Endangered Humboldt Penguin Population in Chile

Humboldt penguin populations in Chile are at risk of extinction due to various threats including marine pollution, avian flu, and disturbance of nesting sites.

Apocalyptic Scenario of Supercontinent Formation

Scientists predict an apocalyptic scenario in 250 million years where a supercontinent formation will lead to failing food supply, rising sea levels, and extreme heat, causing almost all mammals, including humans, to die out.

Controversy Over Proposal to Cull Barred Owls to Protect Spotted Owls

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed culling roughly half a million barred owls to protect the northern spotted owl, a threatened species facing extinction due to competition from the more aggressive barred owl. Conservationists and animal welfare advocates are debating the moral implications of killing one species to save another.

Javan Tiger Conservation Efforts

Indonesian conservationists are investigating the possibility of the Javan tiger, declared extinct, still existing in the wild through DNA and camera traps. Recent DNA study suggests a strand of tiger hair matched the characteristics of the Javan tiger. Measures are being taken to confirm its existence and protect it from potential threats.