U.S. National Security and Chinese Land Acquisitions

GOP Rep. Dan Newhouse is introducing a bill to prevent Chinese Communist Party-associated businesses and individuals from buying property near federal land, citing national security concerns.

Michigan Lawyer and GOP Candidate's Controversial Defense of Chinese-Owned Firm

Former President Trump discusses his plan to combat China's aggression if elected in 2024. Michigan lawyer and GOP candidate defended a Chinese-owned firm linked to espionage investigations. Controversy arises over candidate's ties to Chinese Communist Party.

Indictment of Epoch Times CFO on Money Laundering Charges

Chief Financial Officer of far-right Epoch Times indicted on charges of money laundering scheme involving $67 million, not related to newsgathering activities. Epoch Times known for conspiratorial articles, opposition to Chinese Communist Party, and socially conservative values.

Chinese Communist Party Influence on Radical Left-Wing Organizations

Report reveals key radical left-wing organizations tied to Chinese Communist Party funding and influence, pushing anti-America and anti-Israel narratives, posing threat to U.S. internal stability.

Trump's Super PAC Launches @MAGA TikTok Amid Potential TikTok Ban in U.S.

Former President Trump's Super PAC has launched a @MAGA TikTok to reach millions of voters with Trump campaign messaging. TikTok faces potential ban in the U.S. due to ties to Chinese Communist Party. The lawsuit by TikTok and its parent company ByteDance argues against divestiture.

Opposing the Chinese Communist Party and the Threats it Poses

Fox News contributor Mike Pompeo discusses the importance of opposing the Chinese Communist Party and highlights the threats it poses to the United States and its allies.

TikTok Ban in the U.S. Politics

Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed that Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok, despite bipartisan support in Congress for the ban. The House overwhelmingly passed a bill to force TikTok's Chinese parent company to divest or face a U.S. ban. The bill aims to protect Americans from the Chinese Communist Party's influence and surveillance through the popular app.

Chinese Communist Party lobbying against TikTok legislation in the U.S.

The Chinese Communist Party is secretly lobbying the U.S. Congress to prevent legislation that would force a sale of TikTok or ban the app in the United States due to national security concerns. Former employees of TikTok have claimed that the app continues to work closely with its parent company, ByteDance, despite public statements suggesting otherwise.

Chinese Government's Role in the Fentanyl Crisis

Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi discusses the Chinese government's role in the fentanyl crisis, highlighting how they subsidize exports of illicit fentanyl and how many exporting companies are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese Communist Party's Role in Fueling the Opioid Crisis

A bipartisan House report reveals that the Chinese Communist Party is fueling the global opioid crisis by subsidizing the manufacturing and export of materials used to make fentanyl and other synthetic drugs. The report also highlights the CCP's ownership interest in companies tied to drug trafficking and its failure to prosecute fentanyl manufacturers.

Chinese Communist Party's Role in Fentanyl Crisis in the U.S.

The Chinese Communist Party uses tax rebates to subsidize the manufacturing and export of fentanyl materials, contributing to the fentanyl crisis in the U.S. A House panel released a report highlighting China's role in the flow of fentanyl and made recommendations to address the issue.

Concerns Over Chinese Communist Party Ties in Nippon Steel Corporation's Acquisition of U.S. Steel Corporation

Several Senators from the Rust Belt are concerned about the ties between the Chinese Communist Party and Nippon Steel Corporation, a Japanese company looking to purchase U.S. Steel Corporation. The sale could have national security risks due to Nippon's connections to China's industrial and military strategies.

Chinese Communist Party Infiltrating Guam Military Site

Rising concerns about Chinese Communist Party infiltrating sensitive military site in Guam through unlawful entries by Chinese nationals from the Northern Mariana Islands. CCP exploiting vulnerabilities, Biden administration criticized for allowing this, visa loophole allows spying on U.S. military installations in Guam.

Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Surrounding TikTok Ban

Online activists are spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories claiming that Jews and pro-Israel lobbying groups are pressuring Congress to ban TikTok due to anti-Israel content. Lawmakers are concerned about rising anti-Semitism and the Chinese Communist Party's influence through TikTok. The debate is overshadowed by anti-Semitic rhetoric and conspiracy theories.

Mo Yan being sued for allegedly insulting national heroes

Chinese Nobel Prize-winning author Mo Yan is being sued for allegedly insulting national heroes by depicting Chinese history in a complex manner. The lawsuit is based on a law against 'historical nihilism' under President Xi Jinping's leadership.

Impact of Chinese Communist Party on the U.S.

Students at the University of Florida and the University of Alabama's Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapters used Peter Schweizer's book 'Blood Money' to warn about the Chinese Communist Party's impact on the U.S. They hosted tabling events distributing information from the book, sparking mixed reactions among students.

Ban on TikTok in the U.S. Advocacy by FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is advocating for a bill to ban TikTok in the U.S. due to national security risks and Chinese Communist Party influence. The bill, 'Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act,' has bipartisan support.

Effort to oust Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos

Efforts to recall Republican Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos gain momentum due to allegations of blocking fair elections in 2020. Vos is on the board of a Chinese Communist Party-linked organization, with ties to Hunter Biden. Vos dismisses the accusations as coming from a small vocal group.

Chinese Communist Party's Use of Social Media for Psychological Warfare

The Chinese Communist Party is using social media like TikTok and Hollywood to target vulnerable young consumers in the United States, according to Peter Schweizer's book 'Blood Money.' Celebrities and institutions have been promoting the app, unaware or ambivalent of its ties to the CCP. Chinese military officials see apps like TikTok as tools for psychological warfare against the West.

Political Connections of Robin Vos

Republican Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly, Robin Vos, is a board member of the State Legislative Leaders Foundation (SLLF), a Chinese Communist Party-linked organization, with ties to the CCP and Hunter Biden. Efforts to recall Vos are underway.

Investigative journalism on Chinese Communist Party's operations in the US

Peter Schweizer's new book 'Blood Money' exposes the Chinese Communist Party's covert operations in the American drug trade, social justice movement, and medical establishment to sow chaos and decadence in the United States, revealing how China is killing Americans while US leaders turn a blind eye.

Chinese Government's Praise of Taylor Swift's Singapore Concert

The Chinese government newspaper Global Times published a glowing tribute to Taylor Swift for choosing Singapore as her only 'Eras Tour' stop in the region. Swift's popularity in China is highlighted, along with her influence on fans and her collaboration with regime-friendly businesses like Alibaba. The article praises Swift for not scheduling tour stops in China and promotes the visa-free travel agreement between China and Singapore.

Chinese Communist Party Funding Radical Movements in the U.S.

Peter Schweizer discusses in his new book 'Blood Money' how the Chinese Communist Party is funding radical movements in the U.S., including BLM, Antifa, and the trans rights movement, causing violence and protests. China is essentially 'radicalizing' far-left movements and leading them to take violent actions.

Criticism of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Supporting TikTok

A billboard in Times Square criticizes Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for supporting TikTok, linking it to the Chinese Communist Party. The billboard advertises Peter Schweizer's book 'Blood Money' which uncovers Chinese influence through TikTok. Ocasio-Cortez opposes a total ban on TikTok, while U.S. officials see it as a national security threat.

National Security Concerns with TikTok

Sen. Marco Rubio and other Republican senators urge President Joe Biden to delete his TikTok account due to national security risks associated with the app being controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.