President Biden's Immigration Action

Senior Adviser to President Joe Biden Tom Perez believes that the President's immigration action will not incentivize illegal immigration, emphasizing the need to control the border and provide pathways to opportunity.

Ukraine's Potential Use of U.S.-Provided Weapons to Strike Russia

The Biden administration is considering a plan to allow Ukraine to strike Russia with U.S.-provided weapons, backed by Speaker Mike Johnson. This proposal follows requests from Ukrainian leaders and calls from House Intelligence Committee members to escalate the conflict.

Staff shakeup in Speaker Mike Johnson's office

Speaker Mike Johnson's office experiences a significant staff overhaul as four top aides announce plans to depart, less than a year after Johnson took the helm of the House of Representatives.

Staff Departure from Speaker Mike Johnson's Office

Speaker Mike Johnson is reportedly losing three top policy staffers who previously worked for then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The departure is expected to impact Johnson's leadership as appropriations season approaches.

Staff Departures in Speaker Mike Johnson's Office

Speaker Mike Johnson is losing another senior staffer, Raj Shah, his Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, continuing a troubling trend of senior staff leaving the Speaker's office.

Criticism of Rep. Nancy Mace by Bill Young

South Carolina veteran and congressional candidate Bill Young criticizes Rep. Nancy Mace, calling for her removal due to her actions in the House. Mace has been accused of allowing Democrats to control the Republican Party and not accomplishing much for the district.

House Hearing Chaos and Insult Trading

House hearing devolves into chaos as lawmakers trade personal insults, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene. Speaker Mike Johnson condemns the behavior and calls for decorum and respect among members.

Attempted Removal of Speaker Mike Johnson by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene attempted to remove Speaker Mike Johnson due to his failure to push conservative policies and for siding with Democrats on key issues, such as funding bills and the FISA bill. Johnson's actions were seen as a betrayal by many Republicans.

Political Support for Trump

Speaker Mike Johnson travelled to a New York courtroom to appear by Donald Trump, despite ruling out using his power to aid Trump in legal battles. Johnson's coalition government was saved by Democrats. Johnson announced he would not stop special counsel Jack Smith's investigation into Trump. Trump offered tepid support for Johnson after a photo op at Mar-a-Lago. Johnson surrendered leverage on the FAA bill to the Senate, despite pressure from some Republicans to defund Smith's office.

Support for Trump in Hush Money Trial

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) supports former President Trump in hush money trial, calling it election interference and standing by Trump's innocence. Johnson is the highest-ranking lawmaker to visit Trump in New York amid ongoing legal proceedings.

Republican Speaker Mike Johnson's stance on defunding special counsel Jack Smith's office

Speaker Mike Johnson refused to defund special counsel Jack Smith's office despite pressure from fellow Republicans, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Trump showed support for defunding Smith but suggested the timing was not right for ousting Johnson.

House of Representatives Drama

Democrats ensured Speaker Mike Johnson remains in his position despite a motion to vacate him by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Majority Leader Steve Scalise immediately moved to table the motion, resulting in a final vote tally of 359-43. Eleven GOP members, including Rep. Thomas Massie, voted against tabling the motion.

Vote to Remove Speaker of the House

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie moved to force a vote to remove Speaker Mike Johnson, citing his failure to uphold promises and work with Democrats. The motion was voted down by a majority of Democrats.

Political Turmoil in the House of Representatives

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene attempted to force a vote on ousting Speaker Mike Johnson, a move expected to fail due to opposition from both Democrats and conservative Republicans.

House Speaker Ejection Attempt by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed a motion to vacate the chair, seeking to eject Speaker Mike Johnson. Johnson is expected to move to table the motion, but some Republicans may vote against this. Democrats are rushing to support Johnson.

Legislation to Block Non-Citizens from Voting in U.S. Elections

Speaker Mike Johnson unveils legislation to block non-citizens from voting in U.S. elections, warning of a "dangerously high number" of illegal immigrants voting and the potential impact on election outcomes.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's delay in vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene continues to delay a vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson, drawing significant attention and publicity. Some believe she is using the media coverage to further her own brand and fundraising efforts.

