Shrinking Middle Class in America

The middle class in America has been shrinking over the past 50 years, leading to a growing wealth gap between income tiers. The share of Americans in middle-class households dropped from 61% in 1971 to 51% in 2023, while the share of upper-income households rose from 11% to 19% in the same period.

Pew Research Center Report on Black Americans' Distrust of U.S. Institutions

The Pew Research Center revised a report after criticism for using the term 'racial conspiracy theories' to describe Black Americans' distrust of U.S. institutions. The updated report now states that most Black Americans believe U.S. institutions were designed to hold Black people back.

Cultural Issues and the 2024 Election

A Pew Research Center report shows significant differences in views between Biden and Trump supporters on cultural issues such as marriage, family, declining birth rates, and abortion.

Public Opinion on Prioritizing Marriage and Children

Pew Research Center poll shows only 19% of Biden voters believe society benefits from prioritizing marriage and children, compared to 59% of Trump supporters. Men and black Biden voters more likely to support this idea. Survey also reveals opinions on the nation's low birth rate.

Sharp Divisions Among Biden and Trump Supporters on Cultural Issues

A Pew Research Center survey reveals sharp divisions between supporters of President Biden and former President Trump on various cultural issues, including gender identity, criminal justice, and immigration. Both candidates are gearing up for a hotly contested election in November.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election News Coverage

A majority of Americans are closely following news about the 2024 U.S. presidential election, with many feeling worn out by the extensive coverage of the campaign and candidates. Older adults are more likely to follow news about the candidates, while fatigue over election coverage is a common sentiment among Americans.

The Importance of a Four-Year College Degree and Economic Outcomes for Young Adults

Pew Research Center study explores public views on the importance of a four-year college degree and economic outcomes of young adults with and without a college degree. The study shows improvements in economic outcomes for young adults without a degree in recent years.

Abortion Access in America

Despite the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, most Americans still support abortion access, with about 6 in 10 believing abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

American Views on China

A Pew Research Center survey reveals that over 40% of Americans now view China as an enemy, with only 6% considering it a partner. Attitudes have turned critical due to factors like the U.S.-China trade war, COVID-19, and Beijing's human rights record. The Biden administration is working to manage U.S.-China relations while countering China on various global issues.

Public Perception of the Federal Government in the U.S.

A new poll by the Pew Research Center shows that less than a quarter of the U.S. population has a positive opinion about the federal government, with approval ratings dropping significantly from previous years.

Asian Americans in Poverty

A new report by the Pew Research Center highlights the wide variety of experiences among Asian Americans living in poverty, with different rates based on country of origin. The report also discusses the challenges faced by Asian Americans in poverty and their reliance on family, friends, and government assistance for support.

Role of Religion in Public Life in America

A Pew Research Center survey shows that a record high number of Americans believe the role of religion in public life is shrinking, with most viewing this as negative. There is widespread unease with religion's trajectory in American life, even among non-religious individuals. While some warn of a dangerous rise in 'Christian nationalism,' others advocate for promoting Christian moral values without declaring the country a Christian nation. The decline in religion in public life is seen as detrimental to character building and societal stability.