Drug Cartels Extorting Mexican Businesses

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
Drug cartels in Mexico are increasingly extorting and controlling businesses, even targeting large corporations. The violence and demands from cartels have forced some companies to close stores and gas stations for safety reasons.

Key Points

  • Drug cartels in Mexico are targeting businesses, including large corporations, for extortion and control
  • Femsa corporation, Mexico's largest chain of convenience stores, faced closure due to gang problems and demands
  • Cartels are distorting Mexico's economy by controlling sales, distribution, and pricing of goods
  • Companies are facing security threats, extortion demands, and attacks on trucks carrying products


  • Highlighting the growing issue of drug cartels extorting and controlling businesses in Mexico
  • Shedding light on the impact on large corporations and their operations


  • Increased violence and safety concerns for business owners and employees
  • Disruption of businesses and economy due to cartel influence