World War II veteran's passion for photography

A 103-year-old World War II veteran in South Carolina continues to pursue his passion for photography, having served in nine different countries during the war and opening his own photography business after being honorably discharged.

World War II veteran Harold Terens marries Jeanne Swerlin in Normandy, France

World War II veteran Harold Terens, 100, and Jeanne Swerlin, 96, got married in Normandy, France, after meeting in 2021. Terens was a U.S. Army Air Forces corporal who helped free American prisoners of war after D-Day in 1944.

World War II Commemoration at Omaha Beach

World leaders and World War II veterans gathered at Omaha Beach to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, linking past sacrifices to current events like the war in Ukraine. The ceremony honored the Allied dead and emphasized the importance of fighting for democracy.

U.S. President Joe Biden apologizes to Ukraine for military assistance delay

President Joe Biden publicly apologized to Ukraine for a monthslong holdup in American military assistance, while Ukrainian President Zelenskyy appealed for bipartisan U.S. support similar to World War II. Biden announced $225 million in military aid for Ukraine, including munitions and defense systems.

Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy

World War II veterans and world leaders gather on the beaches of Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, with a focus on the ongoing war in Ukraine and the importance of fighting for democracy and freedom.

Flame of Liberty and D-Day Anniversary

France lights a flame from Eternal Flame at Arc De Triomphe to show appreciation to its allies during World War II, with the 'Flame of Liberty' making its way to the U.S. for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

Commemoration of 80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings

President Biden commemorated the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, emphasizing the importance of international alliances and connecting past victories to present-day challenges. He praised the bravery of World War II veterans and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to supporting Ukraine against Russia.

Various News Highlights

The article discusses healthy salads, a prankster's act of kindness, the death of a World War II Navy veteran, Father's Day gift ideas, a viral post about a strange fish, a Q&A with a medical contributor, stained-glass tributes in Normandy, and a crossword puzzle on Fox News website.

Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Normandy

President Joe Biden commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, highlighting the dwindling number of surviving veterans and the importance of preserving their stories. The event was attended by world leaders and veterans who shared their experiences of the brutal battle that turned the tide of World War II.

Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

President Biden and French President Macron marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, honoring World War II veterans and warning against aggression and tyranny in current conflicts. They emphasized the importance of upholding democracy, human rights, and alliances like NATO.

President Biden's tribute on the 80th anniversary of D-Day

President Biden marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings by honoring the bravery of those who fought and emphasizing the importance of international alliances in the face of tyranny. He connected the past allied victory to the present need for unity and support for Ukraine against Russia. Biden highlighted the role of NATO and paid tribute to World War II veterans.

Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Normandy

Enthusiasts in WWII attire gather in Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Allied landings, with reenactors, historical vehicles, and international leaders participating in ceremonies.

President Joe Biden's Address on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

President Joe Biden commemorates the 80th anniversary of D-Day by saluting World War II veterans who helped liberate Europe from Nazi Germany.

National Geographic docuseries "Erased: WW2's Heroes of Color"

Idris Elba narrates and produces a National Geographic docuseries focusing on the stories of people of color who served in World War II, shedding light on their heroism and struggles. The series highlights the experiences of diverse combat units and individuals, showcasing their bravery and resilience in the face of racism and adversity.

Preserving World War II Veterans' Stories with AI

The National WWII Museum in New Orleans is using AI to preserve the stories of World War II veterans for future generations.

World War II Veteran Steven Melnikoff Reflects on D-Day Experience

104-year-old World War II veteran Steven Melnikoff reflects on his service on the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, discussing his experiences during the invasion, injuries sustained, and his perspective on America today.

Allied Invasion of Normandy (D-Day)

The article discusses the experiences of American soldiers during the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, on D-Day in 1944, highlighting the challenges they faced and the sacrifices made for victory.

D-Day Commemoration in Normandy

World leaders and veterans gather to commemorate D-Day in Normandy, with speeches, musical performances, and tributes to the bravery and sacrifices of those who fought in World War II.

British Women's Contributions in World War II

During the 80th anniversary of the 1944 D-Day landings, the contributions of British women in non-combat military roles during World War II are highlighted, showcasing their crucial support and sacrifices.

Honoring Winfield at Arlington National Cemetery

Winfield's family finally laid him to rest at Arlington National Cemetery decades after he volunteered for duty during World War II and died during the Pearl Harbor attack, thanks to DNA technology that identified his remains.

Faces of Margraten Project Honoring American GIs in the Netherlands

The Faces of Margraten project in the Netherlands honors American GIs who fought and died in World War II by connecting them with adoptive families, seeking photos, and humanizing the cost of war.

Discovery of USS Harder Wreckage in South China Sea

The wreckage of the USS Harder, a U.S. Navy submarine that sank the most Japanese warships during World War II, has been found in the South China Sea after being missing for nearly 80 years.

FOX News Lifestyle Section Highlights

FOX News Lifestyle section features various offbeat news stories including a viral response to city officials, a rare World War II-era find, and eyebrow-raising trends in baby names. It also covers food, travel, and pets with regular quizzes and games available for readers.

Senator Lindsey Graham's comments on Israel's defense

Senator Lindsey Graham argues that Israel should have the necessary weapons to defend itself, comparing it to the use of nuclear bombs by the U.S. in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.

