Technology Funding by Biden Administration

President Joe Biden's administration is providing $504 million in funding to twelve technology hubs across the U.S. to expand research in AI, semiconductor manufacturing, and clean energy.

President Biden's border actions and immigration system fixes

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas explained the timeline of border actions taken by President Biden, highlighting efforts to fix the immigration system and secure funding through Congress.

Coordination of Protests by Anti-U.S. Entities

A special report from the Heritage Foundation reveals how activist groups funded by anti-U.S. entities are coordinating protests, including those involving violence at a Los Angeles synagogue. The report breaks down the revolutionary ecosystem into four components.

Planned Parenthood's Political Funding for Democrats and Abortion Advocacy

Planned Parenthood is spending $40 million to support President Joe Biden and Democrats in key races, focusing on abortion as a central campaign issue. The organization's funding comes amid efforts to restore Roe v. Wade and influence voter turnout.

Homelessness Crisis in the Portland Area

The Supreme Court will hear arguments in an Oregon case concerning homeless camps in West Coast cities. Portland area spent over half a billion dollars fighting homelessness last year, with a 70% increase from the year before. Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties spent $531 million on homelessness interventions in fiscal year 2023.

Solar Geoengineering Research Funding

Wealthy philanthropists are undeterred by a failed solar geoengineering experiment and plan to continue funding future tests to combat global warming by reflecting sunlight away from Earth.

Chiquita banana brand funding paramilitary group in Colombian civil war

Chiquita banana brand found liable for funding paramilitary group during Colombian civil war, ordered to pay $38.3 million to victims' relatives

Meeting between President Biden and Ukraine President Zelenskyy in Paris

President Biden meets with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Paris, France, addressing funding struggles and support for Ukraine. Biden singles out Republicans for delaying aid but emphasizes continued support. Zelenskyy stresses the importance of the U.S. standing with Ukraine.

Overdose Crisis in Burke County, N.C.

Burke County, N.C., is one of many communities in America facing a severe overdose crisis, but new programs and increased funding seem to be helping save lives.

Republican Senators' Response to Trump's Guilty Verdict

Republican senators vow to prevent Senate from functioning following former President Trump's guilty verdict, refusing to confirm President Biden's nominees or allow funding for next fiscal year.

Struggle of 71Five Ministries in Oregon

A Christian ministry in Oregon, 71Five Ministries, is facing financial struggles after the state government agency conditioned funding on hiring workers with the same beliefs. The ministry's mission is to share hope with young people through trusting relationships. The organization's funding was pulled due to its religious character, as it required workers to adhere to a statement of faith. The ministry is now dealing with a large deficit in its budget and may have to reduce staff.

Elon Musk's xAI Funding

Elon Musk's xAI secures $6 billion in Series B funding from investors including Saudi Arabia's Kingdom Holding to compete with OpenAI. Musk aims to establish xAI as a formidable alternative in the AI industry.

National Service Plan in the UK

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak proposes a national service plan for young Britons, facing scrutiny over funding and enforcement. The plan involves compulsory military or community service for 18-year-olds, with no criminal charges for non-compliance. The proposal aims to address societal division and military readiness concerns.

Mandatory National Service Proposal by Britain's Conservative Party

Britain's Conservative Party plans to introduce mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if it wins the national election on July 4, offering military or community participation options. The proposal is funded by cracking down on tax avoidance and evasion and diverting money from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

EcoHealth Alliance Funding Controversy

EcoHealth Alliance, accused of conducting gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, received nearly $100 million from the U.S. government. The Department of Health and Human Services suspended all funds allocated to EcoHealth due to violations of grant terms.

Protest for Government Benefits for Migrants in New York City

Liberal Democrat politicians in New York City are protesting for more government benefits for migrants, demanding increased spending for legal services, language services, and support for illegal aliens. The New York Immigration Coalition and elected officials are advocating for additional funding from the city budget for migrants.

