Impact of Algorithms on Free Will and Political Landscape

Jack Dorsey spoke at the Oslo Freedom Forum, warning about the impact of algorithms on free will. Elon Musk agreed. A new poll shows Reform UK in second place behind Labour in the 55-64 and 65+ age cohorts. El Salvador President Nayib Bukele warned Democrats about pursuing legal action against Trump Sr.

President Nayib Bukele's views on Donald Trump and his successful anti-gang efforts in El Salvador

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador believes former President Donald Trump can win the 2024 election and that attempts to imprison him are only boosting his campaign. Bukele is known for his successful efforts to eradicate gang violence in El Salvador.

Crackdown on Violent Gangs in El Salvador

President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, describes crackdown on violent gangs as a 'spiritual war' due to satanic nature of largest gang, MS-13. Bukele's success in eliminating gangs attributed to national plan and 'miracle.'

Foiled Bomb Plot in El Salvador

Authorities in El Salvador have foiled a plot to plant bombs around the country coinciding with President Nayib Bukele's inauguration. The plot involved 'veterans' of the country's civil war and targeted gasoline stations, supermarkets, and government buildings.

Human Rights Abuses in El Salvador Prisons under President Nayib Bukele's 'War on Gangs'

At least 241 people have died in El Salvador prisons since President Nayib Bukele's 'war on gangs' began two years ago, with reports of abuse and lack of due process. The government has arrested 80,000 people, but many were released due to lack of evidence. Despite criticism, Bukele remains popular in El Salvador.

Political Turmoil and Gang Violence in Haiti and El Salvador

President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador offered to help fix the political turmoil and gang violence in Haiti, drawing parallels to his own country's past struggles with organized crime. Bukele's tough law enforcement measures in El Salvador have been effective in reducing gang activity, but have raised concerns about civil rights. In Haiti, Prime Minister Ariel Henry is facing pressure from powerful gang leaders, with the country in a state of lawlessness and unrest.

President Nayib Bukele's Address at CPAC

President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, warns Americans to fight global elites and opposes globalism at CPAC. He credits his success to policies against gangs and reforms implemented during his presidency. Bukele urges Americans to fight for their freedoms and rights.

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele at CPAC 2024

El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele received a rock-star welcome at a conservative gathering in the U.S., urging people to fight against 'dark forces' and sharing his country's experience with gangs and corruption.