Anti-Israel Protester Turns Himself In

An anti-Israel protester turned himself in to face charges after harassing strangers on a New York City subway. Other protesters swarmed a Manhattan exhibit memorializing victims of an event. Police clashed with protesters during the rally.

Tyler Cherry's Controversial Social Media Posts

Tyler Cherry, the White House Associate Communications Director, has a history of radical, anti-white and anti-Israel tweets that have sparked controversy. His social media posts from 2014 and 2015 criticized American support for Israel during conflicts with Hamas. Despite deleting the posts, Cherry remains in his position and focuses on climate and environmental policies.

Violent clash between anti-Israel agitators and Israel supporters in Los Angeles

Violent clash between anti-Israel agitators and Israel supporters in Los Angeles leads to arrests and injuries. Mayor Karen Bass condemns the violence and pledges to hold those responsible accountable.

Antisemitism and Radical Anti-Israel Sentiments Post-9/11

The author recounts experiences of encountering antisemitism and radical anti-Israel sentiments post-9/11. He highlights the refusal of many to condemn terror against Jews and calls for Muslim leaders to denounce Hamas and support peace.

Anti-Israel Protests and Rising Anti-Jewish Prejudice

Anti-Israel protesters were heard chanting 'Long live intifada' at a demonstration in New York. Fox News reports on rising anti-Jewish prejudice in the U.S. and the world. Includes stories on rescued Hamas hostages, campus protests, and calls to revoke Al Jazeera's media credentials.

Anti-Israel Protests at California State University, Los Angeles

Anti-Israel protesters barricaded a campus building at California State University, Los Angeles, trapping school employees inside. Police arrested protesters at the University of California, Irvine. Classes moved online for at least 24 hours.

Anti-Israel Protests in Washington, D.C.

Anti-Israel protesters vandalized statues in Washington, D.C.'s Lafayette Square during a protest against President Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war. The protest turned chaotic with assaults on park rangers and police officers, as well as damage to park resources. The protesters argued against Israel's actions in Gaza.

Anti-Israel Protest on NYC Subway

Masked anti-Israel protesters targeted Zionists on a NYC subway car, creating a hostile environment. The incident was part of protests against an exhibit about the Nova music festival in Israel, where Hamas terrorists killed 400 people.

Anti-Israel Protest in New York City

Anti-Israel protesters clashed with police outside an exhibit in New York City memorializing the victims of Hamas' Oct. 7 attack. The protesters chanted anti-Israel slogans and displayed banners associated with Hezbollah. Israel supporters were also present. The exhibit aims to commemorate the victims and events of the brutal attack by Hamas.

Attack on U.S. Consulate in Sydney, Australia

The U.S. consulate in Sydney, Australia, was attacked by a sledgehammer-wielding suspect who smashed windows and smeared anti-Israel graffiti on its doors, believed to be politically motivated. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned the act, urging respectful political debate. Operations inside the consulate were unaffected, and investigations are ongoing.

Vandalism at U.S. Consulate in Sydney

The U.S. consulate in Sydney was vandalized by a suspect wielding a sledgehammer and spray painting anti-Israel graffiti on its doors. The incident drew condemnation from Australia's prime minister.

University of California Academic Workers' Strike

University of California academic workers' strike halted by court order after protests related to anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses. The workers demanded amnesty for arrested protesters and freedom of speech guarantees.

Protest Against President Biden's Support of Israel

Thousands gathered outside of the White House to protest President Biden's support of Israel, with some demonstrators defacing statues, throwing objects at a park ranger, and displaying anti-Israel sentiments.

Protests against President Biden's support of Israel and proposed legislation in Ohio

Thousands protested outside the White House against President Biden's support of Israel. Ohio lawmaker proposed legislation requiring rioters to pay for damages. Protests across the country demand cutting ties with Israel. State Bill 267 aims to hold rioters accountable and empower law enforcement. Anti-Israel protests led to clashes and arrests nationwide.

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations and Anti-Israel Views in Portland Public Schools

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators march in Portland, teachers union releases guide on teaching anti-Israel views in schools, conflict over censorship and support for Palestine within Portland Public Schools.

