Chinese Probe Returns Samples from Far Side of the Moon

Chinese probe Chang'e 6 has returned to Earth with samples from the far side of the moon, potentially shedding new light on the moon's formation. The samples could confirm the theory that the moon was created from a collision with a Mars-sized object. China's Chang'e 6 mission is challenging as it landed on the far side of the moon, providing new insights into lunar geology.

Key Points

  • Chang'e 6 mission collected samples from the far side of the moon
  • Samples could confirm the moon's violent origin theory
  • China and the U.S. are in competition over moon exploration


  • Samples could provide new insights into the moon's formation
  • May confirm the theory of the moon's violent origin


  • Limited evidence on moon's formation from previous missions landing on the near side
  • Potential need for rewriting textbooks if samples yield different results