Real Housewives scandal involving sexism and substance abuse accusations

Executive producer of Bravo’s The Real Housewives franchise Andy Cohen addresses recent scandal involving ex-Bravo stars, denies any regrets in handling the situation.

Real Housewives Lawsuit Against Andy Cohen

Leah McSweeney files a lawsuit against Real Housewives producer Andy Cohen, alleging cocaine usage and fostering a culture of drug and alcohol abuse within the workplace. Cohen denies the claims. The lawsuit also accuses Cohen of discrimination, retaliation, and creating a hostile work environment.

Allegations of Sexual Harassment in Bravo's 'Real Housewives' Franchise

Brandi Glanville accuses Bravo's Andy Cohen of sexual harassment, claiming he sent her an inappropriate video and made unwelcome advances. Cohen apologized, stating it was meant in jest. Glanville's lawyers allege broader sexual misconduct by NBC, Shed Media, and others in the 'Housewives' franchise.