Anti-Israel Agitators at Stanford University

Anti-Israel agitators occupy offices at Stanford University, causing vandalism and graffiti with hateful messages. Protesters demand divestment from companies doing business with Israel over Gaza conflict. University responds by suspending participants and removing protest camp.

Chicago Police Department's Preparedness for Mass Gatherings

The Chicago Police Department was found unprepared for mass gatherings as the city plans to host the Democratic National Convention. Critics raise concerns about delayed responses to 911 calls and potential violations of First and Fourth Amendment rights. Anti-Israel groups plan to protest the event over President Biden's support for Israel.

Anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University

Columbia University President urged to refund students after anti-Israel encampment disrupts education services on campus.

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA

Chief of police at UCLA reassigned as university investigates campus security protocol amid anti-Israel protests. UCLA creates new office to lead investigation into security failures during protests. Hundreds of students protest leading to remote learning and arrests.

Controversy at Sonoma State University involving President Mike Lee and anti-Israel student groups

Sonoma State University President Mike Lee announced his retirement after being placed on administrative leave for making concessions to anti-Israel student groups without approval. The agreements included forming a Students for Justice in Palestine advisory council, boycotting Israeli universities, and expanding Palestinian Studies programs.

Anti-Israel Protests at University of Pennsylvania

Anti-Israel protests continue on college campuses, spreading to University of Pennsylvania. Protesters attempted to occupy a campus building but were escorted out by police. The protests come after an encampment was dismantled the week prior.

Anti-Israel Protest at UC Irvine

Anti-Israel protesters arrested at the University of California, Irvine after setting up barricades and disrupting university operations.

Columbia University Faculty 'No Confidence' Vote Against President Nemat Shafik

Columbia University faculty passed a 'no confidence' resolution against President Nemat Shafik due to her handling of anti-Israel incidents on campus. The resolution accused her of violating academic freedom and endangering students' welfare. Shafik faced criticism for bringing police onto campus to clear out agitators who vandalized a building and waved a Palestinian flag. Pro-Israel voices also criticized her for being too soft on anti-Israel encampments and antisemitic rhetoric.

Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

A Jewish student at Brandeis University and Chicago police officers at DePaul University address antisemitism and anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Chinese Communist Party Influence on Radical Left-Wing Organizations

Report reveals key radical left-wing organizations tied to Chinese Communist Party funding and influence, pushing anti-America and anti-Israel narratives, posing threat to U.S. internal stability.

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA linked to outside communist involvement

Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker calls for consequences for anti-Israel protesters. Watchdog group exposes outside communist involvement in anti-Israel protest at UCLA. Revcom activist seen organizing protest. Anti-Israel encampments linked to outside agitators. Progressive donors and groups tied to anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Pro-Israel Activists vs. Anti-Israel Proclamation

Pro-Israel activists in Farmington Hills, Michigan, successfully blocked an anti-Israel proclamation from being passed by the city council. Pro-Palestinian activists are pushing for similar resolutions nationwide. The pro-Israel residents' efforts made a difference in defeating the proclamation.

Anti-Israel Protesters Block Traffic Outside Disney World in Orlando

Anti-Israel protesters from Queers for Palestine blocked traffic outside Disney World in Orlando, Florida, claiming Disney supports 'genocide.' Law enforcement arrived and arrested three protesters. Similar protests have occurred in Chicago and at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camps.

Anti-Israel Protesters at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Anti-Israel protesters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison agreed to remove their encampment after reaching an agreement with university officials. The agreement includes promises from both sides to not disrupt campus functions and to facilitate discussions on disclosure and investment principles. Similar protests have occurred at other universities across the nation.

Vandalism of World War I Memorial by Anti-Israel Protester

A 16-year-old anti-Israel protester was arrested for vandalizing a World War I memorial in New York City. The incident happened in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The suspect defaced the 107th Infantry Memorial by writing 'Gaza' and 'Free Palestine' and burning an American flag.

Vandalism of World War I Memorial in New York City

Anti-Israel protesters vandalized a World War I memorial in New York City, leading to the arrest of a 16-year-old boy for defacing the monument with spray-painted messages.

Anti-Israel Protest at University of Pennsylvania

Police dismantled an anti-Israel encampment at the University of Pennsylvania, arresting protesters after over two weeks of demonstrations. Six students were given temporary leaves of absence. The protests were in response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Miss Israel Threatened in New York City

Miss Israel was threatened with a knife and called names while advocating for the Israel Defense Forces in New York City. She faced anti-Israel comments and hostility from people in the area.

