Dognapping of Dachshund Milkshake in New York

Two teenagers are accused of dognapping a dachshund named Milkshake from a New York apartment and trying to extort the owner. The dog, an emotional support service dog, is still missing. The suspects demanded money in exchange for the dog, but it has not been recovered.

Corruption and Extortion in Mexico

A former Mexican state official colluded with the Gulf Cartel to extort a group of businessmen in Reynosa, Tamaulipas by luring them to a restaurant under false pretenses of government aid, then demanding extortion fees. The businessmen were threatened with violence if they did not comply.

Michael Avenatti's Legal Troubles

Michael Avenatti's appeal to the Supreme Court was rejected, upholding his conviction for attempting to extort $25 million from Nike. He also faced other legal troubles, including stealing book proceeds and settlement funds, resulting in multiple prison sentences.

Raids on Leftist Picketer Leaders in Argentina

Federal justice authorities in Argentina conducted raids on leaders of leftist picketer organizations following complaints of extortion and blackmail. The picketers were accused of threatening citizens to participate in protests against President Milei. The investigation revealed instances of citizens being coerced to give up stipend money, participate in protests, and pay fees to receive government assistance. The raids targeted leaders of three picketer groups, implicating individuals associated with Kirchnerism. Evidence collected includes audio logs and financial records suggesting a system of control and punishment for non-compliance.

Accusations of Extortion Against Venezuelan Journalists Ahead of Presidential Elections

Venezuelan journalists accused of extortion and criminal activities ahead of July presidential elections, alleged to be part of a structure financed by an ex-petroleum minister. Journalists deny the accusations and are in exile for revealing government corruption.

Trump Attorney Cross-Examines Lawyer Keith Davidson in Celebrity Scandal Cases

Trump attorney questions credibility of lawyer Keith Davidson, known for representing Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in 'catch and kill' scheme involving celebrity scandals. Davidson denies engaging in extortion or violating laws. Davidson also involved in hush money deals with Trump, facing 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Diplomatic Extortion by Mexico's President

Mexico's President is using the migrant crisis, which he helped worsen, to pressure the U.S. to legalize people in the United States, help Latin American dictatorships, and pay billions in aid.

Debate over Christine Blasey Ford's Memoir and Brett Kavanaugh Accusations

Mark Judge and other Republicans criticize Christine Blasey Ford's new memoir, while corporate media praises it. Ford's book revolves around her 2018 accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, with no mention of Judge's 2022 memoir. Judge highlights witness tampering and extortion during Kavanaugh's confirmation process. Online Republicans debunk Ford's claims, emphasizing lack of evidence. Judge shares his struggles post-incident and contrasts his experience with Ford's current speaking fees.

Dak Prescott Accused of Sexual Assault

Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott is suing a woman who accused him of sexual assault, claiming she and her attorneys are extorting him. Prescott denies the allegations and is fighting back with a lawsuit for defamation, slander, and civil extortion/duress.

Man Extorts Money from Wife for Cocaine Habit

A man in Melbourne, Florida extorted over $80,000 from his wife to fuel his cocaine habit by falsely claiming he was involved with a drug cartel. He was charged with multiple felonies and pleaded not guilty.

Bishop Lamor Whitehead Fraud Case

Bishop Lamor Whitehead is accused of fraud and extortion, allegedly lying to parishioners and others to fund his extravagant lifestyle.

Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead Trial

Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead is set to go on trial for charges including wire fraud, attempted extortion, and making false statements. He is accused of looting a parishioner's retirement savings and duping a businessman to fund his lavish lifestyle.