House GOP Rules Changes Advocated by Speaker Mike Johnson

Speaker Mike Johnson is advocating for rules changes in the House GOP to ensure a majority of the GOP gets its way, aiming to rebuild the power of the House speakership.

Political Power Struggle in the House of Representatives

Speaker Mike Johnson faces a battle to maintain his position as House Speaker amidst conservative criticism and calls for his resignation by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Democrats rush to his rescue, praising his coalition government. The future of the Republican Party hangs in the balance.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Effort to Vacate Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is pushing for a vote to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson's position due to his alignment with Democrats on key issues. Greene accuses Johnson of delivering the Democrat agenda and betraying Republican values. She criticizes his actions on spending bills, FISA reauthorization, and foreign aid, claiming he is endangering America's interests. Greene urges Republicans to hold their conference accountable and stand up against the Democrats.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries' Influence in Congress

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader of House Democrats, wields significant power in Congress by influencing key votes and decisions. He has played a crucial role in preventing a federal shutdown, securing aid for Ukraine, and supporting Speaker Mike Johnson amidst challenges from far-right Republicans. Jeffries is seen as a shadow speaker and a potential future House Speaker, leveraging his influence to bridge bipartisan cooperation and uphold democratic norms.

House Republican Leadership Challenge

Rep. Thomas Massie and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene are challenging House Republican leadership to force a vote on Speaker Mike Johnson stepping down due to alliances with Democrats. They argue Johnson has betrayed the Republican majority on key issues. Republican leadership has not responded to calls for action.

House Republicans' Efforts to Remove Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep. Thomas Massie are taking steps to force a vote to remove Speaker Mike Johnson, who has been criticized for advancing President Biden and Democrats' agenda. Greene and Massie are assembling at the Capitol to announce their next steps.

House Democratic leaders support Speaker Mike Johnson against conservative coup

House Democratic leaders are backing Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) against a potential conservative coup led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), ensuring Johnson will keep the gavel. Johnson will be supported by Democrats to stabilize chamber business and prevent Greene's ouster efforts.

Speaker Mike Johnson passes $95 billion foreign aid package

Speaker Mike Johnson defied his party to pass a $95 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, showcasing a rare triumph of bipartisanship in a time of tribal politics and dysfunction in Congress.

House Passing Aid Package and Speaker Controversy

After the House passed a $95 billion aid package to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine, hardline Republicans threatened to remove Speaker Mike Johnson. However, bipartisan support to keep Johnson as speaker has emerged.

Ukraine Aid Package Passes in the US House of Representatives

Ukraine President Zelensky thanked Speaker Mike Johnson for passing a $61 billion Ukraine aid package through the House. Johnson's decision was seen as a betrayal by conservatives. Zelensky praised the US House of Representatives and Speaker Johnson for keeping history on the right track.

Speaker Mike Johnson's Leadership Challenge

Speaker Mike Johnson faces a challenge from within his own party, with some Republicans endorsing a motion to terminate his leadership. If he can survive the vote, he may hold on until November with potential Democratic support. However, ousting him could lead to chaos and hurt the GOP's chances of keeping the majority. The situation is causing division and uncertainty within the Republican Party.

House Republicans' Effort to Oust Speaker Mike Johnson

A third House Republican has signed onto an effort to oust Speaker Mike Johnson, with the votes needed to remove him unless Democrats intervene. Republicans are unhappy with Johnson's handling of aid for Ukraine and want him to resign voluntarily.

House Passes $61 Billion Bill to Support Ukraine's War Effort

House passes $61 billion bill to support Ukraine's war effort amidst surreal scene on House floor with Democrats waiving miniature Ukraine flags and cheering jubilantly. Speaker Mike Johnson admonishes Democrats for waving flags. Vote was a result of leveraging bipartisan urgency to rush aid to Israel in response to Iran's missile attacks.

Republican Party leadership and alignment with 'Donald Trump's America first agenda'

Rep. Jim Banks criticizes Speaker Mike Johnson for allegedly betraying the Republican majority by aligning with Democrats on Ukraine aid, calling for new leadership aligned with 'Donald Trump's America first agenda.' Banks emphasizes the need for current Republican leaders in the House to be replaced.

