Virtual Relationship Trend with ChatGPT AI

Chinese influencer Lisa Li has gained popularity for her virtual relationship with ChatGPT named Dan, which is a 'jailbreak' version allowing more liberal interactions. The AI provides emotional support and companionship, appealing to women disappointed with real-world dating experiences. Despite ethical and privacy concerns, the trend of virtual relationships is growing among Chinese women.

Key Points

  • Dan is a 'jailbreak' version of ChatGPT, allowing more liberal interactions
  • Lisa Li and other Chinese women have formed virtual relationships with Dan
  • The trend highlights frustrations with gender inequality and traditional dating norms
  • Virtual relationships are growing popular in China, with platforms like Glow and Otome games catering to this trend


  • Provides emotional support and companionship
  • Appeals to individuals disappointed with real-world dating experiences


  • Raises ethical and privacy concerns regarding AI interactions
  • May lead to potential leakage of sensitive information