EPA Funding for Lead Pipe Replacement

The EPA distributed $3 billion to replace lead pipes based on unverified data, leading to some states getting too much money and others too little. States like Texas and Florida received more funding than expected, impacting states that truly needed it. The Biden administration has prioritized delivering safe drinking water and proposed a rule to replace all lead pipes within a decade.

Bipartisan Call for Increased AI Funding in the U.S.

A bipartisan group of U.S. senators is calling for increased funding for artificial intelligence research to prevent the U.S. from falling behind China. They are specifically focusing on generative AI, which has the potential to render many jobs obsolete.

Changes to U.S. Power Line Regulations

The regulators have approved significant changes to the planning, construction, and funding of U.S. power lines. Will these changes be enough to address the issues faced by America's overwhelmed power grid?

House Speaker Mike Johnson's Decisions and Rep. Barry Moore's Frustration

Rep. Barry Moore expresses frustration over House Speaker Mike Johnson's decisions regarding funding for Israel and Ukraine, border security, and government shutdown threats in an interview with Mobile, AL radio FM Talk 106.5.

Accusations of Funding Anti-Israel Movements

Sen. Ted Cruz accuses his Senate opponent, Colin Allred, of being funded by donors supporting anti-Israel movements on college campuses. Cruz claims Allred has accepted $80,000 from donors connected to organizations supporting protests against Israel.

Funding Discrepancy Between Commercial Airlines and Space Companies

Commercial space companies are not currently required to pay into a fund that commercial airlines contribute to for safety inspections, despite their increasing use of FAA resources.

Implications of Palestinian Recognition on U.S. Funding to the United Nations

The U.S. may consider defunding the United Nations if the Palestinians gain official recognition through a workaround, in violation of U.S. law. Experts warn of the implications of such a move on U.S. funding to the U.N.

Pro-Palestinian campus protests and training of activists

Pro-Palestinian activists in campus encampments received training from veteran activists and groups before launching their invasions. Funding for the encampments came from around the world, including from the Wespac Foundation in New York. The protests were the result of months of planning and encouragement by far-left groups.

Anti-Israel Pro-Hamas Encampment at University of Chicago

Organizers at the University of Chicago released a list of needed supplies for an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas encampment, including Plan B, HIV tests, vaseline, and more. Similar demands have been made at other universities across the country. Protests are ongoing amid revelations that some of the 'encampments' are run by 'outside agitators' receiving funds from around the world.

IRS Crackdown on Tax Cheats

The IRS is ramping up audits to crack down on tax cheats and increase revenue, focusing on wealthy individuals and large corporations. The agency received $80 billion in new funding to boost its workforce and customer service.

Oakland Athletics' Stadium in Las Vegas

The Oakland Athletics are planning to build a $1.5 billion stadium in Las Vegas, with taxpayers in Nevada responsible for $380 million of the funding. The team has hired an investment firm to help raise the remaining $500 million. The stadium is expected to open in 2028.

Chicago City Council Funding for Migrant Care

Chicago City Council approves $70 million for migrant care despite voter backlash. Resident P-Rae Easley warns of city going bankrupt if funding continues for illegal immigrants. Easley advocates for resources for rehab and education transportation instead.

UNRWA Funding Controversy

Israel has not provided evidence to support its accusation that a significant number of employees of UNRWA in Gaza are members of Hamas, leading to a loss of international funding. An independent review found UNRWA was ensuring neutrality but recommended better training and screening of employees. Israel dismissed the findings and claimed Hamas infiltration.

High-Speed Rail in Texas

Japan's prime minister's visit has reignited interest in high-speed rail in the U.S., particularly in Texas, where a proposed high-speed line between Houston and Dallas aims to cut travel time to 90 minutes from a 3.5-hour drive. The project has faced delays and skepticism but is gaining momentum and federal support.

Anti-Israel Protests in the United States

House Speaker Mike Johnson criticizes leading Democrats for not condemning anti-Israel protests, emphasizes the importance of standing with Israel, and calls out Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for not addressing Israel funding.

