Discussion on the weaponization of White guilt and exaggeration of racism in America

Comedian Bill Maher and journalist Kara Swisher discuss the weaponization of White guilt and exaggeration of racism in America on Maher's 'Club Random' podcast.

Arkansas Ban on Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

A federal judge ruled that Arkansas cannot prevent teachers from discussing critical race theory in the classroom, but did not broadly block the state from enforcing its ban on 'indoctrination' in public schools.

Controversy over Approval of Charter School Network Training Teachers in North Carolina

A charter school network in North Carolina has been approved to train teachers despite some Republican members of the State Board of Education disagreeing with the approval due to concerns about Critical Race Theory being taught.

Conservative House Members Targeting Critical Race Theory in Federal Government Budget Proposal

The largest bloc of conservatives in the House is targeting critical race theory (CRT) throughout the federal government in their new budget proposal, aiming to eradicate its principles from federal institutions.

Impact of Critical Race Theory in Medical Schools and Hospitals

Critical race theory has entered medical schools, with over 50% of hospitals prioritizing racial diversity when adding to their board of trustees, according to a survey by the American Hospital Association (AHA). The nonprofit organization Do No Harm is concerned about the focus on equity over merit or relevant experience in board member selection.

California Judge Upholds School District's Ban on Critical Race Theory and Gender Notification Policy

A judge in California upheld a local school district's ban on teaching Critical Race Theory and a policy requiring notification to parents if their child changes genders at school. The ruling is a victory for conservative parents against pressure from Governor Gavin Newsom and activist groups.