Allegations of Chinese-Linked Radical Organizations Orchestrating Protests in the US

Organic protests in the US during the summer of 2020 were allegedly organized by radical organizations linked to China, per a new book by Peter Schweizer. Groups like FRSO and PSL played a significant role in orchestrating violent protests after high-profile cases. Chinese intelligence officers and tech personnel from Huawei reportedly targeted Americans to participate in protests and riots. The involvement of these organizations in anti-Israel protests is also highlighted.

Key Points

  • Organic protests in the US during the summer of 2020 were allegedly organized by radical organizations linked to China
  • FRSO and PSL played key roles in orchestrating protests after high-profile cases like George Floyd's death
  • Chinese intelligence officers and tech personnel from Huawei reportedly targeted Americans to participate in protests and riots
  • Involvement of these organizations in anti-Israel protests is also highlighted


  • Reveals alleged connections between radical US organizations and China
  • Sheds light on potential manipulation of protests by foreign entities


  • Allegations based on a single source (Peter Schweizer's book)
  • May spark controversy and debate regarding the true motives behind protests