Poll on Voter Trust in Biden vs. Trump on Immigration

A poll by CNN/SSRS shows that fewer voters trust President Biden over former President Trump on handling immigration, with Trump leading by six points. Democrats are concerned about Biden's re-election efforts, with many voters preferring someone else at the top of the ticket in 2024.

Voters' Confidence in President Biden's Mental Fitness

New polling shows a sharp drop in voters' confidence in President Biden's mental fitness compared to four years ago, with 72% of voters now doubting his ability to serve as president.

Democratic Party and President Biden

Democratic strategist James Carville expresses frustration with President Biden's struggles and suggests the Democratic Party needs to offer something different to voters.

2024 Presidential Election

Voters in battleground states express concerns over both President Biden and former President Trump ahead of the first presidential debate. Some voters are dissatisfied with the current choices and wish for a candidate with a middle-of-the-road perspective.

2024 Presidential Election in Nevada

Former President Trump leads in a key battleground state in the 2024 presidential election according to a new poll. Nevada Senate candidate and U.S. Army Captain (Ret.) Sam Brown reacts to Trump's endorsement and what inspired him to run for office.

2024 Presidential Election in Georgia

Georgia is expected to play a pivotal role in the 2024 presidential election, with voters in Alpharetta expressing mixed feelings about the candidates and the upcoming debate. Some voters are disillusioned with their options, while others believe the debate is important for making an informed decision.

Voters' Approval on Restricting Asylum Seekers at U.S. Southern Border

Majority of voters approve of restricting asylum seekers at the U.S. southern border, especially when Biden's name is not attached to the plan. Biden's approval rating on immigration has increased, leading to a tight race between him and former President Trump. Partisan differences in opinions are clear, with varying support based on demographics. Immigration remains a key issue for voters in the upcoming election.

North Dakota Voters Approve Age Limits on Congressional Candidates

North Dakota voters approved a ballot measure setting age limits on congressional candidates, prohibiting those turning 81 during their term. Measure aimed at avoiding age-related and cognitive issues among officeholders.

Impact of labeling Donald Trump as a 'convicted felon'

Lara Trump criticizes Democrats and media for labeling Donald Trump a 'convicted felon', stating it is not affecting voters who are more concerned about real-life issues like rising costs and safety. She believes Trump's poll numbers have increased post-verdict and voters want to return to normalcy.

European Parliament Elections

Voters have chosen representatives for the European Parliament, impacting the future of the European Union.

Voter Sentiment towards Trump and Biden in the November Election

Some voters are reluctant to vote for either Donald Trump or Joe Biden in the upcoming November election. Focus groups suggest swing voters are crucial, with 14% disapproving of both candidates. Double disapprovers could impact the outcome in November.

Arizona's Secure the Border Act

Arizona House of Representatives approved a bill allowing voters to decide on the state's border security, despite opposition from Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs. The bill would make it a crime to enter Arizona illegally and allow local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws.

South Africa election results

South Africa's ruling party, the African National Congress, saw a significant decrease in voter support due to issues such as joblessness, inequality, and power shortages.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Independent Presidential Campaign

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s independent presidential campaign attracts supporters disillusioned with Democrats and Republicans. Although unlikely to win, their turnout could influence the 2024 presidential election between Biden and Trump.

Abortion Rights Amendments in U.S. States

States in the U.S. are seeking to maneuver around Republican-led legislatures to protect abortion rights by putting amendments on the ballot for voters to decide. Key states like Colorado, Florida, Maryland, South Dakota, Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and Nevada are all involved in these efforts.

Florida Voters' Support for Trump and Abortion Rights Amendment

Florida voters are more likely to support former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election but also express majority support for a proposed ballot measure enshrining the right to abortion in the state constitution. The poll found that 54% would vote for Trump and 60% would support Amendment 4, which protects the right to abortion before viability.

Abortion Rights Stances of Donald Trump and Joe Biden

A comparison of former president Donald Trump's and President Joe Biden's shifting stances on abortion rights and how voters feel about them on this issue.

Public Opinion on Deportation vs Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in the U.S.

A new poll shows that a majority of likely U.S. voters prefer deporting all illegal aliens rather than giving them amnesty. The survey also reveals that working and lower-middle-class Americans are highly supportive of deportations, while those most likely to hire illegal aliens oppose such a policy.

Voter Sentiment and Trust in Political Parties

Only 39% of voters say they are better off today than they were four years ago, according to a poll. The poll also shows significant distrust in the Democratic Party's ability to handle the economy and immigration.

Rising Credit Card Debt and Delinquencies During the Pandemic

Families are struggling with increased credit card debt and delinquencies since the pandemic, attributed to factors like cash flow constraints and income loss. Costs have risen about 20% under President Biden, leading to higher living expenses. Credit card delinquencies have surpassed pre-pandemic levels, with 6.9% transitioning to serious delinquency last quarter. Housing debt remains the largest, with homeowners tapping into home equity. Student loan debt is at $1.60 trillion, with unclear delinquency rates. A majority of voters feel worse off financially under Biden's economic policies.

