Cyril Ramaphosa's Second Term as South Africa's President

Cyril Ramaphosa sworn in for a second term as South Africa's president in a ceremony in Pretoria after his reelection with the help of a coalition of parties. He faces challenges in leading a coalition government with no majority.

Coalition Government Formed in South Africa

The African National Congress party in South Africa has signed a deal to form a coalition government with the main opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), and other parties. This marks a seismic shift in South African politics, aligning the ANC with its rival party. The coalition government, known as the government of national unity, aims to address the country's economic struggles, high unemployment, service delivery failures, and corruption. President Cyril Ramaphosa seeks a second term with the support of the DA, while the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) declined to join the coalition. The newly formed populist party, uMkhonto weSizwe led by former President Jacob Zuma, boycotted proceedings alleging election rigging. The ANC has been praised for handling their poor election results and negotiations maturely and calmly.

South African National Elections

The African National Congress has lost its parliamentary majority in South Africa for the first time since the end of apartheid, with voters expressing anger at joblessness, inequality, and power shortages. The election results show a significant drop in support for the ANC due to economic mismanagement and corruption. Opposition parties see this as a breakthrough and an opportunity to reshape the country's political landscape.

South Africa's ANC Loses Majority in General Election

The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa has lost its outright majority for the first time in a devastating blow for the party once led by Nelson Mandela. The ANC won 40% of the vote, falling from 57% in 2019. This historic result marks a significant change in South African politics as the ANC will now have to form a coalition government with one or more opposition parties to remain in power.

South Africa election results

South Africa's ruling party, the African National Congress, saw a significant decrease in voter support due to issues such as joblessness, inequality, and power shortages.

South Africa's African National Congress Facing Parliamentary Majority Loss

The African National Congress in South Africa is at risk of losing its parliamentary majority for the first time after a significant drop in support in the recent election. The ANC, which led the country out of apartheid under Nelson Mandela, has dominated politics for 30 years but now faces the need to form a coalition government with other parties.

South Africa National Election

Early counts in South Africa's national election show the ruling African National Congress at just over 42% of the vote, raising the possibility of losing its majority for the first time since 1994. The final results are expected to take days.

Controversy over 'Kill the Boer' Phrase in South Africa

South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal regarding the phrase 'Kill the Boer' not being hate speech. The phrase is part of a song used by Julius Malema, leader of the EFF party, and is sensitive due to farm murders in South Africa. AfriForum may appeal to the Constitutional Court. The ruling came before national elections, with early results indicating potential EFF success.

South Africa's Crucial Election

South Africans voted in a crucial election to potentially change the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party. President Cyril Ramaphosa expressed confidence in winning, while the main opposition leader, John Steenhuisen, saw a path to victory for the opposition. The election could result in the ANC losing its majority for the first time, reflecting discontent over issues like poverty, unemployment, corruption, and inadequate government services.

Current Events Update

Former President Donald Trump faces 34 felony counts related to hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, Pope Francis apologizes for using a slur against gay men, South Africa's ruling party faces potential loss of majority, Brazilian evangelicals support Israel, and identical twins share uncanny similarities.

South Africa's ANC Facing Challenge in Election

The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, led by President Cyril Ramaphosa, is facing a significant challenge in the upcoming election, potentially falling below 50% of the vote for the first time. This could lead to a coalition government and marks a pivotal moment for the country's democracy.

Political Outreach, Apology, National Elections

The Biden campaign plans a summer of outreach to Black voters. Pope Francis apologizes for using a homophobic slur. South Africa holds national elections.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and the African National Congress

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa faces a tough test as South Africans vote, with economic challenges and political pressure threatening his leadership of the African National Congress.

South African Chief Rabbi discusses upcoming election and ANC's alignment with Russia, China, and Iran

South African Chief Rabbi discusses the upcoming election and alignment of ruling ANC with Russia, China, and Iran. U.S. faces a crisis of influence in Africa. ANC likely to lose majority in the election. Analysts accuse ANC of aligning with 'bad actors' in international politics. South African government responds to criticism. ICJ ruling on Israel's military offensive in Rafah. Antisemitism paradox in South Africa. South Africa's position on Palestine/Israeli matter. Fox News exclusive interview with Rabbi Goldstein.

President Ramaphosa's Controversial Chant at ANC Election Rally

South African Jewish leaders criticize President Ramaphosa for chanting a genocidal slogan calling for the elimination of Israel during an election rally. The Jewish community is outraged by his rhetoric and considers it to be hateful and hypocritical.

