Supreme Court, Hurricane Beryl, Catholic Church

Supreme Court's immunity ruling puts it in political spotlight, Hurricane Beryl strengthened by high ocean temperatures, Catholic Church names first millennial saint

Vatican Schism and Archbishop Vigano

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano refuses to obey Vatican summons on charges of schism, does not recognize Pope Francis as head of the Catholic Church, calls for his resignation. He has rejected the authority of Pope Francis and the validity of the Second Vatican Council.

Opposition to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) by Southern Baptist Convention and Others

The Southern Baptist Convention opposes in vitro fertilization due to the destruction of human embryos. Republicans are divided on IVF, with some pushing for legislation to protect access to the procedure. The Catholic Church also condemns IVF and surrogate pregnancies.

Pope Francis' Views on Homosexuality and the Catholic Church

Pope Francis corrects a question from '60 Minutes' about the Church blessing same-sex unions, clarifying that the Church blesses individual people. He allegedly used an anti-homosexual slur in a meeting, emphasizing the Church's stance against open homosexuals in the priesthood. The Vatican confirmed reports of the comments but stressed that all are welcome in the Church despite personal issues or sins.

Pope Francis Apologizes for Derogatory Term About Gay Men

Pope Francis apologized for using a derogatory term about gay men while reaffirming the Catholic Church's ban on gay priests. The incident highlighted the tension between official teachings and the reality of LGBTQ+ individuals within the Church.

Pope Francis and homosexuality in Catholic seminaries

Pope Francis criticized the presence of homosexuality in Catholic seminaries, using offensive language, but later apologized for any offense caused.

Pope Francis' Apology for Using Vulgar Term About Gay Men

Pope Francis apologizes for using a vulgar term about gay men, reaffirms Catholic Church's ban on gay priests, and extends apologies to those offended by his remarks.

Vatican and Bishop Joseph Shen Bin promoting 'Sinicization' of the Catholic Church in China

The Vatican hosted Bishop Joseph Shen Bin, who promoted the 'Sinicization' of the Catholic Church in China, emphasizing the need for religious institutions to embrace State Socialism and the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Shen was unilaterally named bishop of Shanghai by the CCP in breach of the Vatican's accord, leading to tensions between the Vatican and Beijing.

Spanish Nuns Break from Catholic Church

Sixteen Spanish nuns break from the Catholic Church to follow a self-styled excommunicated bishop due to dissatisfaction with Pope Francis and Vatican decisions.

Catholic Church's Guidelines on Supernatural Phenomena

The Catholic Church published new guidelines for investigating alleged supernatural phenomena, emphasizing the need for extreme prudence and caution. The Church will no longer aim for authoritative affirmation of the supernatural origin of an event, but will approve or reject public devotion based on available evidence.

Vatican Document on Discerning Supernatural Phenomena

The Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena, with a live-streamed press conference scheduled for May 17 featuring Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández.

Kidnapping of Catholic Church Bishop in Mexico

Authorities investigating kidnapping of high-ranking Catholic Church bishop in Mexico who was trying to broker peace between rival cartels. Bishop was abducted, drugged, and held for ransom in an 'express kidnapping.' Incident sheds light on Mexico's safety concerns and government's approach to drug cartels.

Criticism of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's Immigration Views

Bishop Mark Seitz criticizes Texas Governor Greg Abbott's immigration views, stating they go against Catholic Church teachings. He warns against demonizing migrants for political gain in the upcoming presidential election.

Catholic Church Proposes National Dialogue to Address Economic Crisis in Cuba

The Catholic Church in Cuba is proposing a national dialogue to help resolve the economic crisis on the island, following rare protests over shortages in food, medicine, power, and gasoline. The church has a history of playing a key role in resolving political tensions and social issues in Cuba.

