Arrest of Russian Journalists for Alleged "Extremism"

Two Russian journalists arrested by Russian government on "extremism" charges for allegedly working for a group founded by Alexei Navalny. This is part of a larger crackdown on dissent and independent media in Russia.

Alexei Navalny's final book 'Patriot'

Alexei Navalny's final book 'Patriot' is set to be released posthumously, detailing his life, political career, and fight against dictatorship. The book was worked on in Germany and Russia and includes never-before-seen correspondence from prison.

Spray-painted Portraits of Alexei Navalny in Vienna

Two large portraits of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny were spray-painted on a property owned by the family of a former Czech foreign minister behind a monument to Soviet soldiers in Vienna.

Russian Presidential Election

Vladimir Putin wins fifth term as Russian president and claims there was a deal to free opposition leader Alexei Navalny before his death.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's post-election news conference

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives late to his post-election news conference, suggests swapping Alexei Navalny for prisoners in the West, and makes rare news by addressing various issues. The event was heavily controlled with strict security measures and Kremlin-approved questions.

Yulia Navalnaya's Participation in Protest Action and Voting in Presidential Election

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, participated in a protest action against Putin and voted in the presidential election in Berlin.

Attack on Leonid Volkov, Navalny's Associate

Leonid Volkov, a close associate of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was brutally attacked in Lithuania's capital, allegedly by Putin's 'henchmen'. Despite suffering injuries, Volkov vowed to continue his work. The attack comes after Navalny's recent unexplained death in a penal colony, with blame placed on the Kremlin.

Attack on Leonid Volkov, Ally of Alexei Navalny

Leonid Volkov, a close ally and top strategist of late opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was attacked near his home in Lithuania's capital Vilnius. The assailant smashed a window of Volkov's car, sprayed tear gas into his eyes, and hit him with a hammer. Volkov was later taken to a hospital. This incident occurred nearly a month after Navalny's unexplained death in a remote Arctic penal colony.

Ukrainian First Lady Declines White House Invitation

Ukrainian first lady declined White House invitation to attend State of the Union address due to discomfort with sitting next to Russian dissident leader's widow, who was also invited. The invitation was declined for reasons beyond scheduling conflicts.

Russian Election Protest

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, urges Russians to protest on March 17 election day by voting against President Vladimir Putin or spoiling their ballots.

Yulia Navalnaya's Call for Election Day Protest in Russia

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, calls on Russians to protest against President Vladimir Putin on election day in memory of her husband. She urges people to vote against Putin, spoil their ballots, or write 'Navalny' on them. Navalnaya has vowed to continue her husband's work and has made political appearances in the West.

Alexei Navalny's Legacy in Russian Politics

Nina Khrushcheva discusses how Alexei Navalny's legacy may continue to influence Russian politics after his burial in Moscow.

Funeral of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

The late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's funeral service and burial were attended by thousands of supporters as he lay in an open casket. Keir Simmons from NBC News reports on the event.

Burial of Alexei Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was buried in Moscow with thousands of mourners and a large police presence. The event remained peaceful.

Moscow Funeral of Alexei Navalny

Crowds in Moscow gathered for the funeral of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, shouting 'Putin is a killer'. Navalny's supporters believe Putin is responsible for his death at a penal colony last month. The funeral was filled with mourners and Western diplomats, with authorities and riot police present.

Alexei Navalny's Funeral

Alexei Navalny's coffin was taken from the church to the cemetery for burial after a short funeral service.

Funeral service for Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Funeral service for Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Moscow closely monitored by Russian police, attended by thousands of supporters.

Current Events

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny expected to be laid to rest near his home in Moscow after dying under mysterious circumstances in an Arctic prison colony. Gaza health authorities report over 100 civilians killed while trying to get food from aid trucks; conflicting reports from Israel. Scientists cloning genetically modified pigs for organ transplants face ethical and safety concerns. Tips on becoming a 'supercommunicator' to create authentic connections. Recommendations from NPR on movies, TV, books, games, and quizzes.

