LGBTQ+ Pride Parades

The monthlong celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride culminated in vibrant parades in New York, San Francisco, and other locations, blending festivities with political protests against anti-LGBTQ+ laws. Tensions over the Israel-Hamas conflict were also evident, with protesters advocating for Palestine disrupting the celebrations. Participants highlighted the ongoing fight for equality and unity within the LGBTQ+ community.

Launch of Caldwell Institute for Public Safety by Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell

Fox News analyst Gianno Caldwell launches a new public safety nonprofit in memory of his brother, who was shot in Chicago. The Caldwell Institute for Public Safety aims to support victims of violent crime and lobby against progressive soft-on-crime policies. Caldwell enlists experts to help achieve his goals.

Climate Change Activists Spray-Paint Jets at London Airport

Climate change activists spray-painted private jets at a London airport in protest against fossil fuels, claiming Taylor Swift's plane was parked there. The activists were arrested for criminal damage and interference with national infrastructure.

Union Dispute at The New York Times and Reuters

Union members at The New York Times and Reuters are publicly feuding with the influential NewsGuild of New York after one of the group's representatives made controversial remarks about Israeli 'Zionist butchers'. The disagreement centers around the allocation of union dues and the balance between journalism advocacy and activism within the union.

Pro-life Activist Sentenced to Prison

An elderly woman from Massachusetts was sentenced to prison following a 2020 pro-life demonstration at an abortion clinic. She and fellow activists were charged with civil rights conspiracy and violations of the FACE Act. Her husband expressed devastation over the situation.

Internal Conflict within NewsGuild of New York

Internal conflict within the NewsGuild of New York over organizing costs and left-leaning criticism of journalism has sparked debates among unionized journalists at the New York Times, Reuters, and other newsrooms.

Emily Ratajkowski's Activism and Fashion Choices

Model and left-wing activist Emily Ratajkowski celebrated the Trump trial by wearing a Stormy Daniels t-shirt in New York. She is known for endorsing progressive Democrat Bernie Sanders and promoting her own clothing line. Ratajkowski has aligned herself with various left-wing causes and positioned herself as a leading feminist voice in Hollywood.

Gender Equality and Indigenous Rights in Mexico

In the rural village of Plan de Ayala, Indigenous women are pushing for change in gender equality and their rights, despite facing poverty, inequality, and traditional norms. They hope for better representation from the first woman president. Activists like Juana Cruz are leading the fight for rights and autonomy in Indigenous communities.

Funding of Pro-Palestinian Activist Groups by the Gelman Family

The Bafrayung Fund, funded by the Gelman family of Levi Strauss denim dynasty, has been a major sponsor of pro-Palestinian activist groups on college campuses. The fund supports organizations like the Palestinian Youth Movement, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, and Critical Resistance, which have controversial slogans and anti-Israel views. The Gelman family has deep ties to Democratic Party politics, with Rachel Gelman being a key figure in funding these causes.

Anti-abortion Activists Push for Further Restrictions

Anti-abortion activists, known as 'abolitionists', protest outside a fertility clinic in North Carolina and push for further restrictions on abortion rights, including banning mifepristone and criminalizing patients who seek abortions. The movement also targets IVF and advocates for treating abortion as homicide.

Meghan Markle's Potential Political Career

Former Suits co-star believes Meghan Markle should become a politician due to her activism and courage to take on big causes. Meghan and Harry completed a tour of Nigeria, sparking speculation about Meghan's potential future in politics. Meghan has been praised for challenging the Royal Family and is seen as a global stateswoman. Erika Alexander, the co-star, also hopes to see Meghan return to acting in a new Suits LA spin-off.

Nellie Bowles' experience with cancel culture and disinformation at The New York Times

Nellie Bowles discusses her experience with cancel culture and disinformation experts at The New York Times in her new book 'Morning After the Revolution.' She criticizes the shift from journalism to activism and the bias against conservatives within the paper.

Pro-Israel Activists vs. Anti-Israel Proclamation

Pro-Israel activists in Farmington Hills, Michigan, successfully blocked an anti-Israel proclamation from being passed by the city council. Pro-Palestinian activists are pushing for similar resolutions nationwide. The pro-Israel residents' efforts made a difference in defeating the proclamation.

