Columbia University Faculty 'No Confidence' Vote Against President Nemat Shafik

Columbia University faculty passed a 'no confidence' resolution against President Nemat Shafik due to her handling of anti-Israel incidents on campus. The resolution accused her of violating academic freedom and endangering students' welfare. Shafik faced criticism for bringing police onto campus to clear out agitators who vandalized a building and waved a Palestinian flag. Pro-Israel voices also criticized her for being too soft on anti-Israel encampments and antisemitic rhetoric.

Key Points

  • Resolution passed against President Shafik by Columbia University faculty
  • Accusations of violating academic freedom and shared governance
  • Criticism for handling of anti-Israel incidents on campus
  • Pro-Israel voices also critical of Shafik's actions


  • Faculty members expressing their concerns and standing up for academic freedom
  • Addressing the importance of student welfare and rights on campus


  • Internal turmoil and division within the university community
  • Allegations of mishandling protests and police involvement