Alexei Navalny funeral in Moscow

Large crowd mourns Alexei Navalny at Moscow funeral service.

Fashion and Politics

A style expert shares trending looks from Walmart's new spring fashion collections. Tensions are running high at the funeral of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, with his widow Yulia not attending due to safety concerns.

Support for Alexei Navalny in Moscow

Supporters of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny gather near a church in Moscow for a farewell service, as shown on Navalny's YouTube channel.

Death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny found dead under mysterious circumstances in 'Polar Wolf' prison, sparking accusations of foul play and condemnation from world leaders.

Alexei Navalny's funeral in Moscow, Biden's security measures, Caitlin Clark entering WNBA draft

Large crowds cheer Navalny at Moscow funeral, Biden's team shields him from protesters, Iowa's Caitlin Clark to enter WNBA draft

Funeral of Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is to be buried in southeast Moscow amid signs of police preventing mourners and media from attending. Navalny died in an Arctic penal colony under unclear circumstances, sparking accusations of trumped-up charges to silence a threat to President Putin's power. His funeral faces challenges, including threats to funeral homes and hearse drivers, as well as police deploying jamming towers and barricades. Navalny's death certificate indicates 'natural causes,' but supporters speculate foul play to prevent a prisoner swap. The European Parliament holds Putin and the Russian state responsible for his death.

Farewell ceremony for Alexei Navalny in Moscow

Police patrol outside church in Moscow ahead of farewell ceremony for Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Farewell Ceremony for Alexei Navalny

Police patrol outside the church of 'Sooth my Sorrows' in Moscow ahead of a farewell ceremony for Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Death of Alexei Navalny

Allies of Alexei Navalny were unable to hire a hearse for his funeral in Moscow due to threats from unknown individuals. Navalny died on Feb. 16 in an Arctic penal colony, and his allies have accused the authorities of blocking a civil memorial service for him.

Funeral Plans for Alexei Navalny Thwarted

Plans for a funeral for Alexei Navalny were thwarted to avoid clashing with an address by President Putin. Navalny's widow blames Putin for his death, alleging he was poisoned. Russian authorities reported Navalny died in custody at a Siberian prison. Funeral plans were blocked, with supporters encouraged to pay their respects anyway.

Yulia Navalnaya's Address to European Parliament

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Alexei Navalny, expressed concern about the peacefulness of her late husband's funeral in her address to the European Parliament.

Obstruction of Alexei Navalny's Funeral in Moscow

Friends and allies of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny are struggling to find a venue for his funeral in Moscow due to pressure from the Putin regime. Navalny died under mysterious circumstances in a prison camp, with officials claiming natural causes and his supporters alleging murder. The Kremlin is accused of obstructing the funeral arrangements to prevent it from becoming a political rally.

Speculation around Alexei Navalny's death and potential prisoner swap

The article discusses the speculation surrounding the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, with his allies alleging that he was killed by the Kremlin to thwart a potential prisoner swap that would have freed him and two Americans. There is no concrete evidence to support these claims.

Opposition protest against President Vladimir Putin in Russia

A close ally of late opposition leader Alexei Navalny urges Russians to protest against President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin warns of legal consequences for those participating in the protest. Navalny had called for a protest before his death, and his ally is urging people to fulfill his last will by turning out to vote at noon on March 17.

Alexei Navalny Exchange Talks

Associates of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny claim talks were underway to exchange him for a Russian prisoner in Germany shortly before his death. Navalny died in an Arctic penal colony while serving a 19-year sentence on extremism charges.

Alexei Navalny's Death and Investigation

Alexei Navalny died after being 'tortured' at a penal colony in northern Russia, with a human rights group urging for an independent examination of his body abroad.

Release of Alexei Navalny's Body to His Mother

Russian authorities released the body of opposition leader Alexei Navalny to his mother over a week after his death in an Arctic prison.

