Pro-Palestinian Protest at Stanford University Commencement

Hundreds of students at Stanford University walked out of commencement in a pro-Palestinian protest, organized by Stanford Against Apartheid in Palestine. The protest was in support of students arrested at previous protests and calling for divestment from Israel amid its conflict with Hamas.

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested at Stanford University

More than a dozen pro-Palestinian protesters at Stanford University were arrested and some immediately suspended from school after briefly taking over the president's office in a demand for divestment from Israel, causing damage and graffiti vandalism on campus.

Pro-Palestinian Protest at Brooklyn Museum

Pro-Palestinian protesters in Brooklyn, New York, occupied the Brooklyn Museum, resulting in damaged artwork and staff harassment. At least 34 people were taken into custody. Similar protests have taken place at other locations across the country, leading to numerous arrests.

Anti-Israel Protesters at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters resurrected an encampment at Columbia University for the third time, leading to disruptions on campus and calls for divestment from Israeli companies.

Protesters dismantle anti-Israel encampment at Wayne State University

Protesters at Wayne State University in Detroit set up an anti-Israel encampment demanding divestment from Israel. Police dismantled the encampment resulting in the arrests of at least eight protesters. The encampment caused tension and forced classes to be held remotely at the university.

Anti-Israel Protest at Princeton University

Anti-Israel protesters at Princeton University held an encampment for three weeks, with the last day on May 15, 2024, to fight for divestment and Palestinian liberation. The encampment faced pressure from the university administration to close before Nakba Day.

Pro-Palestinian Activists Take Over Building at UC Berkeley

Pro-Palestinian activists took over a building at UC Berkeley following an agreement to end a weeks-long encampment. The university agreed to examine investment strategies but not specifically divest from Israel. The activists demanded full divestment, which was deemed impermissible by the university due to concerns about academic freedom and California's anti-BDS laws.

Antiwar student protests at UC Berkeley

Antiwar student protesters at UC Berkeley reached an agreement with administrators regarding investments in Israel; protesters dismantle encampment; protests continue across University of California system.

Harvard University reaches deal with anti-Israel protesters

Harvard University reached a deal with anti-Israel protesters to dismantle their encampment ahead of commencement ceremony. The protesters will have meetings with university officials regarding divestment and the establishment of a Center for Palestine Studies. The encampment was part of a larger strategy of divestment.

Harvard University ends pro-Hamas encampment

Harvard University ended a pro-Hamas encampment in Harvard Yard by reversing suspensions and offering meetings on divesting from Israel. The university also agreed to expedite cases for students facing charges and discuss perspectives on the Israel-Hamas war.

Pro-Palestinian Student Protests at College Graduation Ceremonies

Pro-Palestinian student protests during college graduation ceremonies in various locations across the U.S. spark controversy and clashes with police. Events include waving Palestinian flags, chanting 'Free Palestine,' and advocating for divestment from companies tied to Israel.

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations at U.S. University Commencement Ceremonies

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators stage walkouts and protests during university commencement ceremonies across the U.S., calling for divestment from companies with ties to Israel. Some universities respond with police involvement, while others negotiate with students. The protests have sparked accusations of antisemitism and political controversies, including criticisms of Governor Glenn Youngkin's DEI policies. President Joe Biden's upcoming commencement address at Morehouse College is also facing scrutiny.

Anti-Israel Protesters at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Anti-Israel protesters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison agreed to remove their encampment after reaching an agreement with university officials. The agreement includes promises from both sides to not disrupt campus functions and to facilitate discussions on disclosure and investment principles. Similar protests have occurred at other universities across the nation.

Faculty-led anti-Israel encampment at The New School in NYC

Faculty-led anti-Israel encampment established at The New School in NYC, leading to arrests of students and faculty solidarity. Demands for divestment in companies complicit in Israel's actions. Named after Refaat Alareer, killed in Israeli airstrike. Faculty expresses no confidence in New School leadership.

Anti-Israel Protest at George Washington University

Anti-Israel protesters gathered outside George Washington University President Ellen Granberg's home chanting against her alleged complicity in genocide. The protest was deemed illegal by Granberg due to property damage and antisemitic behavior. The protesters demand universities divest from companies supporting Israel and protect pro-Palestinian speech on campuses.

Pro-Palestinian Student Protests at U.S. Colleges

Pro-Palestinian student protesters at several U.S. colleges have reached agreements with administrators, leading to the dismantling of protest encampments. Demands vary but generally call for an end to the Israel-Hamas war and divestment from companies tied to Israel. Schools like Northwestern, Brown, Rutgers, and the University of Minnesota have made commitments such as allowing peaceful demonstrations, providing scholarships for Palestinian students, and improving campus spaces for Muslim students.