Proposed Legislation to Penalize Universities for Anti-Israel Demonstrations

Republican senator proposes legislation to penalize universities for not promptly removing encampments erected during anti-Israel demonstrations. Schools could lose federal monetary assistance if they fail to comply.

Macklemore's Pro-Palestinian Stance at Concert in New Zealand

Rapper Macklemore expresses solidarity with anti-Israel protesters and condemns Israel’s military campaign against Hamas terrorists during a concert in New Zealand. He performs a pro-Palestinian song and leads a chant for “free, free Palestine”, criticizing Joe Biden in the process.

Faculty-led anti-Israel encampment at The New School in NYC

Faculty-led anti-Israel encampment established at The New School in NYC, leading to arrests of students and faculty solidarity. Demands for divestment in companies complicit in Israel's actions. Named after Refaat Alareer, killed in Israeli airstrike. Faculty expresses no confidence in New School leadership.

Biden Administration Withholding Ammunition from Israel in Fight Against Hamas

Republican officials are criticizing the Biden administration for withholding ammunition from Israel in its fight against Hamas, accusing Biden of being anti-Israel and pro-Hamas. Israeli leaders are determined to defeat Hamas regardless of international support.

Anti-Israel Protesters Vandalize World War I Memorial

Anti-Israel protesters vandalize World War I memorial in New York City, sparking outrage and condemnation from veterans groups and city officials. Mayor Eric Adams offers rewards for information on perpetrators.

Antisemitism on USC Campus

USC graduate student Mark Rayant speaks out about experiencing antisemitism on campus and standing up to anti-Israel agitators, leading to cancellation of graduation ceremony

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses in Ohio

Ohio Attorney General warns university presidents of historic state law that could mean masked anti-Israel demonstrators on college campuses facing felony charges.

Anti-Israel Encampment at George Washington University

33 people arrested after police clear anti-Israel encampment at George Washington University. House Oversight Committee Chair cancels hearing with Mayor Bowser. Mayor Bowser and MPD Chief Smith address situation and actions taken.

Anti-Israel Tent Encampment at George Washington University

Anti-Israel tent encampment at George Washington University cleared with police arresting dozens of protesters. Students protested outside the president's home. Some protesters were pepper-sprayed and nearly 30 people were arrested. Encampment was established on April 25 in solidarity with Palestine.

Anti-Israel encampment dismantled at University of Chicago

Police dismantled an anti-Israel encampment at the University of Chicago that was interfering with the campus' free expression, learning, and work. The protesters were warned to leave or face disciplinary action. The encampment was ultimately dismantled by law enforcement.

Anti-Israel Protest at George Washington University

Anti-Israel protesters gathered outside George Washington University President Ellen Granberg's home chanting against her alleged complicity in genocide. The protest was deemed illegal by Granberg due to property damage and antisemitic behavior. The protesters demand universities divest from companies supporting Israel and protect pro-Palestinian speech on campuses.

Macklemore's Anti-Israel Song

Rapper Macklemore released an anti-Israel song criticizing Biden and refusing to vote for him in 2024. The song references pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University and accuses Israel of war crimes.

Anti-Israel Protester Interrupts Northeastern University Commencement Ceremony

An anti-Israel protester interrupted a commencement ceremony at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, wearing a shirt with fake blood and the words 'NEU Kills'. Pro-Palestinian protests have been happening at various universities across the nation.

Anti-Israel Protest Leader at Columbia University

James Carlson, a 40-year-old heir to a multimillion-dollar fortune, is reportedly a longtime anarchist and possible leader of anti-Israel protesters who barricaded themselves in Columbia University's Hamilton Hall. He has a history of involvement in protests and has faced charges including burglary, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, and conspiracy.

Racism and Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Counter-protester at UCLA anti-Israel protest dismisses white person, resulting in accusations of racism. Many condemn the anti-white sentiment displayed by the protester. Frat boys counter-protesting pro-Palestinian supporters at University of Mississippi face accusations of racism as well. Protests across various universities demand divestment from Israeli companies, among other demands.

