Tiananmen Square Crackdown Anniversary

SOURCE www.npr.org
China tightens security on the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, quashing any memory of the killings. Overseas commemorative events have become crucial for preserving memories of the event.

Key Points

  • China ordered the army to end pro-democracy protests in 1989, resulting in a deadly crackdown.
  • The death toll from the crackdown remains unknown to this day.
  • The event marked a turning point in modern Chinese history, leading to tighter societal controls.
  • Commemorative events have shifted overseas due to censorship in China.


  • Overseas commemorative events help preserve memories of the Tiananmen Square crackdown.


  • China heavily censors any mention or reference to the event on social media.
  • Tiananmen Square crackdown remains a sensitive and taboo subject in China.
  • Security measures are heightened in China on the anniversary, preventing public gatherings or mourning.