Presidential Debates between Biden and Trump

President Biden's campaign is calling on former President Trump to join him for two debates in June and September, proposing a change from the Commission on Presidential Debates' original schedule. Trump has accepted the revised schedule on Truth Social. Both campaigns are eager for the debates, with Biden's campaign pushing for earlier debates to engage voters and avoid third-party candidates.

President Biden's promise to restore normalcy to American politics

President Biden has promised to restore normalcy to American politics, but many voters are still frustrated and want major changes. Recent polls show discontent with both Biden and Trump, with concerns about the economy and Biden's handling of certain issues. Despite Biden's accomplishments, voters are still feeling the impact of high prices and economic concerns.

Hillary Clinton's comments on Donald Trump and the 2024 election

Hillary Clinton criticizes Donald Trump as 'old and dangerous' during an interview on MSNBC, urging voters to support President Biden in the upcoming election.

Voter Views on Immigration in Pennsylvania and Arizona

Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep interviews voters in Pennsylvania and Arizona to hear their views on immigration.

Chicago Residents' Frustration with President Biden

Chicago residents express frustration and anger towards President Biden ahead of his visit to the city, citing issues such as high gas prices, violence, and lack of support for the Black community. They believe that support for the Democratic Party is dwindling among Black voters.

Public Opinion on Former President Trump's Legal Troubles

More than half of voters think former President Trump has committed crimes, with many believing he should be convicted. The ongoing legal cases against Trump are seen as potentially impacting his future as a political candidate.

Impact of Inflation on Voter Views in Northampton County, Pa.

Voters in Northampton County, Pa. share how inflation impacts their perceptions of presidential candidates.

Pennsylvania Voter Survey

Former President Trump and President Biden are in a dead heat in the latest Fox News survey of Pennsylvania voters. Trump leads in a potential five-way race that includes third-party candidates. Biden is focusing on the economy and advocating for higher taxes on the wealthy. Voters are split on various issues including the conflict in the Middle East and the candidates' mental fitness.

Michigan Voter Survey on President Biden and Former President Trump

A recent Fox News survey of Michigan registered voters shows President Biden receiving 46% support while former President Trump receives 49%. Trump's advantage is mainly among men and various other demographics, while Biden's best groups include Black voters, urban voters, suburban women, and voters ages 65 and over.

Abortion Laws in the U.S.

A new poll found that 66% of American voters believe abortion should not be legal past three months of pregnancy. The survey also revealed that both pro-choice and pro-life voters do not hold extreme views on the issue.

2024 Presidential Election Poll Results

President Biden has nearly erased Donald J. Trump’s early polling advantage, with both candidates now virtually tied in the latest Times/Siena Poll. Biden's support among traditional Democratic voters has improved, but many voters still have doubts about the country's direction, the economy, and the candidates' ages.

Election Dynamics in Erie County, Pennsylvania

Erie County in Pennsylvania is considered a 'boomerang county' that has switched between Democrat and Republican support in recent presidential elections. Voters express their changing opinions on candidates like Trump and Biden, with some citing issues like abortion and immigration policies. The county's political party chairmen are focused on boosting voter turnout and addressing the disparity in mail-in ballot usage between Democrats and Republicans.

Florida Voters and Abortion Amendment

A new poll in Florida shows uncertainty among voters regarding a ballot measure for a constitutional right to abortion up until 24 weeks of pregnancy. The amendment has support from left-wing groups but falls short of the 60% needed to pass. Florida voters are split on the issue, with Democrats and independents more in favor compared to Republicans. The measure would undo existing abortion limits in the state if passed.

Florida Voters Motivated for 2024 Presidential Election

A recent survey in Florida shows that a majority of registered voters are more motivated to vote in the 2024 presidential election compared to past elections. Former President Donald Trump leads current President Joe Biden by double digits in head-to-head and third-party matchups. The state is leaning towards Republicans, with a significant voter registration advantage. The Republican Party of Florida is confident in delivering Florida's electoral votes to Trump.

Struggles of the Office District in St. Louis, Missouri

The Wall Street Journal reports on the struggling office district in Democrat-run St. Louis, Missouri, which is facing a 'doom loop' of empty buildings and failing businesses. The city has not had a Republican mayor since 1949. Efforts are being made to revitalize the area with cash payouts to small businesses and infrastructure improvements.

Criticism of President Biden's Economic Focus

Former White House chief of staff Ron Klain criticizes President Biden for not focusing on key economic issues like inflation and grocery prices, instead emphasizing infrastructure. Klain suggests Biden's approach is not effectively resonating with voters.

Abortion rights in Arizona

Governor Katie Hobbs of Arizona expressed confidence in voters enshrining abortion rights in November and criticized the Supreme Court decision banning abortion.

Arizona Supreme Court Enforces 160-Year-Old Abortion Ban

The Arizona Supreme Court ruled that a 160-year-old near-total abortion ban in the state is enforceable, adding Arizona to the list of places where abortion care is effectively banned.

Presidential Election Survey Results

Most supporters of President Joe Biden are voting 'against' former President Donald Trump rather than 'for' the Democrat incumbent, according to a survey. Trump and Biden are tied among registered voters. The survey also reveals insights into the motivations of Biden and Trump supporters.

