Racism and Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Counter-protester at UCLA anti-Israel protest dismisses white person, resulting in accusations of racism. Many condemn the anti-white sentiment displayed by the protester. Frat boys counter-protesting pro-Palestinian supporters at University of Mississippi face accusations of racism as well. Protests across various universities demand divestment from Israeli companies, among other demands.

Key Points

  • Video of anti-Israel protester at UCLA dismissing white person goes viral
  • Protests at multiple universities demanding divestment from Israeli companies and supporting Hamas
  • Accusations of racism towards white people in response to anti-Israel protests
  • Support for pro-Palestinian protests by Iranian 'Supreme Leader' Ayatollah Ali Khamenei


  • Highlighting and condemning racism towards white people
  • Bringing attention to anti-Israel sentiments and protests on college campuses


  • Spread of divisive and discriminatory ideologies