Cardiovascular Disease Projections in the U.S.

Cardiovascular disease is projected to affect over 60% of U.S. adults by 2050, driven by an increase in hypertension. The report also highlights disparities in prevalence among different racial and ethnic groups.

Key Points

  • Projected increase in cardiovascular disease cases in the U.S. by 2050.
  • Hypertension is a major driving factor for the rise in cardiovascular disease.
  • Disparities in prevalence among racial and ethnic groups due to various factors including systemic racism.


  • Raises awareness about the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the U.S.
  • Highlights the impact of hypertension as a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.


  • Predicts a significant increase in cardiovascular disease cases, indicating a potential public health crisis.
  • Points out disparities in healthcare access and outcomes among different racial and ethnic groups.