Debate Over Funding for Migrants in Chicago

Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez warns that neglecting citizens for caring for migrants is a public health concern. City officials debate Mayor Brandon Johnson's request for an additional $70 million to help migrants in the city.

Republican Lawmakers Concerns Over Iraq-Iran Ties

Republican lawmakers express concerns over ties between Iraq and Iran, accusing Iraqi Prime Minister of supporting terrorist groups backed by Iran. They criticize U.S. policy towards Iraq and question the allocation of funds to the country.

Crime and Homelessness in California

Discussion on crime and homelessness in California, including a $2.2 million audit of Los Angeles' homelessness programs, a lawsuit alleging failure to meet settlement terms, and increasing homeless population despite billions spent on tackling the crisis.

Iran's Use of Humanitarian Aid for Funding 'Violent' Activities

Fox News reports on concerns about Iran's use of humanitarian aid for funding 'violent' activities, prompting Sen. Tim Scott to demand answers from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

Controversy over NPR's Bias and Lack of Republican Representation

Former President Donald Trump calls for an end to taxpayer funding for NPR due to alleged bias and lack of diversity in editorial positions. NPR's business model is in decline, leading to layoffs. A senior editor at NPR reported on the network's left-leaning bias and lack of Republican representation. NPR's chief news executive denied the claims of bias.

Guatemala forest fires

Guatemala's president declared a natural disaster due to 44 forest fires burning across the country, with 80% of them being started by people. Authorities canceled classes to protect students from smoke, and funding has been freed up for firefighting efforts.

Comparison of Funding for HBCUs under Trump and Biden Administrations

Former President Donald Trump was praised for his funding of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in comparison to President Joe Biden. Trump highlighted his administration's efforts to provide funding to HBCUs, including signing legislation that increased federal funding by 17%. Under the Biden-Harris administration, $7 billion has been allocated to HBCUs.

California's Spending on Homelessness and Housing

California is spending billions on homelessness and housing, but the state auditor finds it's not tracking the money effectively to determine its impact.

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron advocating for U.S. funding for Ukraine

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron visited Washington to advocate for U.S. funding for Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of supporting Kyiv in its conflict with Russia. He met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and former President Trump, discussing Ukraine and NATO. Cameron praised Ukraine's military efforts and urged Congress to release aid, highlighting the value for U.S. security and the message it sends to other aggressors. Blinken reaffirmed the need to support Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Meeting between David Cameron and Donald Trump regarding Ukraine funding

Former U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron met with former President Donald Trump in a surprise visit to Mar-a-Lago to discuss additional funding for Ukraine in its war against Russia.

IRS Mismanagement

The IRS received $80 billion to target millionaire and billionaire tax dodgers but instead focused on middle-class earners. Despite promises not to increase audits for small businesses and households earning under $400,000, the IRS did exactly that.

Banning of 'Zuckerbucks' in Wisconsin Elections

Wisconsin voters banned private funding of elections, specifically 'Zuckerbucks' funded by liberal groups like Mark Zuckerberg. The ban passed with 54.4% of the vote, affecting cities like Milwaukee, Green Bay, and Kenosha. Republican Party celebrated the victory after facing corruption issues in the administration of local elections.

Kansas City Royals and Chiefs stadium funding

Residents of Jackson County, Missouri, voted down a sales tax measure to fund new downtown ballpark and stadium renovations for the Royals and Chiefs in Kansas City.

Dark Money in Politics

James Carville believes President Biden won't be able to recreate his 2020 coalition in 2024 due to issues with young, nonwhite voters. Democratic leaders criticize dark money in politics while benefiting from millions in secretive donations for the 2024 elections. Both Schumer-aligned and Jeffries-affiliated PACs have received significant dark money contributions.

