Global Tax on Super-Rich Proposed

A global tax on the super-rich is proposed in a new report commissioned by Brazil for the G20 nations. The tax would require individuals with more than $1 billion in total assets to pay 2% of their wealth in income tax, aiming to raise funds for public services, education, healthcare, and climate change initiatives.

Rise of High Net Worth Individuals and Wealth in 2023

The number of high net worth individuals (HNWI) and their total wealth have reached record highs in 2023 due to investments in soaring stock markets, according to a study by Capgemini. Their fortunes have risen as stock markets surged, reversing a decline in 2022. Rising wealth and inequality have sparked debates on making the rich pay their fair share of taxes.

South Africa election results

South Africa's ruling party, the African National Congress, saw a significant decrease in voter support due to issues such as joblessness, inequality, and power shortages.

Mexico's Presidential Election

Mexico is on course to elect its first woman president, with front-runners Claudia Sheinbaum and Xochitl Galvez leading the race. The next president faces challenges including managing migration, relations with the US, and criminal violence. Gender violence and inequality remain significant issues in Mexico.

Universal Social Programs in Mexico

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's administration in Mexico introduced universal social programs that shifted funding away from the poorest citizens to include wealthier individuals. While millions have benefited, some have pointed out that the programs may lead to increased poverty and inequality. The shift has been controversial, with critics highlighting both positive and negative impacts.

Wealth Inequality in the U.S.

The wealth of the top 1% in the U.S. reached a record $44.6 trillion by the end of the fourth quarter, driven mainly by gains in stock holdings. Middle-class Americans also saw their wealth increase, but the top 1% captured the majority of the gains.

Life-Extension and Aging Research

The article discusses how the superrich are investing in life-extension therapies, focusing on the biology of aging and potential interventions. It addresses the distortion of priorities in aging research due to private equity investments and emphasizes the importance of diet, exercise, and sleep for longevity.

Impact of Migration and Free Trade on Ordinary People

Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton has changed his stance on migration and free trade, highlighting the negative impact on ordinary people. He now believes that these policies contribute to inequality and harm working Americans. Deaton criticizes fellow economists for prioritizing economic efficiency over fairness and civic stability.

Water Crisis in Ecatepec, Mexico

Residents in Ecatepec, Mexico, are facing a severe water crisis with dirty tap water, water shortages, and climate change exacerbating the situation. Mismanagement and aging infrastructure contribute to the problem, leading to protests and concerns over inequality in water access.

Taxpayer-Funded Guaranteed Income Programs

Taxpayer-funded 'guaranteed income' programs are being rolled out across the country, providing struggling families with up to $36,000 with no strings attached. Critics argue that offering money with no conditions on how it is spent may not be a solution to inequality.