Correlation between Philadelphia Sports Wins and Stock Market Declines

The article discusses the correlation between Philadelphia sports wins and stock market declines, highlighting various historical events and indicators that are believed to predict stock market movements. However, it ultimately concludes that these indicators are unreliable and that one's portfolio is not affected by sports outcomes. It also promotes a CNBC online course on AI skills and offers a discount code for enrollment.

Key Points

  • Past performance is not a guarantee of future results in the stock market
  • Various indicators like the hemline indicator and the Super Bowl indicator are mentioned as fun yet unreliable predictors of stock market movements
  • The article emphasizes that sports outcomes do not impact one's investment portfolio


  • Provides an interesting perspective on the correlation between sports wins and stock market movements
  • Discusses various historical events and indicators related to stock market predictions


  • Highlights the unreliability of these indicators in predicting stock market movements