Decline in Electric Vehicle Sales in Europe

Electric vehicle sales in Europe dropped in March despite the EU's push to ban petrol and diesel vehicles by the mid-2030s. Overall figures show a stall in EV sales despite the ban on new internal combustion engine cars by 2035.

Decline in Sales of Volkswagen Electric Cars in Europe

Sales of Volkswagen electric cars in Europe have dropped by almost a quarter due to stalled demand for battery-powered vehicles as buyers return to petrol. This decline is attributed to factors such as high inflation, rising energy prices, rollback of subsidies, and reconsideration of ambitious targets to phase out petrol and diesel cars by politicians in the region.

Ford's Cut in Hourly Workers Due to Slow Electric Vehicle Sales

Ford is cutting hourly workers at its factory due to slow sales of electric vehicles, with many consumers opting for hybrid vehicles instead. The article criticizes the company for prioritizing social justice over business decisions and highlights challenges with EV adoption among 'Normal People.'