many like her in finding their true identities.

Controversy over Historical Memory in Argentina

President Javier Milei of Argentina posted a video demanding justice for victims of leftist guerrillas before the 1976 military coup, sparking controversy and protests. The government is challenging the traditional narrative of the dictatorship's repression, leading to divided opinions among Argentines.

Economic Impact of Austerity Measures in Argentina

Argentines face worsening economic situation due to austerity and deregulation measures implemented by President Javier Milei, leading to increased poverty, inflation, and financial struggles for many citizens.

Economic Impact of President Javier Milei's Policies in Argentina

President Javier Milei of Argentina ordered austerity and deregulation measures to combat hyperinflation, leading to economic hardships for many citizens. Despite the challenges, Milei maintains support among a significant portion of the population.

Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in Argentina

Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, a human rights organization in Argentina, continue to search for their children who disappeared during the military dictatorship from 1976 to 1983. They symbolize hope and resistance, marching every Thursday at Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires.

Argentina's Inflation Rate and President Javier Milei's Austerity Policies

Argentina registered a 13.2 percent inflation rate in February, attributed to President Javier Milei's austerity policies. Milei implemented 'shock therapy' measures to combat economic collapse after years of socialist rule. Inflation has slowed down from previous months.

Violence in Rosario, Argentina

Authorities in Argentina are facing an escalation of violence linked to drug trafficking in Rosario, leading to the formation of a crisis committee chaired by the Security Minister Patricia Bullrich. The committee will work in conjunction with the Armed Forces to restore internal security in the province amid recent violent incidents.

Lionel Messi invited to join Argentina national team at Summer Olympics

Argentina boss Javier Mascherano reveals invitation sent to Lionel Messi to join the national team at the Summer Olympics in Paris, but situation is complicated due to scheduling conflicts with Copa America and MLS commitments.

Social Media Behavior of Argentina's President Javier Milei

Argentina's President Javier Milei has a frenetic online presence reminiscent of former US president Donald Trump, engaging in provocative behavior and insults on social media.

Argentine President Javier Milei's Planned Visit to Ukraine

Argentine President Javier Milei plans to visit Ukraine in June to express support amid Russia's invasion. Milei aims to realign Argentina's international policy towards the US and Israel, contrasting with the region's historical pro-Russia stance. His visit is part of a broader international tour starting in Madrid and includes meetings with European leaders.

Argentina's Economic Crisis and President Javier Milei's Austerity Measures

Argentina's poverty rate surpassed 57% at the beginning of the year, with many facing severe economic challenges including food scarcity and high inflation. President Javier Milei's austerity measures are causing social unrest and protests as citizens struggle to cope with the economic crisis.

Argentina's President Javier Milei and Economic Reforms

Argentina's libertarian President Javier Milei vows to push through sweeping economic reforms, including deregulation and budget cuts, with or without legislative support, despite facing challenges in court and protests from citizens.

Corruption charges against Argentina’s former President Alberto Fernández

Argentina’s former President Alberto Fernández is charged with embezzlement of funds related to irregularities in insurance contracting during his administration. He denies the accusations and claims to have not participated in any wrongdoing.

Impact of Israel-Hamas conflict on families of victims of past terrorist attacks in Argentina

The article discusses the impact of the Israel-Hamas war on individuals who lost loved ones in terrorist attacks in Argentina in 1992 and 1994. It highlights the ongoing pain, grief, and lack of justice faced by the victims' families, as well as efforts to remember and honor the deceased.

Argentina bans leftist 'inclusive' language

Argentina's President Javier Milei banned the use of leftist 'inclusive' language and gender-based perspective in all public administration offices and documents, citing the preservation of the Spanish language and rejecting far-left ideas. This decision has been met with controversy and criticism.

Meeting between Argentine President Javier Milei and former American President Donald Trump at CPAC

Argentine President Javier Milei met former American President Donald Trump at CPAC, with both expressing mutual support and praise. Milei and Trump have a history of admiration for each other, with Milei praising Trump's fight against socialism and wealth generation from the private sector. Trump has reciprocated the support, acknowledging Milei's victory and calling him a great gentleman. The meeting was described as low profile, possibly to avoid interference in the 2024 U.S. election or upsetting President Joe Biden.

Argentina's Petroleum Dispute

Argentina's main petroleum-producing provinces threaten to cut supplies to the rest of the country over funding cuts ordered by President Javier Milei, leading to a dispute with the federal government.

Poverty in Argentina

Poverty levels in Argentina reached 57.4% in January, the highest in at least 20 years, due to the peso devaluation and price hikes caused by President Milei's economic reforms.