Protests at College Graduations in Support of Palestinians

Protests in support of Palestinians on college campuses across the country are affecting graduation ceremonies, with some schools canceling or moving events due to safety concerns. Students are calling for divestment from companies doing business with Israel, leading to tensions and arrests on campus. Some schools are negotiating with protestors, while others are preparing for modified ceremonies in off-campus locations.

Racism and Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Counter-protester at UCLA anti-Israel protest dismisses white person, resulting in accusations of racism. Many condemn the anti-white sentiment displayed by the protester. Frat boys counter-protesting pro-Palestinian supporters at University of Mississippi face accusations of racism as well. Protests across various universities demand divestment from Israeli companies, among other demands.

Pro-Palestinian protesters' demands at University of Chicago

Pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Chicago issued a list of demands, calling for defunding campus police and reparations, among other things.

Anti-Israel Protests at University of Michigan Commencement

Anti-Israel protesters disrupted commencement ceremonies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, leading to confrontations with attendees. Protests have been ongoing at various college campuses, with demands including divesting from Israeli companies and ending academic ties with Israel.

University of California Riverside considering divesting from Israel

The University of California Riverside has agreed to consider divesting from Israel and boycotting Israeli universities in response to demands from pro-Palestinian activists. This decision has raised concerns about anti-BDS legislation in California.

Brown University considering divestment from Israel

Brown University considered divestment from Israel following pressure from anti-Israel demonstrators, resulting in mixed reactions from local Jewish leaders and clergy.

Pro-Palestinian Protesters and University Endowment Investments

Pro-Palestinian protesters demand universities disclose and divest investments in companies doing business in Israel, but the complex nature of endowment funds makes it challenging to identify and divest from these stakes. Many universities lack transparency in sharing investment details, which hinders efforts for divestment.

Protest at the University of Alabama

Two opposing protest groups at the University of Alabama found rare unity in chanting 'F--- Joe Biden' during a demonstration, while peacefully protesting the school's financial connection to the Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin. The protest called for divestment from Israel and companies aiding Israel's war against Hamas in Gaza.

Iran's Shiraz University Offers Scholarships to US Students Expelled for Pro-Palestinian Protests

Iran's Shiraz University offers scholarships to US students expelled for pro-Palestinian protests against Israel's actions in Gaza, amid a growing student movement calling for universities to divest from companies supporting Israel.

Pro-Palestinian protests on US campuses

Pro-Palestinian protests on US campuses lead to arrests, with police cracking down on demonstrators at Columbia University. Tensions are high as protesters demand universities to divest from companies with ties to Israel. Security expert Juliette Kayyem discusses the situation.

NYPD disperses pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia University

NYPD riot cops stormed Columbia University to disperse pro-Palestine protesters from an encampment and occupied building in less than two hours, resulting in almost 100 arrests. President Minouche Shafik called in the police to restore order and safety amid escalating protests. Former president Donald Trump praised the police response, while university officials faced backlash for involving the NYPD.

MIT Encampment Protesters Urging Divestment from Israel

MIT graduate student Zeno discusses the goal of encampment protesters with Fox News Digital, urging MIT to divest from Israel and criticizing media outlets for suggesting anti-Zionism is a form of antisemitism.

Response to Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Sen. John Kennedy criticizes President Biden's response to anti-Israel protests on college campuses. College Democrats support the protests, calling them heroic and advocating for divestment from Israel.

Protests over Israel's actions in Gaza

U.S. college students are protesting Israel's actions in Gaza, drawing support from students in Gaza. Protests have led to accusations of antisemitism, but students reject the claims. Encampments at U.S. colleges call for an end to the war in Gaza and divestment from Israel. Students in Gaza appreciate the support but fear for their academic futures.

Brown University Divestment Vote on Israel Support

Brown University leaders agree to hold a vote on divesting from companies that support Israel, pro-Palestinian student demonstrators clear their encampment.

Pro-Palestinian Student Occupation at Columbia University

Pro-Palestinian student groups occupy Columbia University's Hamilton Hall, demanding divestment from companies profiting from Israel's war in Gaza, leading to clashes with university administration and police.

Student Activism at Columbia University

The recent protests at Columbia University echo the student activism of the late 1960s, with students occupying buildings in response to various sociopolitical issues. The current protests focus on demanding divestment from corporations profiting from the war in Gaza. The historical context of the protests and potential law enforcement crackdowns are reminiscent of past events.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protests escalate at Columbia University as students take over a building, barricade doors, and demand divestment from Israel, potentially disrupting the university's commencement ceremony.