Vandalism at St. Theresa of Avila Catholic Church in Kentucky

Two juveniles arrested for vandalizing a Catholic church in Kentucky causing damages over $10,000. Security footage shows them throwing fire extinguishers, destroying religious artifacts, and dousing the floor in holy oil. They are facing charges for burglary and criminal mischief.

Abortion Rights Protest in Poland

Thousands of Polish opponents of abortion marched in Warsaw to protest recent steps by the new government to liberalize abortion laws, sparking a national debate and highlighting the divide between pro-life and pro-choice advocates in the predominantly Catholic nation.

Attack on St. Patrick Catholic Church in Myanmar

Two masked gunmen attacked a Catholic church in Myanmar, targeting the parish priest, Father Paul Hkwi Shane Aung, who survived the attack despite being hit three times. The incident is believed to be linked to the ongoing conflict between the ruling military junta and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

Actor Alan Ritchson's Criticism of Christians and the Catholic Church

Alan Ritchson criticizes Christians for supporting former President Donald Trump, calling him a 'rapist' and 'con man.' He also condemns the Catholic Church for covering up atrocities and expresses struggles with bipolar disorder.

Catholic Church's Perspective on Human Dignity and Ethical Issues

Washington D.C.'s Cardinal Wilton Gregory criticizes the president as a 'cafeteria Catholic' for selective beliefs; Catholic Church's release of Dignitas Infinita transcends left-right politics; document emphasizes human dignity and criticizes gender theory and surrogacy; Bishop Barron highlights the importance of Catholic Social Doctrine and the dignity of the human person.

Vatican Stance on Human Life and Gender

The Vatican reaffirmed its rejection of surrogacy, abortion, and gender fluidity, sparking backlash from progressive Catholic groups advocating for LGBT rights and reproductive choice.

Pope Francis and Benedict XVI's stance on civil partnerships for same-sex couples

Pope Francis reveals that his predecessor Benedict XVI supported civil partnerships for same-sex couples, despite the Catholic Church's opposition to LGBTQ marriages. Francis denies personal frictions with Benedict and plans to simplify burial rites for himself and future popes.

Fire at Our Lady of the Rosary Pompeii in Brooklyn

A five-alarm fire interrupted Easter services at a Catholic Church in Brooklyn, with no fatalities reported. The fire caused injuries to six people and significant damage to the building.

Tensions Between Bishop Joseph Strickland and Pope Francis

Bishop Joseph Strickland spoke out against Pope Francis' liberal stances, leading to his removal by the Vatican. The culture wars within the Catholic Church have intensified due to Francis' progressive direction, especially regarding LGBTQ+ rights and clergy's ability to marry. The divide between traditionalists and progressives has caused significant tension within the church.

Live Crucifixions on Good Friday in the Philippines

An estimated 20,000 people gathered in the Philippines to observe live crucifixions on Good Friday, a tradition that involves self-flagellation and crucifixions to mark the occasion. The event has attracted attention and concern from the Catholic Church, but participants see it as a necessary part of their faith.

Pope Francis facing dissent within the Catholic Church

Pope Francis is facing dissent over decisions seen as contrary to traditional church doctrine, such as allowing blessings for same-sex couples. The tension reflects a clash between reformist and conservative factions within the Catholic Church.

Mexico's Presidential Candidates and the Commitment for Peace with Catholic Church Leaders

Mexico's presidential candidates signed a commitment for peace with Catholic Church leaders to reduce violence in the country. The relationship between the government and the church has been tense due to ongoing violence and security issues. Various candidates proposed different strategies to address Mexico's chronic violence.

Spanish Bishop Rebukes Priests for Praying for Pope's Death

Spanish bishop rebukes priests for praying for Pope Francis to die as soon as possible on an internet program. Priests later apologize for their comments and express adherence to Pope Francis and the unity of the Catholic Church.

Scandal at St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York held a rare Mass of Reparation due to scandalous behavior at a funeral for trans icon Cecilia Gentili. Mourners engaged in actions deemed sacrilegious, sparking outrage among Catholics.