Japanese Government Resumes Funding for UNRWA Despite Allegations of Terrorism

Japanese government to resume funding for UNRWA despite allegations of staff involvement in Hamas terrorist attack, citing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Other countries also resuming funding without conclusive investigation. US and UK still withholding funds.

Ukraine Aid Funding in Congress

House Intelligence chairman Rep. Mike Turner stated on 'Face The Nation' that more funding for Ukraine will have 'overwhelming support' in Congress. The Speaker plans to hold a vote on funding for Ukraine aid upon Congress's return.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy dismisses aides amidst ongoing reshuffle as Russia intensifies attacks

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy dismisses top aide and advisers amidst ongoing reshuffle, while Russia intensifies attacks with missile strikes and drone launches. Ukrainian energy infrastructure targeted with power plant destroyed and significant damage caused in multiple regions. Civilian casualties reported, including one death from recent mass barrage. Ukraine increases funding for homemade ammunition and weapons.

Former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan's Efforts to Rebuild Francis Scott Key Bridge and Potential Senate Run

Former Maryland governor and Republican Senate candidate Larry Hogan is urging fellow Republicans to support federal funding to rebuild the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge. President Biden pledged federal funding for the project. Hogan also discusses his potential Senate run, his stance on abortion, and his criticism of former President Donald Trump.

Senate Passing $1.2 Trillion Government Funding Bill

The Senate passed a $1.2 trillion government funding bill to avert a shutdown, including funding for various departments. Senate faced challenges and delays in reaching an agreement, with some Republicans criticizing Democrats for not allowing certain amendments.

House Passes $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill Blocking Funds to UN Agency with Ties to Hamas

The House of Representatives passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill that includes a provision to block funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) due to alleged ties to Hamas. Israel praised the move, and the bill also sets aside funds for other humanitarian projects in the region. UNRWA remains under investigation for its alleged ties to Hamas.

House Republicans Criticize Funding for New FBI Headquarters

House Republicans express outrage over $200 million funding for new FBI headquarters in Maryland included in the $1.2 trillion federal funding package. The FBI has faced criticism from Republicans over various issues, including allegations of political bias and targeting conservative Americans.

Political Drama in the House of Representatives

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene plans to build support before taking her motion to remove Speaker Mike Johnson to the House floor for a vote, citing concerns about the omnibus bill and funding for various programs.

Government Spending Bills

Lawmakers are working to pass spending bills before funding expires for key agencies.

Fisker's Production Pause and Fundraising

Fisker pauses production of electric vehicles, plans to raise $150 million in funding through convertible notes. The company is in talks with a large automaker for a potential transaction.

Allegations Against UNRWA Fundraising by Kamala Harris' Stepdaughter

Ella Emhoff, the stepdaughter of Vice President Kamala Harris, was raising money for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency but removed the link after allegations of ties to terrorism. UNRWA has faced criticism for its connections to Hamas, and several countries including the US have suspended funding. House Republicans are preparing for a formal investigation.

Lawsuit Against U.S.-Based Nonprofit for Funding Hamas

American survivors and family members of victims of a Hamas attack in Israel are suing a U.S.-based nonprofit for knowingly providing material support to Hamas. The lawsuit alleges that the nonprofit raised millions for UNRWA, which has been accused of aiding Hamas. The plaintiffs seek accountability and justice for the terrorist attack that killed over 1,200 people in southern Israel.

Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek halts tolling plan for Portland interstates

Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek scraps plan to implement tolls on Portland interstates due to challenges and opposition from voters and local leaders. The state faces funding challenges due to declining revenue from gas tax.

Senate Passes $460 Billion Package to Avert Government Shutdown

The Senate passed a $460 billion package of spending bills to avert a partial government shutdown. Lawmakers spent the majority of Friday considering motions related to the bills and debating the package following President Biden's State of the Union address. The package now goes to Biden for him to sign.

