Struggle of 71Five Ministries in Oregon

A Christian ministry in Oregon, 71Five Ministries, is facing financial struggles after the state government agency conditioned funding on hiring workers with the same beliefs. The ministry's mission is to share hope with young people through trusting relationships. The organization's funding was pulled due to its religious character, as it required workers to adhere to a statement of faith. The ministry is now dealing with a large deficit in its budget and may have to reduce staff.

Key Points

  • Funding pulled due to religious character and statement of faith requirements
  • Legal battle ongoing with Alliance Defending Freedom representing the ministry
  • Concerns about impact on programming and staff due to financial situation


  • Promotes trusting relationships with young people
  • Stands by its religious beliefs and statement of faith
  • Supported by legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom


  • Facing financial struggles after funding was pulled
  • May have to reduce staff due to budget deficit