Political flip-flop involving Rep. Jim Banks and Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Jim Banks criticizes Speaker Mike Johnson for a major flip-flop in politics, particularly on the issue of funding for Ukraine and border security. Banks expresses disappointment and concern over Johnson's actions and their impact on the Republican party.

House of Representatives voting on foreign aid proposal

The House of Representatives is voting on Speaker Mike Johnson's $95 billion foreign aid proposal, including funds for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific. Democrats had to support the GOP-led proposals due to conservative opposition. Conservative rebels are threatening to oust Johnson over the plan.

Political Maneuvering in the House of Representatives

Speaker Mike Johnson opposes the current rules on the motion to vacate that threaten his speakership but lacks the votes to change them. Democrats are withholding support for a rule change that could save Johnson's job, exerting leverage on him.

House Republicans' division over foreign aid packages

House Republicans are divided on Speaker Mike Johnson's plan to vote on separate foreign aid packages, which is threatening his leadership.

Former President Donald Trump's stance on foreign aid and support for Speaker Mike Johnson's Ukraine funding plan

Former President Donald Trump asserts his independence as his own spokesman and criticizes foreign aid package endorsed by Biden. Speaker Mike Johnson claims Trump supports his record-breaking Ukraine funding plan despite opposition within his own party. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's motion to vacate against Johnson is also mentioned.

House Vote on Foreign Aid Package

Speaker Mike Johnson pushes ahead with plans for House vote on foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan despite calls for him to vacate the chair. The $95 billion military funding package includes aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and sanctions on Russia, China, and Iran. Johnson faces political risk from his party's right flank but believes in doing the right thing.

GOP Infighting Over Speaker Mike Johnson's Leadership

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good distances himself from GOP rebels' threats to oust Speaker Mike Johnson, touting a contest in November for a new leader. Good has been critical of Johnson's leadership but cautions against chaos like last year. Rep. Thomas Massie and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene push for Johnson's ouster over foreign aid plan. Johnson rejects efforts to change the motion to vacate rule.

Opposition to Speaker Mike Johnson's Foreign Aid Package

The House Freedom Caucus opposes Speaker Mike Johnson's foreign aid package because it lacks border security measures. They urge House Republicans to vote against the 'America Last' foreign wars supplemental package.

House Rules and Power Struggles in Congress

Rep. Thomas Massie alleges Speaker Mike Johnson is leveraging power to change House rules to maintain authority, implying presidential aspirations. Johnson considers raising threshold on motion to vacate in foreign aid funding rule. Three conservatives appointed by McCarthy block Johnson's border bill, demanding action on border before foreign aid consideration.

Political Drama: Donald Trump Jr. vs. Speaker Mike Johnson on Ukraine funding

Donald Trump Jr. criticized Speaker Mike Johnson for his reversal on Ukraine funding, calling out Republicans who are not bothered by it as 'not our friends.' Sen. J.D. Vance also expressed his concern over Johnson's flip-flop. Johnson is now supporting a foreign aid package for Ukraine without funding or policy changes for border security, despite previously advocating for it.

Political controversy over foreign aid package and Speaker Mike Johnson's actions

Rep. Thomas Massie accuses Speaker Mike Johnson of using Democrats to pass a rule for a foreign aid package, which includes aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as a TikTok bill. Conservatives criticize the move as an 'unprecedented' action by the 'Uniparty.' Sen. J.D. Vance warns that one bill in the package could limit a future Trump presidency's ability to end the conflict in Ukraine. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene also criticizes Johnson for allegedly working with Democrats.

Political News 2024 Campaign Trail

Summary of political news from Fox News about the 2024 campaign trail, including Democrats expressing openness to saving Speaker Mike Johnson, the impeachment trial of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and other political updates.

Rep. Mike Gallagher's delayed resignation and potential conflict of interest

Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin delayed his resignation to vote on a foreign aid package for Ukraine, potentially benefiting his future employer Palantir. Speaker Mike Johnson's foreign aid scheme may face challenges in the House. Gallagher's departure timeline could impact Johnson's position as Speaker.