Anti-Israel Protest at University of Georgia

Multiple demonstrators were arrested at an anti-Israel protest at the University of Georgia after setting up an encampment on the front lawn. The protest was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine demanding university divestment from Zionist organizations. University police arrested 16 people as protesters refused to comply with orders to remove their tents.

Anti-Israel Protest at University of Georgia

Police arrested multiple demonstrators at an anti-Israel protest at the University of Georgia after they set up an encampment on the front lawn. The protest was organized by Students for Justice in Palestine, demanding solidarity, protection, and divestment from Zionist organizations.

Anti-Israel Encampment at Rutgers University

An anti-Israel encampment was established on the lawn of Rutgers University by the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. Similar encampments and protests have been seen on other college campuses in the United States, demanding divestment from companies tied to Israel and calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

Anti-Israel Encampment at Rutgers University

An anti-Israel encampment was established on the lawn of Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey by Students for Justice in Palestine chapter. The encampment is there until divestment, with signs advocating for free Palestine and against colonialism. Similar encampments have been set up in other U.S. universities.

Anti-Israel Protests at University of Pennsylvania

Anti-Israel activists construct encampments on University of Pennsylvania's campus, demanding divestment from Israel and corporations profiting from Israel-Hamas war. Protests spark fear and anxiety on campus.

Anti-Israel Protests at U.S. Campuses

Anti-Israel protests erupt at various U.S. campuses, leading to arrests and disruptions. Demonstrators call for divestment from companies supporting Israel's military actions in Gaza.

US House of Representatives Approves Bill to Force TikTok Divestment from ByteDance

The US House of Representatives approved a bill to force TikTok to divest from its Chinese parent company ByteDance or be shut out of the American market due to concerns of Beijing spying on users and spreading propaganda. The bill goes to the Senate for a vote next week and President Biden has expressed support for it.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Intense anti-Israel protests erupt at Columbia University in New York City, leading to mass arrests and a 'fever pitch' of demonstrations. Students demand divestment from companies with ties to Israel, resulting in clashes with police and disruptions on campus.

Suspension of Isra Hirsi from Barnard College for Anti-Israel Protests

Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, suspended from Barnard College for involvement in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. She and two other students were suspended for participating in an unauthorized encampment despite warnings. Hirsi remains defiant and calls for divestment from companies complicit in genocide.

Anti-Israel Protest at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters were removed from Columbia University's campus in New York City after setting up an encampment. The university president authorized the police to take action due to violations of rules and policies.

Anti-Israel Protest at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protesters occupied Columbia University's south lawn calling for divestment from companies with ties to Israel while university president testified before Congress on campus antisemitism.

Anti-Israel Student Protester Disrupts Event at Berkeley Law School

An anti-Israel student protester disrupted an event at Berkeley Law School hosted at the Jewish dean's residence, demanding divestment from corporations funding Israel's role in the conflict. The dean and his wife asked the protester to leave, citing respect for constitutional rights. The incident sparked controversy and highlighted tensions around the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Harvard Law School Anti-Israel Resolution

The student council of Harvard Law School passed an anti-Israel resolution by changing the voting rules to allow for a secret ballot. The resolution calls on Harvard University to divest from the Jewish state and anything connected with it. This has led to resignations and protests within the council.

House passes bill potentially banning TikTok in U.S. app stores

House of Representatives passes bill that could lead to banning TikTok in U.S. app stores if parent company does not divest within 165 days. Bipartisan support for the bill but concerns raised over free speech and government control issues. Hunter Biden refuses to attend House hearing, Trump secures 2024 Republican nomination, and CNN corrects story on Sen. Katie Britt.

H.R. 7521 - Divestment of TikTok from China

H.R. 7521 is not a blanket ban on TikTok but an ultimatum for TikTok to divest from China or face expulsion from the United States. The legislation passed in a bipartisan manner in the House.

ByteDance and TikTok Divestment Bill

The House approved a bill calling for China's ByteDance to divest TikTok in the U.S., citing national security concerns. The bill passed with a 352-65 vote and faces Senate approval. President Biden is expected to sign if passed, despite concerns over economic impact and potential First Amendment violations.

TikTok potential shutdown in the U.S.

Members of Congress are receiving calls from angry constituents after TikTok warned of a potential shutdown in the U.S. Bipartisan legislation has been advanced to force TikTok's Chinese parent company to divest its ownership within 165 days.

TikTok Divestment Bill

President Joe Biden supports a bill that would force ByteDance to sell TikTok or face a ban, despite opposition from Donald Trump. The bill is aimed at addressing national security concerns regarding user data and potential Chinese government access.