Baking Cottage Cheese TikTok Trend

TikTok creators are baking cottage cheese in the oven as a new trend to boost protein intake. Some influencers have shared recipes for baked cottage cheese, highlighting its high protein content and versatility. However, nutritionists warn about potential cons such as high sodium content and lack of fiber compared to traditional bread options.

Resurgence of Lard in Cooking and Baking

The article discusses the resurgence of lard in cooking and baking, highlighting its benefits and nutritional value compared to plant-based alternatives. It also touches on the history of lard and its fall from favor due to health concerns. Various experts provide insights on the use of lard in modern cooking.

Sourdough Bread Making Tips

Jenny and Jeffery Brown, the founders of Izola bakery, share tips on making sourdough bread, including how to create a starter, feed it, and determine when it's ready to bake. Sourdough bread-making has become popular, especially among beginners using social media guidance.