House Foreign Aid Package and Political Backlash

President Joe Biden supports House foreign aid package, including aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Indo-Pacific. Republicans are turning on Speaker Mike Johnson over lack of border security in the package.

Call for Speaker Mike Johnson's Resignation

Rep. Thomas Massie criticizes Speaker Mike Johnson and calls for his resignation due to poor negotiation skills and ineffective leadership. Massie and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene want Johnson to agree to resign once a new speaker is elected within the GOP conference.

House Republicans unveil foreign aid bills

House Republicans are preparing to unveil foreign aid bills, setting up weekend votes on bills for foreign aid, national security, and the southern border. Speaker Mike Johnson informed members of the plan after significant feedback and discussion. The bills currently lack GOP votes to pass to the floor.

Internal Conflicts in the Republican Party

Fox News article discussing the ongoing internal conflicts within the Republican Party, specifically focusing on Marjorie Taylor Greene's efforts to oust Speaker Mike Johnson and the potential implications for the party's future.

House GOP In-Fighting

The House GOP is experiencing bitter infighting, with hardliners like Reps. Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Greene ready to remove Speaker Mike Johnson. Democrats may step in to save him. Critical policy issues like aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan have been stalled for over two months.

Political Division within the Republican Party

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp defends Speaker Mike Johnson amidst criticisms from Marjorie Taylor Greene over his handling of important issues and relationship with Democrats.

House Republicans' Discontent with Speaker Mike Johnson's Foreign Aid Framework

House Republicans are growing dissatisfied with Speaker Mike Johnson over his foreign aid framework that prioritizes Ukraine over Israel and neglects U.S. border security. Several representatives, including Scott Perry and Jim Banks, have criticized Johnson for his allocation of funds and lack of focus on border security. There is internal Republican opposition to Johnson's plan, with some calling for his resignation.

Threats to Oust Speaker Mike Johnson Over Foreign Aid Plan

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is facing renewed threats of being ousted from his position after introducing a plan for foreign aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, which is facing pushback from some conservatives over lack of border security provisions.

House Republicans Plan to Pass Multiple Bills Under One Legislation Package

Sen. Mike Lee criticized House Speaker Mike Johnson for planning to pass four bills, including aid for Ukraine, under one legislation package. Republicans are divided on the approach, with some accusing Johnson of flip-flopping on his views.

Legislative Strategy for Aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and TikTok Bill

Speaker Mike Johnson unveils a plan to pass legislation for aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and a TikTok bill by holding a single vote on a rule. The plan aims to exploit urgency for aid to Israel to bypass Republican opposition to funding Ukraine. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene threatens to force a vote to eject Johnson from speakership if he violates Republican base's will on Ukraine spending.

GOP Infighting Over Aid for Israel, FISA Warrants, and Spending

Sen. Rand Paul accuses Speaker Mike Johnson of 'siding with Democrats' and 'abdicating the power of the purse.' Paul criticizes Johnson's handling of aid for Israel, FISA warrants, and spending. GOP infighting continues over key issues.

Political Turmoil in the U.S. House of Representatives

Senate Republicans are anxious about the possibility of House conservatives ousting Speaker Mike Johnson, warning against a repeat of past drama. They fear that the move could disrupt government funding and key legislative items. Democrats may step in to help save Johnson, but tensions remain high.

Political Dynamics in the Republican Party

Former President Trump speaks highly of Speaker Mike Johnson but does not explicitly oppose motion to vacate introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Greene and Johnson met to discuss future actions. House Republicans voted against requiring a warrant for surveillance on Americans' communications.

Speaker Mike Johnson joint press conference with Donald Trump

Speaker Mike Johnson is traveling to Mar-a-Lago to hold a joint press conference with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Controversy over warrant requirements for searches of Americans' communications

Rep. Thomas Massie accuses Speaker Mike Johnson of killing the Constitution by voting against requiring warrants for searches of Americans' communications. However, sources say Johnson's vote was not the tie-breaking one. The amendment to require warrants failed, despite strong public support for it.