Russian Political Dissidents

The article discusses the lives of Andrei Sakharov and Alexei Navalny, two prominent figures in Russia's political opposition. Sakharov died peacefully in 1989, while Navalny survived a poisoning attempt in 2020 but was later pronounced dead in a Russian prison camp, likely murdered. The article also touches on the political climate in Russia under Vladimir Putin's rule and the international reactions to Navalny's death.

Release of Alexei Navalny's Body to His Mother

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's body was released to his mother in Salekhard, with accusations against President Putin for 'torturing' the corpse. Navalny's allies urged continued support, expressing uncertainty about holding a proper funeral. Navalny's widow vows to fight against Putin's regime.

Return of Alexei Navalny's Body to His Mother

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's body has been returned to his mother after his unexpected death in an Arctic penal colony. His family fought for over a week to retrieve his body amid accusations of mistreatment by authorities. Western nations imposed sanctions on Russia in response to Navalny's death and the anniversary of its invasion of Ukraine.

Death of Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition politician, unexpectedly died in a penal colony, leading to widespread mourning and tributes across Russia. His body was eventually handed over to his mother after a long and emotional battle with authorities.

Alexei Navalny's Death and Body Return

The body of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been handed over to his mother after his unexpected death in an Arctic penal colony. His widow accused President Vladimir Putin of mocking Christianity by trying to force a secret funeral. Prominent Russians and Western nations have called for the body's return, leading to detentions of supporters and accusations against Putin.

Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny's Body Turned Over to His Mother

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's body has been turned over to his mother after days of pleading. His family demands a public funeral for the late activist, alleging intimidation and blackmail from the Russian government. World leaders, including President Biden, blame Putin for Navalny's death.

Death of Alexei Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's body has been returned to his mother after his death in prison. Western leaders blame Putin for Navalny's death.

U.S. Sanctions Against Russia

The U.S. announces its largest round of sanctions against Russia since the war in Ukraine began, targeting financial institutions, individuals, and a massive shipping operation in response to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Some question the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia.

Threat to Bury Alexei Navalny in Arctic Prison Colony

Russian authorities are threatening to bury Alexei Navalny in the Arctic prison colony where he died unless his family agrees to a closed funeral, sparking outrage and condemnation from Western leaders and his supporters.

President Joe Biden Announces Sanctions on Russia

President Joe Biden announces over 500 sanctions on Russia in response to its war in Ukraine and the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The sanctions target various sectors in Russia and aim to make Putin pay a steeper price for his actions.

US Imposes Sanctions on Russia

The United States imposes sanctions on over 500 targets connected to Russia's war machine and the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The sanctions focus on financial infrastructure, entities supplying critical technology to Russia, and those evading sanctions. President Biden calls on support for Ukraine and warns of consequences for not aiding them.

Meeting between Joe Biden and Alexei Navalny's family

US President Joe Biden meets with Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's widow and daughter, praising Navalny's courage and criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin. Navalny died in suspicious circumstances in a Russian jail, with accusations of pressure for a secret burial and claims of responsibility by Biden and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.

Legal Battle Over Alexei Navalny's Body

Lyudmila Navalnaya, mother of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, files lawsuit demanding release of son's body for proper burial, after he died in a Russian prison. Russian officials have refused to grant access to his remains, leading to a legal battle and public outcry.

Lyudmila Navalnaya's Lawsuit for Release of Alexei Navalny's Body

Lyudmila Navalnaya files lawsuit demanding release of son's body for proper burial after his death in a Russian prison, sparking international outrage and accusations against Russian officials, including President Putin.

Sanctions on Russia in Response to Navalny's Death

The Biden administration will impose major sanctions on Russia in response to the death of Alexei Navalny, a critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin who died in prison under mysterious circumstances. The sanctions are meant to hold Russia accountable for Navalny's death and actions in Ukraine.

Accusations of Torture and Murder in Alexei Navalny's Prison

A prison official accused of torturing Alexei Navalny in jail has been promoted by Vladimir Putin just days after Navalny's death. Navalny's shrinking food portions were allegedly ordered by the jail boss. Navalny's wife accuses Putin of murdering her husband with novichok. Navalny's body has not been released for examination amidst speculation over his cause of death.