Anti-Israel Protest at University of Virginia

At least 25 anti-Israel protesters were arrested at the University of Virginia campus as authorities tried to clear an encampment. The protesters repeatedly refused to comply with university policies regarding protests.

Arne Duncan and Chicago Alderman at Anti-Israel Encampment

Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was photographed at an anti-Israel encampment with Chicago Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, who has faced criticism for speaking in front of a burned American flag. The event took place at the University of Chicago and is part of a larger trend of anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Rutgers students wave American flags to counter anti-Israel protesters

Rutgers students wave American flags to counter anti-Israel protesters. School administration caves to demands from demonstrators. Students express tiredness of anti-American rhetoric on campus.

Cancellation of UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield's Commencement Address at University of Vermont

The University of Vermont canceled UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield's commencement address due to demands from an anti-Israel "encampment" on campus. The activists expressed satisfaction with the cancellation and hoped she would not receive an honorary degree.

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Anti-Israel protests on college campuses fuel new political attacks by Republicans on vulnerable Democrats running in this year's Senate elections. The protests have grabbed attention and Republicans are framing them as antisemitic and anti-American, while Democrats are struggling to find a consistent message.

Anti-Israel Protest at George Washington University

Anti-Israel protesters projected President Joe Biden’s face over an American flag at George Washington University, chanting 'Long live the intifada' and renaming a university square to 'Shahada Square.'

Anti-Israel Pro-Hamas Encampment at University of Chicago

Organizers at the University of Chicago released a list of needed supplies for an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas encampment, including Plan B, HIV tests, vaseline, and more. Similar demands have been made at other universities across the country. Protests are ongoing amid revelations that some of the 'encampments' are run by 'outside agitators' receiving funds from around the world.

Ongoing Criminal Trial Against Former President Trump and Political News Updates

Summary of the ongoing criminal trial against former President Trump, including testimonies and updates on the case. Also covers various political news related to anti-Israel agitators, Democrats, and Biden's policies.

Anti-Israel Encampment Cleanup and Rep. Rashida Tlaib's Support for Protesters

Sanitation workers in New York City disposed of tents and gear left behind after NYPD officers broke up an anti-Israel encampment. Rep. Rashida Tlaib expressed support for anti-Israel protesters at the University of Oregon. Tlaib has been criticized for showing sympathy to antisemitic causes and actions.

Anti-Israel protests at New York University

Police officers clear out protesters at New York University campus with recovered signs bearing terrorist slogans. Anti-Israel protests continue on campus, leading to arrests of students. Fox News correspondent reports on ongoing demonstrations.

Anti-Israel protesters concealing identities behind masks cause havoc on college campuses

Anti-Israel protesters concealing their identities behind masks cause havoc on college campuses, leading to property damage, violence, and arrests. Critics condemn their actions as cowardly and dangerous.

NYPD Clears Anti-Israel Encampments at Universities in New York City

Sanitation workers in New York City disposed of tents and other gear left behind after NYPD officers broke up an anti-Israel encampment at universities, arresting 56 people without incidents. Officers found leaflets with details on protesting and civil disobedience, indicating there is funding and radicalization behind the movement.

Anti-Israel protests at University of Pennsylvania

Anti-Israel radicals at the University of Pennsylvania are passing around guides on how to break into buildings, escalate protests, create weapons, and administer first aid. The guides also advise on handling injuries during violent protests and establishing a propaganda team. The protests are associated with far-left organizations and have led to clashes with law enforcement.

Protests at New York University

Police clear out protesters at New York University campus, recovering signs with terrorist slogans. Anti-Israel protests continue on campus, leading to arrests and demonstrations. Fox News covers the events and reports on the ongoing situation.

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses in the U.S.

Anti-Israel protests have led to over 2,200 arrests on college campuses in the U.S., with no signs of ending soon. Former President Donald Trump commended police for arresting 'radical left' protesters. Jewish GWU students call for removal of anti-Israel encampment.

Anti-Israel Protest at UCLA

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett explains why anti-Israel agitators will not be held accountable as police dismantle a protest encampment at UCLA.

Conflict at UCLA over Anti-Israel Encampment

Law enforcement officials at UCLA dismantle anti-Israel encampment amid clashes with protesters, leading to arrests and a tense standoff. The situation escalated following a violent attack by counter-protesters the night before.