House GOP Infighting

CNN's Manu Raju reported on the dramatic infighting within the House GOP, showcasing frustration among Republicans and threats to Speaker Mike Johnson's position.

Controversial Surveillance Law Reform

Speaker Mike Johnson changed his stance on reforming Section 702 of FISA, now favoring limited reforms after receiving a classified briefing. Some lawmakers oppose reauthorizing FISA Section 702 without substantial reforms.

House Republicans Defeat Motion on FISA Reauthorization

House Republicans defeat motion to allow vote on Speaker Mike Johnson's proposed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) reauthorization. Johnson calls for regrouping before April 19 deadline. Future of reauthorization in House remains uncertain.

Political Drama in the House Over Ukraine Aid

Drama in the House as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene threatens to force a vote to unseat Speaker Mike Johnson over Ukraine aid. Johnson faces pressure from his own conference and GOP senators to move forward with the aid, despite opposition from Greene.

Conflict between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene escalates war against Speaker Mike Johnson by filing a motion to vacate his chair, citing violations of conference rules and promises to voters. Greene accuses Johnson of working with Democrats, funding agendas conservatives oppose, and failing to address immigration surge. Johnson faces criticism for actions on FISA authorization and foreign aid funding for Ukraine.

Potential Flip of House Control to Democrats

With a razor-thin GOP majority in the House and a threat to oust Speaker Mike Johnson, control of the House could potentially flip to Democrats ahead of the general election. The slim majority has made it increasingly difficult to pass bills with only Republican votes, leading to more polarization and challenges in getting legislation passed.

Congressional Politics

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's bid to vote on firing Speaker Mike Johnson risks throwing the House back into leaderless paralysis and could push Johnson into working with Democrats on Ukraine aid.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files motion to vacate against Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files motion to vacate against Speaker Mike Johnson due to frustration over a $1.2 trillion bipartisan federal funding package passed by the Republican-led House. Greene criticizes Johnson for not securing the border and for pushing through a bill with Democratic policies.

House Republicans divided over Speaker Mike Johnson

House Republicans are divided over Speaker Mike Johnson's leadership as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces a motion to oust him due to disagreements over a $1.2 trillion federal funding bill.

Resignation of Rep. Mike Gallagher and Impact on Republican Majority

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) will depart the House of Representatives in April, further reducing the Republican majority. The majority is currently at 217-213, set to decrease to 218-213 due to resignations.

Government Spending Legislation Criticized by House Republicans

House Republicans are criticizing Speaker Mike Johnson for failing to secure key GOP wins in the final government spending legislation. The $1.2 trillion minibus bill has been met with mixed reactions, with some hard-line Republicans calling it a failure of leadership.

House Speaker Mike Johnson's Handling of $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to potentially strip the gavel from Speaker Mike Johnson for violating rules in passing a $1.2 trillion spending bill. The motion is not privileged, similar to one used by Rep. Matt Gaetz in 2023 to end Kevin McCarthy's speakership. Johnson violated the Hastert Rule by passing the bill without majority support from House Republicans.

Political Drama Over $1.2 Trillion Spending Package

GOP hardliners are furious that Speaker Mike Johnson appears poised to jettison the House GOP Conference’s rule on giving lawmakers 72 hours to review bill text before having to vote on it. The bill would fund 70% of government programs through the end of the current fiscal year on Sept. 30. Both Republican and Democratic negotiators walked away declaring victory.

House Republican Primary Races

House Republican primary races are heating up as GOP lawmakers are targeting other sitting members in their primaries, causing internal party feuds and tensions. Speaker Mike Johnson has condemned member-on-member action, but the infighting continues, reflecting the challenges of governing with a razor-thin majority.

Government Shutdown

Both parties in Congress skeptical of Speaker Mike Johnson, government shutdown looming if White House and Congress can't reach agreement by end of week.

Senate Republicans Warn House GOP Against Government Shutdown

Senate Republicans are warning their House GOP counterparts against causing a partial government shutdown at the end of the week, emphasizing that shutdowns are harmful to the country and a political loser. Speaker Mike Johnson's unstable grip on power is a concern, as he faces pressure from House conservatives pushing controversial policy riders in the funding package.