Russian Assault on Ukraine and Spycraft in UK

Russia launches an assault on Ukrainian border towns in Kharkiv, discussing Russian spycraft in the UK, the links between the Second World War and Russian atrocities today, and interviewing on Ukraine: the Latest podcast by The Telegraph.

Russia's Victory Day Celebration and Putin's Speech

Russia marked the 79th anniversary of the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. Russian President Vladimir Putin drew parallels between history and the current fight in Ukraine.

The Influence of World War II on Musical Movements and the Emergence of Krautrock in Germany

Musical movements like rock 'n' roll, jazz, blues, and grunge have often arisen from human conflicts. The devastation of World War II led to a cultural revolution with teens in Britain and America embracing bands like the Beatles, while in Germany, the younger generation grappled with the aftermath of their country's history. Krautrock bands emerged, inspired by free jazz, hippies, and leftist politics, as they tried to redefine German identity.

Joe Biden's False Claim About His Uncle in World War II

Joe Biden falsely claimed his uncle was shot down in World War II and devoured by New Guinea cannibals. This claim was debunked by the Pentagon, and New Guinea residents found the statement offensive and unsubstantiated.

President Joe Biden's Misstatement About Uncle's Death

President Joe Biden misstated key details about his uncle's death, claiming he was shot down by cannibals during World War II, when in reality he died in a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of New Guinea. Biden used this story to condemn former President Donald Trump's alleged comments about military personnel.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Controversial Statements

CNN anchor Jake Tapper questions if Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene knows who World War II-era British prime ministers Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill were. Tapper highlights Greene's controversial statements and the impact of her views on the Republican Party.

Death of Lou Conter, Last Survivor of USS Arizona

Lou Conter, the last survivor of the USS Arizona sunk during the Pearl Harbor attack, has passed away at the age of 102. He survived the attack, went on to become a pilot, and served his country devotedly. His death marks the dwindling number of World War II veterans still alive.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The article discusses the history and popularity of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel 'The Great Gatsby', including its initial reception, later success, and adaptations into movies. It also mentions the role of the United States government in boosting the book's popularity during World War II.

Mail Pouch Tobacco barns and Harley E. Warrick

The story of Harley E. Warrick, a World War II veteran who became a folk hero by painting Mail Pouch Tobacco barn signs, showcasing a dying art form in rural America.

The 'Great Escape' during World War II

Observances were held in Poland to mark the 80th anniversary of the 'Great Escape,' in which 76 prisoners of war tunneled out of a German POW camp during World War II. The escape was led by British airmen, but most of the soldiers faced a tragic end, with only three making it to safety. The escape was celebrated in a 1963 film starring Steve McQueen and was recently featured in an episode of the American war drama miniseries 'Masters of the Air.'

Death of Pearl Harbor Survivor Richard Clyde Higgins

One of the last survivors of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Richard Clyde Higgins, passed away at 102 in Oregon. He served as a radioman during the attack and later as a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was honored by his community and local officials for his service.

Recognition of WWII 'Ghost Army' Members

Members of the WWII-era 'Ghost Army' finally receive public recognition in the form of a Congressional Gold Medal for their deceptive tactics that saved American lives during the war.

The Ghost Army, World War II

The Ghost Army, a secret American military unit during World War II, is being awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for their deception tactics using inflatable tanks, trucks, and planes to outwit the enemy. Three surviving members are set to attend the ceremony at the U.S. Capitol. The mission of the Ghost Army was declassified in 1996 after almost a decade of work to bring their story to light.

Recovery of Stolen Japanese Artifacts from World War II

The FBI Boston Division recovered 22 stolen Japanese artifacts, including portraits, ceramics, and a hand-drawn map, from a Massachusetts home. The items were found in the attic of a World War II veteran's residence and have been returned to Japan.

Franklin D. Roosevelt's 'fireside chats'

Fox News explores Franklin D. Roosevelt's 'fireside chats' during the Great Depression to understand his power of persuasion and impact on the nation.

Female Centenarian Jerrie Badger Shares WWII Story with U.S. Air Force Cadets

Jerrie Badger, a 102-year-old female centenarian who served in the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) unit during World War II, shared her life story with U.S. Air Force Civil Air Patrol cadets in Georgia. She is one of seven living WASP pilots and emphasized the importance of believing in oneself and pursuing dreams.

Centenarian celebrates 100th birthday after only 25 actual birthdays due to being born on Leap Day

Mary Lea Forsythe, born on Leap Day in 1924, celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. She has only had 25 actual birthdays. Her life story includes meeting her husband in high school, his service in World War II, and her faith-based outlook on life.

Premiere of Émigré by the New York Philharmonic

The New York Philharmonic premiered a new musical work called Émigré, shedding light on the little-known Jewish community in Shanghai during World War II. The work tells the fictional tale of two Jewish brothers who fled Germany to make a new life in China. The historical backdrop includes the occupation of Shanghai by Japan and a love story between a Jewish man and a Chinese woman.

D-Day veterans honored in England

D-Day veterans honored with new names added to memorial wall in southern England ahead of 80th anniversary of Normandy landings. Veterans share their experiences and emphasize the importance of remembering the sacrifices made during World War II.

World War II-era bomb detonated in Plymouth

A World War II-era bomb was discovered in Plymouth, prompting a large evacuation. The bomb was detonated at sea to ensure safety.