Anti-Israel Protests at Universities

Law enforcement officers fired tear gas at anti-Israel protesters at UCLA after failed attempts to enter the large encampment, leading to clashes and arrests. Similar incidents were reported at other universities in the US and the UK.

President Biden's handling of nationwide campus protests

Discussion on President Biden's handling of nationwide campus protests amid violence at college campuses stemming from anti-Israel protests. Past social media posts resurfacing as critics express concern over Biden's leadership.

Chaotic Anti-Israel Protest at University of South Florida

Ten protesters were arrested at the University of South Florida after a chaotic anti-Israel rally where tear gas was deployed. One protester was found with a gun and faces multiple charges.

Anti-Israel Encampments at Fordham University

Anti-Israel encampments were established at Fordham University in New York City after similar ones at other universities were raided. Protesters demand divestment from Israeli companies and end of academic ties with Israel.

Anti-Israel Protest at UCLA

Anti-Israel protesters at UCLA claim that Zionist thugs released rats into their encampment, leading to violence and clashes with pro-Israel counter-protesters.

Ongoing protests at Columbia University

Ongoing protests at Columbia University led to the arrest of anti-Israel agitators who took over an academic building and raised the Palestinian flag. Former President Trump supported law enforcement involvement. Negotiations between students and university officials failed to reach an agreement, leading to NYPD intervention to clear the campus.

Clearance of Anti-Israel Encampment at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Law enforcement officials cleared an anti-Israel encampment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison after protesters refused to comply with laws prohibiting camping on campus grounds. Some protesters were cited, and a new encampment was established shortly after the clearance. A similar raid occurred at Columbia University as well, where protesters were removed from a building they had seized.

Violence at UCLA between Anti-Israel and Pro-Israel Protesters

Violence erupted at UCLA between anti-Israel and pro-Israel protesters, leading to the cancellation of classes due to the distress caused by the clashes. Law enforcement had to be called to restore order on campus.

Arrest of Protesters at Columbia University

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and NYPD leadership cite a global movement to radicalize young people as the reason behind the arrest of approximately 300 protesters at Columbia University and City College. The protests involved anti-Israel sentiments and led to clashes with police.

Counter-protest at UCLA against anti-Israel encampment

Counter-protesters attempt to remove anti-Israel encampment on UCLA campus in response to pro-Palestinian protests, leading to fights and chaos. Jewish residents in L.A. take matters into their own hands due to lack of action from UCLA administration and LAPD.

Anti-Israel Protests at Cal Poly Humboldt

California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, had to change its commencement ceremony due to anti-Israel protests and unrest on campus. Police arrested dozens of protesters occupying academic buildings. The university announced a modified in-person commencement ceremony with additional details to follow.

Protests at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall

New York police clear out occupying protesters at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall after school authorizes removal, Mayor Eric Adams warns of global movement to radicalize young people, university threatens group with expulsion, students face suspension, anti-Israel protests condemned as antisemitic, Jewish students face harassment and discrimination

Violent Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Former President Trump condemns violent anti-Israel protests on college campuses, calling for immediate action and stronger leadership at universities to combat antisemitism.

Protest at Emory University over Anti-Israel Sentiments

Protesters at Emory University demand college president's resignation over anti-Israel sentiments. Students express anti-Zionist views and criticize Israel's response to Hamas attack. Some students question Biden's handling of Israel's war on Hamas.

Protest at City College of New York

NYPD officers removed a Palestinian flag at City College of New York and restored the American flag after anti-Israel protesters replaced it. The protests led to violent incidents, prompting CUNY to call in NYPD for backup.

Anti-Israel Protest at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University took over a building, complained about a police raid, and asked to go home. The university regretted the escalation and the safety risks involved.

NYPD arrests at CUNY and Columbia University

NYPD officers made arrests at City University of New York and Columbia University after anti-Israel protesters pushed the police line and occupied buildings on campus.

Law enforcement use of tear gas on anti-Israel protesters at USF

Law enforcement officials used tear gas on anti-Israel protesters at the University of South Florida after giving them a warning to disperse. Protesters were seen using umbrellas and signs against the tear gas, and shields were ineffective. USF stated that protesters had expressed intent to use items as weapons, leading police to determine the protest was no longer peaceful.