Alexei Navalny's Brother Wanted in Russia

Alexei Navalny's brother, Oleg Navalny, has been placed on a wanted list in Russia. This comes days after Alexei Navalny's death in a Russian prison. Oleg had a suspended sentence for organizing unauthorized rallies and a past fraud conviction. Alexei's wife, Yulia, accuses Putin of poisoning her husband and hiding his body.

Death of Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, died in a Russian penal colony under suspicious circumstances. Russian propagandists are attempting to shift blame for his death to Western forces, despite overwhelming evidence of Putin's involvement in his persecution. Navalny's death marks a tragic loss for the opposition movement in Russia.

Death of Alexei Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has died in prison at the age of 47, prompting criticism towards Tucker Carlson for not addressing Navalny in his interview with Vladimir Putin. Nigel Farage expressed disappointment in the lack of questions about Navalny during the interview.

Death of Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny's body reportedly shows signs of bruising that were caused by being held down while he suffered a seizure, raising fears that he was killed on the orders of Vladimir Putin. Details of Navalny's passing are contradictory, with various claims about the cause of death. The world has condemned Navalny's suspicious death, and states across the globe have called for an independent investigation into how he died.

Inmate Torture at Russian Prison

Alexei Navalny died at a torturous Russian prison known for extreme conditions and mistreatment of inmates, including beatings, suffocation, and use of tear gas. Inmates are subjected to harsh weather, physical abuse, and humiliation in the remote penal colony.

Russian Crackdown on Navalny Supporters

Russian courts have sentenced dozens of people to short prison sentences for participating in events commemorating Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. Navalny died in an Arctic prison colony where he was being held on charges seen as retribution for his anti-Putin activism.

Allegations of Russian Regime Involvement in Alexei Navalny's Death

Critics accuse Vladimir Putin of sending spies to disconnect CCTV cameras at a prison complex before Alexei Navalny's death. There are suspicions of preplanned actions by the FSB and Russian authorities in the handling of Navalny's death.

Alexei Navalny's Persecution and Murder by Vladimir Putin

Alexei Navalny, a prominent critic of the Russian regime, was persecuted, tortured, and murdered by Vladimir Putin, sparking shock and outrage worldwide. The incident highlights the authoritarian nature of the Russian government and the challenges faced by those who oppose it.

Death of Alexei Navalny

Yulia Navalnaya accuses Russian authorities of killing her husband Alexei Navalny with the nerve agent novichok, blames Vladimir Putin directly for his death, vows to uncover those involved and continue his legacy.

Silence of Prominent Figures on Alexei Navalny's Alleged Murder

The article discusses the silence of prominent figures like Elon Musk and Donald Trump following the alleged murder of Alexei Navalny by Vladimir Putin. It highlights the contrasting actions and character traits of Navalny and Trump, with a focus on courage and integrity. The author expresses frustration and anger towards the current political climate, particularly in relation to Trump's supporters and MAGA ideology.

Bono's Thoughts on War, Religion, and Global Affairs

Bono shared his thoughts on war, religion, and current global affairs during a U2 concert at the Las Vegas Sphere, addressing the situation in Palestine and paying tribute to Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Yulia Navalnaya's Social Media Account Suspension

Yulia Navalnaya's social media account was mistakenly suspended by a platform owned by Elon Musk but was quickly reinstated. The suspension was due to a defense mechanism mistake against manipulation and spam. Yulia Navalnaya continues her late husband Alexei Navalny's fight against the Kremlin. The platform aims to protect users' safety and privacy, and Elon Musk has tried to create a space for free speech and diverse opinions.

Suspension of Yulia Navalnya from Twitter and Elon Musk's Alleged Support for Russian Propaganda

Yulia Navalnya, widow of Alexei Navalny, was suspended from Twitter after demanding return of her husband's body and blaming Putin for his death. Elon Musk, Twitter owner, criticized for facilitating Russian propaganda.