Impact of Ultra-Processed Vegan Foods on Heart Health

New research suggests that consuming ultra-processed vegan food can increase the risk of heart disease-related deaths, despite the overall benefits of a plant-based diet. The study found that replacing plant-based ultra-processed foods with whole foods reduced deaths from heart disease by 15%.

Stone Age Diet of Hunter-Gatherers

A study has debunked the myth that hunter-gatherers primarily ate meat, revealing that they actually consumed more vegetables. The Stone Age diet of a prehistoric community in Morocco included acorns, pine nuts, and wild pulses as significant components, challenging the prevailing notion of high reliance on animal proteins among pre-agricultural human groups.

Plant-Based Diet Benefits for Health and the Environment

Eating plant-based protein a few times a week can improve health and reduce carbon footprint. Small dietary changes can have significant health and environmental benefits. Research shows that a plant-based diet can provide all necessary nutrients and protein for muscle strength.