South Africa General Elections

South Africa is gearing up for its general elections, with the ruling African National Congress facing challenges due to widespread malaise and disappointment despite some improvements over the years. Other key players include the Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters, and the new opposition party MK led by former President Jacob Zuma. The country is grappling with issues such as high unemployment, energy crisis, water shortages, high crime rates, and xenophobia.

Building Collapse in South Africa

An exhaustive rescue operation in South Africa to find missing construction workers trapped in a collapsed building has ended with 19 people still unaccounted for and presumed dead.

Nelson Mandela's Legacy in South Africa

Nelson Mandela went from being labeled a terrorist to becoming South Africa's first Black president, symbolizing a transition to democracy. However, his party, the ANC, is now viewed as corrupt by many in the country, leading to a complex political landscape. This episode explores Mandela's legacy and the ongoing political saga in South Africa.

Building Collapse in South Africa

Rescue teams in South Africa are continuing efforts to find survivors trapped under rubble after an apartment building collapsed. One worker was found alive after six days. 24 workers confirmed dead, 28 missing. More than 600 personnel involved in the search.

Building Collapse in South Africa

Nearly 40 construction workers are missing after a building collapsed in South Africa, with 7 confirmed dead and 16 in critical condition. Rescue efforts continue with the help of specialized teams and equipment.

Construction site collapse in South Africa

A multi-story apartment complex under construction collapsed in South Africa, leaving 49 workers buried. Five deaths have been confirmed, with 21 workers rescued. Rescue teams are working tirelessly to free trapped workers.

Construction site collapse in George, South Africa

A multi-story apartment complex collapsed in George, South Africa, leaving 5 dead and 49 workers missing. Rescue teams are working tirelessly to find survivors and investigate the cause of the tragedy.

Turkey and South Africa's Support for Hamas at the International Court of Justice

Turkey seeks to become a party to a case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocide against Hamas, supported by South Africa. Turkey and South Africa have welcomed Hamas leaders despite their terrorist activities. Turkey's President Erdogan is a vocal supporter of Hamas, refusing to condemn their actions.

Rescue and Rehabilitation of Baby Sea Turtles in South Africa

Several baby sea turtles were rescued and rehabilitated in South Africa after being washed up on beaches by a storm. Over 500 turtles were brought in, with around 400 being rehabilitated at the Turtle Conservation Center in Cape Town. The turtles had ingested plastic, highlighting the issue of plastic pollution in the oceans.

Rescue of Baby Sea Turtles in South Africa

Over 500 baby sea turtles washed up on South African beaches after a powerful storm, causing an aquarium in Cape Town to be stretched beyond capacity. The turtles, mostly endangered loggerheads, are being rehabilitated before being released back into the ocean. The storm also revealed the increasing danger of plastic pollution in the oceans.

South African Politics and Agriculture Technology

South Africa's Aerobotics is utilizing artificial intelligence to help fruit and nut farmers in over 18 countries. Former President Jacob Zuma's new political party is under investigation for allegedly forging supporters' signatures to register for national elections. The elections could be the most pivotal in South Africa in the last 30 years.

30th Anniversary of Nelson Mandela's Election as President of South Africa

30 years since Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa, ending apartheid. The legacy of Mandela's presidency, the progress made, and the challenges facing South Africa today are being reflected upon.

South African Presidential Elections of 1994 and Nelson Mandela's Legacy

Nelson Mandela celebrates victory in South African presidential elections of 1994, marking the end of apartheid and the beginning of a multiracial democracy. Today, the African National Congress faces challenges in maintaining its leadership as voters show dissatisfaction.

Man Dies After Snakes Bite Him in South Africa

Marius Joubert chose to end his life by having his snakes bite him after being caught for illegal possession of exotic animals in South Africa, resulting in a slow and extremely painful death due to lack of antivenom.

South Africa's Diplomatic Relations with Russia, China, and the U.S.

South Africa's alignment with Russia and China has raised concerns about its diplomatic relations with the U.S. due to accusations of falling for Russian propaganda and supporting oppressive regimes like Iran, sparking legislative action and criticism from opposition parties.

Death of South African footballer Luke Fleurs in a hijacking incident

South African footballer and Olympian Luke Fleurs was killed in a hijacking incident in Johannesburg. He was shot while waiting at a gas station. The attackers fled with his vehicle. The incident has sparked concerns about the high murder rates in South Africa.

