AI-powered Death Clock Predicts How and When You Will Die

A new AI-powered death clock claims to predict how and when you will die, based on factors like age, weight, and lifestyle habits. It generates a tombstone with the predicted death date but should be used for fun only as it's unlikely to be accurate. The website gives tips on living longer, such as exercising, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and maintaining social connections.

Key Points

  • Uses AI to analyze age, weight, lifestyle habits, and outlook on life to predict time of death
  • Generates a tombstone with the predicted death date
  • Provides tips on living longer, such as exercising and avoiding unhealthy habits


  • Provides users with an interesting and thought-provoking experience
  • Offers tips on living longer and healthier


  • May cause unnecessary anxiety or distress for some users
  • Accuracy of predictions is questionable