Anti-Israel Protesters at Moynihan Train Hall and Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters flooded Moynihan Train Hall at Penn Station in New York, heading to Columbia University. They chanted 'Free, free, Palestine' and some held Palestinian flags and banners. Protesters managed to get on the train, chanting 'Palestine is almost free.' Columbia University restricted access after protesters seized control of a building.

Anti-Israel Protesters Facing Expulsion at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters occupying Hamilton Hall at Columbia University in New York are facing expulsion after seizing the building and escalating the situation with vandalism and blockades. The university is taking action to restore safety and order on campus.

Far-Left Activist Speaks at Anti-Israel Encampment at University of Chicago

Retired professor with connections to former President Barack Obama and history of far-left militant activism speaks at anti-Israel encampment at University of Chicago, visited by Bill Ayers known for co-founding Weather Underground, a far-left militant organization classified as a Domestic terrorist group by the FBI.

Anti-Israel Protesters Vandalize George Washington Statue

Anti-Israel protesters vandalized a statue of George Washington on the George Washington University campus in Washington, DC, draping it with a Palestinian flag and writing 'Genocidal Warmongering University' on the base of the statue. Flowers and signs were also placed around the statue.

Anti-Israel sentiment at UCLA

Jewish UCLA student barred from attending class by anti-Israel protesters, expresses concern about escalation of anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses.

Anti-Israel protest at Cal Poly Humboldt

Incident at Cal Poly Humboldt where anti-Israel agitators took over two academic buildings, resulting in 35 arrests and campus closure. Law enforcement restored order without incident.

Anti-Israel Protesters Occupy Columbia University's Hamilton Hall

Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University took over an administrative building in response to threats from the administration. The protesters barricaded the building, smashed glass doors, and hung pro-Palestinian posters and banners. This action follows the suspension of students involved in the encampment and previous arrests of protesters.

Anti-Israel Encampment at Rutgers University

An anti-Israel encampment was established on the lawn of Rutgers University by the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. Similar encampments and protests have been seen on other college campuses in the United States, demanding divestment from companies tied to Israel and calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

Anti-Israel Protesters at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University refuse to leave an encampment despite administration orders, threatening to 'burn' the university. Similar protests have occurred at other universities. Antisemitic attacks in the U.S. have risen following a Hamas attack on Israel in 2023.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University defy order to clear out, threatening to 'burn' the university. Protests have led to an unwelcoming environment on campus. Encampments and protests have spread to other universities as well. Antisemitic attacks in the U.S. have risen since Hamas's attack on Israel in 2023.

Anti-Israel Encampment at Rutgers University

An anti-Israel encampment was established on the lawn of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey by Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. The encampment is there until divestment, with signs advocating for free Palestine and against colonialism. Similar encampments have been set up in other U.S. universities.

Anti-Israel Protests at University of Pennsylvania

Anti-Israel activists construct encampments on University of Pennsylvania's campus, demanding divestment from Israel and corporations profiting from Israel-Hamas war. Protests spark fear and anxiety on campus.

Columbia University Anti-Israel Protest

Columbia University threatens to suspend students who do not clear out anti-Israel encampments on campus, leading to protests and demands for amnesty from the protesters.

Columbia University Anti-Israel Protest

Columbia University is in ongoing talks with anti-Israel students who have set up an encampment on campus. Negotiations have not reached an agreement as of yet, with the university advocating for the dismantling of the encampment and adherence to university policies.

Anti-Israel Protests at U.S. Campuses

Anti-Israel protests erupt at various U.S. campuses, leading to arrests and disruptions. Demonstrators call for divestment from companies supporting Israel's military actions in Gaza.

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations on College Campuses and Student Loan Forgiveness Programs

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations on college campuses have sparked debates about student loan forgiveness programs and the Biden administration's response. Anti-Israel protests have escalated, leading to arrests and concerns for Jewish students' safety. Former President Trump criticizes President Biden for the protests. Critics question the use of tax dollars for student debt forgiveness amidst the demonstrations.

Law enforcement tackling protester at anti-Israel demonstration

Law enforcement officer tackled a protester during an anti-Israel demonstration at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Several protesters were arrested. Similar protests and arrests reported at other campuses in the U.S.