Religious Education in Public Schools

Oklahoma's state superintendent ordered public schools to incorporate the Bible into the curriculum, but social media posts inaccurately claimed Texas and Louisiana also made the same order. Only Oklahoma implemented this change. Louisiana required displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms, while Texas introduced elementary school materials with biblical references for review. Legal challenges have arisen questioning the constitutionality of these actions.

Oklahoma Schools Mandate Bible in Classroom Instruction

Oklahoma's state superintendent of public instruction, Ryan Walters, has mandated the integration of the Bible into classroom instruction in grades five through 12, citing historical context. The move is inspired by former President Trump and aims to ensure students understand the Bible's role in American and Western civilization history.

Louisiana Law Requiring Display of Ten Commandments in Public Schools

Louisiana passed a bill requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms, funded by donations. Other states are also working to restore the commandments in schools. Some groups criticize the law as unconstitutional and a violation of separation of church and state.

Display of Ten Commandments in Public Schools

Louisiana becomes the first state to require the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms.

Lack of Oversight in Public School Curriculum Materials

Public schools in the U.S. often use curriculum materials without official oversight, leading to controversies and potential indoctrination. Teachers have significant autonomy in creating lesson plans, which can result in the promotion of certain ideologies or poorly developed educational content.

Rise of Homeschooling and Charter Schools in Florida

Parents in Florida are increasingly opting for charter schools, private schools, and homeschooling over public schools, leading to a significant enrollment loss in public schools. The state has passed universal school choice legislation to expand options for K-12 students.

Satanic Temple advocates for equal representation in public schools

Conservative lawmakers in Florida and Texas allowed religious chaplains in public schools, leading to the Satanic Temple advocating for equal representation. The Temple, recognized as a religion by the IRS, uses satire to make a point about the encroachment of religion on public life. They have faced opposition and threats but continue to grow in numbers, especially due to the rise of Christian nationalism. Legal battles have shown the effectiveness of the Temple's strategy in gaining access to public spaces intended for other religions.

Debate Over Chaplains in American Public Schools

Rocky Malloy, a man with a history of drug trafficking and rebel activity, is leading an effort to introduce chaplains into American public schools, supported by Republican lawmakers. This initiative has sparked debate over the separation of church and state, with advocates citing mental health benefits and critics raising concerns about potential conversion and discrimination. Malloy's National School Chaplain Association aims to spread religious teachings in classrooms, with claims of significant positive impact on students.

Handling of Antisemitism in Public Schools

Leaders of three large public school systems will testify before Congress about handling incidents of antisemitism on their campuses amid previous inquiries into pro-Palestinian protests on campuses. The hearing will focus on K-12 schools' responses to harassment of students based on shared ancestry.

Florida Bill Limiting Book Bans in Public Schools

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law that limits the number of challenges on school materials that an individual can make per year, if they do not have a student enrolled in that district, to prevent the weaponization of book bans in public schools.

Book Bans in Public Schools

PEN America warns of a disturbing trend of book bans in public schools, fueled by the right-wing media machine, targeting diverse and inclusive books about race, gender, and LGBTQ+ topics.

Controversy Surrounding Spiritual Chaplains in Public Schools

Legislation proposed in multiple states to allow spiritual chaplains in public schools is causing controversy, with proponents arguing for mental health benefits and opponents raising concerns about the introduction of religious authority to children without clear boundaries.

Rising Chronic Absenteeism Among Public School Students

The rates of chronic absenteeism among public school students have significantly increased following the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting both wealthy and low-income districts. Virtual learning and school closures have contributed to the rise, impacting student relationships, behavior, and academic performance.

Cell Phone Ban in Indiana Public Schools

Indiana public schools will ban cell phones in classrooms next fall under a new law passed with bipartisan support to help students focus on learning, reduce conflicts around social media, and promote face-to-face communication.

Legislation banning teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in Alabama public schools

Alabama lawmakers advance legislation that would ban teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools and prohibit displaying Pride flags in classrooms, in a move critics call 'Don't Say Gay.' The bill expands current law to cover all grades and prohibits school employees from displaying flags representing sexual or gender identity on public school property.

Wastewater Drug Testing in New Mexico Schools

New Mexico is testing wastewater from public schools for drugs, but critics argue the data is of dubious value and the money could be better spent.