Tragic Death of Former Obama Campaign Worker and Wife in Car Crash

Former Obama campaign worker and wife killed in a car crash in Southern California. Peggy Moore, 60, and Hope Wood, 48, died in a collision on State Route 76. Moore was an activist and organizer, known for her work with Obama's campaign and in political consulting.

Loretta Swit's Reflections on M*A*S*H and Activism

Loretta Swit reflects on her deep connection with M*A*S*H costar Jamie Farr and shares insights on the show's success and impact. She also discusses her activism through SwitHeart Animal Alliance and creating art.

Controversy Surrounding Maher Bitar

Maher Bitar, a White House official, has a controversial past as a pro-Palestinian activist linked to radical groups. His appointment has raised concerns about U.S. foreign policy towards Israel and his influence in intelligence operations.

Pro-Palestinian Activists Disrupt Peter Thiel's Talk at Cambridge Union

Pro-Palestinian activists disrupted a talk by Peter Thiel at the Cambridge Union, accusing him of facilitating genocide by doing business with the Israeli military. Thiel was trapped inside the building by protesters for over an hour before finally leaving.

Pro-Palestinian Activism on College Campuses

Pro-Palestinian activists have launched encampments at over 70 campuses to protest Israel's military assault on Gaza, leading to clashes with police and arrests. University communities express frustration with administrators' handling of protests.

Kent State University Shooting of 1970

In 1970, Ohio National Guard members fired into a crowd of students at Kent State University, killing four and injuring nine. Roseann 'Chic' Canfora, a student at the time, witnessed the tragedy and has since worked to preserve its legacy. She sees similarities with current college protests, emphasizing the importance of free speech and civic dialogue on campus.

President Joe Biden to Honor Civil Rights Activist Clarence B. Jones with Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Joe Biden will honor Clarence B. Jones with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his activism during the Civil Rights Movement. Jones, 93, provided legal counsel to Martin Luther King Jr. and assisted in writing parts of the 'I Have a Dream' speech. Jones is among 19 individuals to be recognized for their exemplary contributions to the United States. The diverse group includes individuals from various fields such as politics, sports, entertainment, civil rights, LGBTQ+ advocacy, science, and religion.

Support for Palestinians

Medical workers and academics at Al-Aqsa Hospital in Gaza thanked students worldwide for their support for Palestinians.

Lisa Fithian's Involvement in Pro-Palestinian Riot at Columbia University

Lisa Fithian, a veteran activist known as 'Professor Occupy,' was allegedly seen during the pro-Palestinian riot at Columbia University. She has a history of organizing and training protestors for various causes.

Saudi Arabia sentences fitness influencer to 11 years in prison

Saudi Arabia sentences female fitness influencer to 11 years in prison for online activities that criticized the government and advocated for liberal dress codes and LGBTQ+ rights. The case highlights limits on freedom of expression in the country.

Pro-Israel Vigilantes Clash with Pro-Palestine Activists at UCLA

Pro-Israel vigilantes stormed the “Palestine Solidarity Encampment” at UCLA, sparking battles with activists. UCLA had allowed the encampment to occupy the main plaza on campus and pro-Palestinian activists to run their own security.

Pro-Palestinian Activists' Protest at Columbia University

Pro-Palestinian activists broke into Hamilton Hall at Columbia University demanding food and drink, likened to Hamas terrorists demanding supplies. The university eventually had the activists removed by the NYPD.

Anti-Israel Protests and Potential Impact on U.S. Politics

Joy Behar warns that anti-Israel college campus protests could help elect Donald Trump, expressing concern about his potential return to power and the implications for democracy.

Susan Sarandon joins anti-Israel protests at Columbia University

Actress Susan Sarandon joins anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, marching with demonstrators and leading chants despite facing consequences for previous appearances at similar rallies.

Aleksei Navalny's Posthumous Memoir 'Patriot'

Aleksei Navalny, a Russian opposition leader who died in prison, wrote a memoir titled 'Patriot' about his life and work as a pro-democracy activist. The book, published posthumously, details his defiance against the Kremlin and his unwavering commitment to fighting dictatorship.