Corruption Allegations Against South Africa's Parliament Speaker

South Africa's parliament speaker resigns and relinquishes her seat over corruption allegations after losing bid to block arrest. She is accused of receiving $135,000 in bribes from a defense contractor during her time as defense minister.

Bus Crash in South Africa

A tragic bus crash in South Africa killed 45 people, with an 8-year-old girl as the only survivor. She will be discharged from the hospital and return home to Botswana. Health officials are still working on identifying the victims.

Water Crisis in Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg is facing a water crisis, with millions of residents suffering from water shortages due to a collapse in the city's water system. The failing infrastructure has led to widespread discontent among the population.

Bus Accident in South Africa

A bus carrying 46 Christians veered off a bridge in South Africa, killing everyone except for an eight-year-old girl. The bus was on its way to an Easter festival. The crash occurred near Zion City, the headquarters of the Zionist Christian Church.

Deadly Bus Crash in South Africa

A bus carrying worshippers on a long-distance trip from Botswana to an Easter weekend church gathering in South Africa plunged off a bridge and burst into flames, killing at least 45 people. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child.

Bus Crash at Easter Festival in South Africa

A bus heading to an Easter festival in South Africa veered off a bridge, killing at least 45 passengers. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child who was seriously injured. The crash is under investigation.

Bus Crash in South Africa

A bus carrying worshippers to an Easter festival in South Africa plunged off a bridge, killing at least 45 people. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child.

Bus Crash in South Africa

A bus carrying worshippers to an Easter festival in South Africa plunged off a bridge, killing at least 45 people. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child who was seriously injured.

International Court of Justice Orders Israel to Improve Humanitarian Situation in Gaza

The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza by opening more land crossings for supplies. South Africa accused Israel of genocide in response to attacks by Hamas, leading to a military campaign by Israel. The court ordered Israel to ensure the provision of basic services and humanitarian aid without delay.

Corruption Charges Against South African Parliament Speaker

South African Parliament speaker faces charges of corruption for allegedly taking bribes totaling $135,000 and a wig over a three-year period while she was defense minister. The prosecutors have offered her the opportunity to turn herself in and be formally charged.

Orania - Whites-only Enclave in South Africa

Orania is a whites-only enclave in South Africa with a controversial history stemming from the apartheid era. A new Channel 4 documentary sheds light on the community's racial segregation and extreme form of racial separatism.

Water Crisis in Johannesburg and Soweto

Johannesburg and Soweto face water crisis due to electricity problems and heat wave, impacting millions of residents. The failure in water supply is linked to broader collapses in infrastructure and governance in South Africa.

Criticism of South Africa's Diplomatic Relations and Internal Issues

Biden announces plan to help South Africa change its energy infrastructure amidst criticism for spending money on diplomatic talks with terror groups and U.S. adversaries. South Africa faces challenges like high unemployment, crime, corruption, water shortages, and power blackouts. Critics argue that South Africa should prioritize solving internal crises over engaging in controversial diplomatic moves.

Corruption Allegations in South Africa's ANC Party

The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa includes officials facing corruption accusations on its list of candidates for the upcoming election, raising concerns about the party's integrity. President Cyril Ramaphosa is seeking a second term amidst a tough election climate.

Buffaloes on the Loose in South Africa

Buffaloes spotted on a major highway in South Africa near Johannesburg prompt authorities to take action to catch and move them due to safety concerns. The buffaloes were eventually located using a helicopter equipped with an infrared camera.

WTO Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement (IFD) Block

India and South Africa blocked a major investment agreement at the WTO conference, potentially scuttling billions of dollars in investments for developing countries. They objected to the agreement's binding regulations and the lack of unanimous agreement among all WTO members.

Rhino Poaching in South Africa

South Africa reported a sharp increase in rhino poaching, with almost 500 animals killed in 2023, posing a significant threat to the rhino population in the country.

Rhino Poaching in South Africa

South Africa recorded 499 rhinos poached in 2023, an increase from the previous year, despite protection efforts. Rhinos are poached for their horns used in traditional medicines and jewelry in east Asian countries.

South African MP's Antisemitic Comments

South African MP Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam warned of a 'bloodbath' if attempts are made to make Cape Town a Jewish state, sparking controversy and accusations of antisemitism.