Impact of Female Personas in Online Scams and Disinformation

Research shows that online scammers, propaganda agencies, and AI chatbots are more successful when pretending to be female due to gender stereotypes. Female profiles receive more engagement and influence, reflecting society's perception of women as warm and agreeable. However, this trend also leads to sexual harassment and threats towards 'female' chatbots. The use of female personas in technology raises concerns about reinforcing sexist stereotypes.

Ethical Questions Around Creating Digital 'Ghosts' of Deceased Loved Ones Using AI

Emerging AI capabilities are raising ethical questions around digitally resurrecting deceased loved ones. Experts warn that creating conversational 'ghosts' using AI systems trained on a deceased person's texts and emails could seriously impact mental health by preventing healthy grieving and creating dependence. Researchers recommend caution and potential regulation to prevent marketing to vulnerable grieving individuals.

Elon Musk's Neuralink Brain Chip and Infidelity

A self-confessed cheating addict asked if Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip could stop him from being unfaithful, sparking controversy online. The chip, still in testing phase, aims to help patients with physical disabilities and mental health conditions like depression and addiction.