Civil Rights Movement and Tragedies Faced by the King Family

Daughter of Atlanta minister, Alberta Williams King, played a crucial role in the Civil Rights movement and experienced multiple tragedies. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination did not kill his dream, as his niece Alveda King stated. The King family endured various losses, including Rev. A.D. King and Alberta King. The article highlights key locations in the civil rights movement and the challenges faced by activists. The Monson Motor Lodge incident was a significant event that contributed to the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

John Sinclair's Influence and Activism

John Sinclair, a poet and counterculture figure known for inspiring a John Lennon song and a star-studded 1971 concert to free him from prison, has died at age 82. Sinclair served 29 months of a 9 1/2-to-10-year prison sentence for giving two joints to undercover officers. Lennon's song 'John Sinclair' immortalized him. Sinclair continued advocating for marijuana legalization throughout his life.

Reparations for Slavery in Boston

Christian leaders in Boston are calling on white churches to commit to reparations for their history with slavery, demanding millions of dollars be given to the black community. The Boston People's Reparations Commission is pushing for $15 billion from the city government. Some churches have acknowledged their ties to slavery and are willing to engage in reparations.

Controversy over Florida Law Banning Chinese Nationals from Buying Land

A U.S. judge with an activist history wrote a concurring opinion against Florida's law barring Chinese nationals from purchasing land. She argued that the law violated the Fourteenth Amendment's protection against discrimination. The law had exceptions for certain Chinese citizens. The judge's activism led to opposition during her confirmation process to the court.

Female Genital Mutilation Ban Reversal in The Gambia

The Gambia is considering overturning the ban on female genital mutilation (FGM), sparking outrage from health and human rights activists worldwide. The practice presents serious health risks and is deeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs.

Sharon Stone's Career and Activism

Sharon Stone recalls being threatened during her 'Saturday Night Live' monologue, Lorne Michaels saved her. Stone shifted from acting to activism after suffering a stroke in 2001.

Accusations of Sexual Assault Against Drag Queen Shangela

Drag queen performer Shangela is facing accusations of sexual assault and misconduct by four men dating back to 2012. Shangela, known for promoting drag queen story hour events for children, has denied the allegations. The accusers claim they were either sexually assaulted or too drunk to consent to sex. Shangela has been involved in activism and has been invited to the White House.

Shaun King's Conversion to Islam and Controversies

Far-left activist Shaun King converted to Islam in solidarity with Palestinians at the start of Ramadan. He has been outspoken against Israel and the U.S., facing controversies regarding his claims of helping hostages and allegations of fraud.

Abortion Rights Activism in Conservative Region

Jen Jackson Quintano is the only abortion rights organizer in her region, facing challenges in a conservative area. She organized a successful event promoting reproductive agency and storytelling, despite potential threats. Her Pro-Voice Project aims to encourage abortion storytelling in Idaho.

Women's Rights in Latin America

Women across Latin America commemorate International Women’s Day with a mix of progress and setbacks in gender rights advocacy. Access to abortion has expanded while political representation has increased, but violence against women remains high. Activists protest against ongoing inequality and machismo culture in the region.

International Women's Day and Women's Rights Advocacy

International Women's Day is a holiday celebrating women's achievements and calling for gender equality. Various influential women, such as Gloria Steinem, Coretta Scott King, Leymah Gbowee, Winona LaDuke, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Emma Watson, and Malala Yousafzai, have made significant contributions to women's rights and empowerment. The day aims to inspire inclusion and break down barriers for all women to be respected.

Pro-Palestinian protesters confront Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez confronted by pro-Palestinian protesters outside a movie theater in Brooklyn, NY, demanding she call Israel's offensive in Gaza a 'genocide.' Ocasio-Cortez previously defended activists making politicians uncomfortable in public spaces.

President Biden's Interview and Hunter Schafer's Arrest at Pro-Palestinian Protest

President Biden mistakenly referred to his '2020 agenda' going into 2024 during an interview. Hunter Schafer was arrested at a pro-Palestinian protest in New York City. Negotiations are underway for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.