OpenAI vs Elon Musk Legal Battle

OpenAI releases emails from Elon Musk's early days with the organization, escalating legal battle over profit mission. Musk suggested $1 billion funding commitment but only contributed $45 million. Musk proposed Tesla acquire OpenAI, later leaving the company. OpenAI formed for-profit entity, achieving $90 billion valuation with Microsoft partnership. Musk's lawsuit claims OpenAI strayed from original nonprofit mission.

Bipartisan Border Bill

President Joe Biden and Senate Democrats claim that the bipartisan border bill is the toughest and most efficient ever seen, but critics argue that the bill minimizes border barriers, mandates catch-and-release for migrants, and weakens curbs on migration. The bill also includes provisions for asylum, parole, funding, and drug interdiction.

University of Wisconsin Construction and Renovation Projects

Democratic Gov. Tony Evers signed a bill authorizing spending on University of Wisconsin construction and renovation projects, part of a deal with Republican lawmakers. The bill transfers funds for various projects across the UW system.

Elon Musk meets with Donald Trump amid speculation of campaign funding

Elon Musk met with Donald Trump amid speculation that he could fund Trump's presidential campaign. Musk has criticized Biden's administration and expressed support for removing Biden from office. Musk has leaned more towards the GOP in recent years, despite his previous support for Democrats.

Washington State Bill to Address Opioid Crisis for Native American Tribes

A bill in Washington state aims to address the opioid crisis by providing millions of dollars to Native American tribes. The bill received unanimous support in the House and Senate, but some tribes feel the funding is insufficient.

Congressional Appropriations Bills for 2024

Congress unveiled the first six appropriations bills to fund various government departments for most of 2024, totaling over $450 billion. Republicans secured conservative policy victories, while Democrats pushed for increased funding for programs like the WIC nutrition assistance program.

European Union funding for UNRWA in Gaza

The European Union will pay 50 million euros to the main provider of aid in Gaza after the U.N. agency allowed experts to audit its staff screening process to identify extremists. The agency has faced allegations of staff members participating in Hamas attacks, leading to funding suspensions from several countries.

Migrant Crisis in San Diego

San Diego is facing a crisis as migrant centers run out of funding, and President Biden continues to drop off thousands of migrants in the city, overwhelming local resources.

Challenges Faced by Children and Young Adults with Disabilities in Accessing State-Covered Services

Thousands of children and young adults with physical or intellectual disabilities in the U.S. are waiting for state-covered services, facing long waiting lists. Advocates push for increased funding to support these individuals and their families.

Senate Republicans Warn House GOP Against Government Shutdown

Senate Republicans are warning their House GOP counterparts against causing a partial government shutdown at the end of the week, emphasizing that shutdowns are harmful to the country and a political loser. Speaker Mike Johnson's unstable grip on power is a concern, as he faces pressure from House conservatives pushing controversial policy riders in the funding package.

Conservative Group Pulls Funding for Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign

Conservative group AFP Action pulls funding for Nikki Haley's presidential campaign, despite her loss in South Carolina. Haley vows to continue fighting for the 70% of Americans who don't want a Trump-Biden rematch.

Argentina's Petroleum Dispute

Argentina's main petroleum-producing provinces threaten to cut supplies to the rest of the country over funding cuts ordered by President Javier Milei, leading to a dispute with the federal government.

IRS Crackdown on Tax Evasion by Millionaires and Billionaires

The IRS is cracking down on tax evasion by millionaires and billionaires, aiming to collect unpaid taxes and ensure a fair system where every taxpayer contributes their fair share. With increased funding, the IRS is targeting complex tax returns and using AI to identify high-risk returns for audits.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams' stance on funding for border crossers and illegal aliens

New York City Mayor Eric Adams vows to cut funding to border crossers and illegal aliens after record-low approval ratings. He initially authorized budget cuts for public services to accommodate waves of illegal immigrants but has since canceled these cuts and plans to reduce taxpayer funding for newcomers. Adams defends providing prepaid debit cards to border crossers and illegal aliens, with potential costs reaching $53 million.