London Mayor Sadiq Khan's Criticism of Former President Trump

London Mayor Sadiq Khan criticizes former President Trump, calling him a racist, sexist, and homophobe, urging the Labour Party to not welcome him with a state visit. Khan expresses concerns about a Trump presidency and emphasizes the importance of standing against discriminatory views.

Political Criticism of Donald Trump by London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Far-left Mayor of London Sadiq Khan criticizes Donald Trump as a racist, sexist, and homophobe, urging his party to call him out. Khan expresses concerns about another Trump presidency and the UK's relationship with the US. Despite past disagreements, Labour Party may need to negotiate with Trump for a trade deal post-elections.

Sadiq Khan Re-Elected Mayor of London

Sadiq Khan wins his third consecutive term as Mayor of London by a clear margin, defeating his Conservative rival. He improved on his performance from the previous election despite facing criticism and attacks from opponents.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan's Re-election

Sadiq Khan, the Labour Party's mayor of London, won a record third term, securing over a million votes. The U.K.'s Conservative Party faced disappointing results ahead of a general election.

Sadiq Khan's Third Term as Mayor of London

Sadiq Khan wins a record third term as the Mayor of London, defeating his Tory challenger. Despite facing criticism for rising knife crime and other issues, Khan pledges to continue building a better London.

Challenges Faced by London Mayor Sadiq Khan in British Politics

London Mayor Sadiq Khan faces threats to his safety due to his role and background. He discusses the challenges of being a Muslim politician in the UK amidst rising Islamophobia and racism. He emphasizes the importance of diversity in British politics as a sign of progress but warns against complacency. Khan also expresses concerns about divisive rhetoric and the impact of political figures like Donald Trump.

Sadiq Khan's Pay-Per-Mile Road Charging System Plans

Sadiq Khan spent £3 million planning a pay-per-mile road charging system, sparking concerns about potential future implementation despite denials. The project aimed to replace current driving fees with sophisticated technology, potentially affecting drivers in London.

Political Controversy Surrounding Lee Anderson's Suspension

Former Conservative MP Lee Anderson was suspended for accusing London Mayor Sadiq Khan of being under the 'control' of 'Islamists', leading to backlash from voters and a divide within the Tory party.

Suspension of Lee Anderson from Conservative Party

Former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, Lee Anderson, was suspended from the party after refusing to apologize for asserting that London Mayor Sadiq Khan is controlled by Islamists. His comments sparked outrage and were deemed Islamophobic and racist by Khan and fellow Conservative MP Nus Ghani. Anderson, who defected to the Tories in 2018, served as deputy chairman until his suspension for not apologizing for his remarks.