Israeli Hostages Rescued from Central Gaza

Four Israeli hostages were rescued from central Gaza by Israeli authorities in a complex operation. At least 94 Palestinians were killed in the rescue operation. The hostages are in good medical condition and under observation in an Israeli hospital. The news has been received with cheers in Israel, boosting morale.

Key Points

  • Hostages rescued were three men and one woman, aged 21-40
  • Rescue operation described as 'complex special daytime operation'
  • Hostages were held in homes in a civilian neighborhood
  • Hostages are in good medical condition and under observation in an Israeli hospital
  • Largest recovery of hostages alive since the war began


  • Successful rescue of four Israeli hostages
  • Boost to morale in Israel


  • At least 94 Palestinians killed in the rescue operation
  • Heavy fighting and Israeli bombardment in the area