Wrongful Convictions in China

China is working to reduce wrongful convictions in its legal system, as highlighted by the case of a man who spent over two decades on death row.

Current Events

Ex-President Trump supports leaving abortion ban decisions to states, Vatican releases document on threats to human dignity, Missouri governor denies clemency for man on death row.

Church leaders serving marginalized communities

Rev. Lauren Bennett leads a church serving the LGBTQ+ community, while Father Gerry Kleba talks about ministering to inmates on death row in Missouri.

Death Row Inmate Thomas Creech to be Executed in Idaho

Idaho's longest-serving death row inmate, Thomas Creech, is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection after being convicted of multiple murders in three states. Despite efforts for clemency based on his behavior in prison, the execution is set to proceed.

Oklahoma Death Row Inmates Request Firing Squad as Alternative to Lethal Injection

Two Oklahoma death row inmates are requesting a firing squad as an alternative to lethal injection, citing concerns over the current method's constitutionality and effectiveness. The inmates want to delay their upcoming executions until a trial can be held to determine the legality of the lethal injection process. Testimonies from experts and officials shed light on the potential benefits of using a firing squad as a more humane and reliable execution method.