Republican National Committee and Trump Campaign Fundraising Success

The Republican National Committee and Trump campaign raised $40 million in a joint fundraising event, outdoing President Biden's recent event. March was the largest fundraising month in RNC history, with a total of $65.6 million raised. Lara Trump emphasized the focus on election integrity and engaging voters.

Current Events

Taiwan experiences its strongest earthquake in almost 25 years, Wisconsin's 'uninstructed' voters send a message to President Biden on the war in Gaza, and a crucial test for a Texas immigration law.

Impact of Recent Murders in Michigan on 2024 Election

Strategic National CEO John Yob suggests that recent murders in Michigan by illegal aliens will drive support towards former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Yob predicts that the immigration issue will impact the election outlook and put Michigan more firmly in Trump's corner.

Presidential Performance Ratings and Newsletter Sign-Up

This article discusses how voters rated the performance of Presidents Trump, Obama, and Biden and offers a free daily newsletter for sign-up. It also assures not selling or sharing personal information for ad targeting.

Abortion Rights Referendum

The court ruled that voters will decide whether to expand abortion rights during a referendum in November.

Maine's outdoor trail network improvements proposal

Maine's beloved outdoor trail network could receive millions of dollars of improvements under a proposal conservationists have asked lawmakers to put before voters.

2024 Presidential Election Matchup Between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

A survey found that a plurality of respondents believe Donald Trump would defeat Joe Biden in a 2024 presidential election matchup. Trump has more support among Republicans, independents, and registered voters. The survey also revealed that most Biden voters are voting 'against' Trump, while most Trump voters are voting 'for' Trump.

Biden Campaign's Ad Targeting Nikki Haley Voters

Biden campaign launches ad targeting former Nikki Haley voters, aiming to sway them to support the Democrat's re-election, using Trump's past comments against Haley as leverage.

Donald Trump attends wake of slain NYPD officer

Former President Donald Trump attends wake of slain NYPD officer, highlighting crime issues despite overall decrease in violent crimes nationally. Trump aims to capitalize on public anxiety over shocking crimes to gain votes.

Impact of 'Bidenomics' Slogan in 2024

President Joe Biden's use of the 'Bidenomics' slogan has decreased significantly in 2024 after Republicans redefined it negatively. Despite the shift, the White House plans to continue discussing Bidenomics, which remains a top concern for voters.

Wisconsin voters critical of President Biden's handling of Israel-Hamas war

Voters in Wisconsin critical of President Biden's handling of Israel-Hamas war are voting 'uninstructed' in state's presidential primary.

Michigan Poll: Trump vs. Biden

Former President Donald Trump is narrowly leading President Joe Biden in Michigan according to a Mitchell Research poll. Trump leads Biden by 3 points in a head-to-head matchup and by 2 points in a five-way trial ballot. Trump is particularly strong with men, younger voters, and white voters, while Biden leads with women, black American voters, and certain counties in Michigan.

Political Poll in Michigan

President Joe Biden's support is collapsing in Michigan according to a CNN survey. Former President Donald Trump is leading Biden by 8 points in the key swing state. Trump also maintains a lead when third-party candidates are included. Most voters in Michigan have already decided who they will vote for, but about a quarter say they could move in another direction.

Medicaid Expansion in Florida

Florida lawmakers have debated expanding Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act for a decade. Advocates are now attempting to bypass the legislature and bring the issue directly to voters.

President Biden's efforts to appeal to Latino voters in Arizona

Arizona voters express discontent with President Biden's efforts to appeal to Latino voters in Arizona, citing issues such as inflation, economic stability, crime, and public safety.

Russian Polling Stations Incidents and Putin's Goals in Ukraine

Incidents at Russian polling stations show frustrated voters spoiling votes in protest against Vladimir Putin. Putin aims to establish a buffer zone in Ukraine to protect against strikes. Putin warns against Western troops in Ukraine, saying it could lead to World War III. Zelenskyy calls for Putin to face trial for war crimes.

President Joe Biden's anti-aging methods and State of the Union Address

Stylist warns that President Joe Biden's anti-aging methods may put off voters ahead of State of the Union Address. Despite efforts to appear capable, alleged cosmetic procedures could be off-putting. Biden expected to address achievements and plans for second term during speech.

Political Strategy for Donald Trump's Campaign

Former President Donald Trump needs to focus on working class issues such as trade and immigration to defeat Democrats in November, according to Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle. He emphasizes the importance of Trump aggressively leaning into these issues to secure victory.

San Francisco voters moving right on crime and drug policy

San Francisco voters moved right on crime and drug policy in response to ongoing crises, approving measures to bolster police and mandate drug screening for welfare recipients. Mayor London Breed, a moderate Democrat, led the shift towards more conservative policies.

Nikki Haley's Presidential Campaign Suspension

Nikki Haley suspends presidential campaign, leaving her voters without a clear candidate. She encourages Trump to earn her voters' support but does not endorse him.

MSNBC Liberal Commentators Mocking Voters Concerned About Illegal Immigration

MSNBC liberal commentators mocked voters concerned about illegal immigration triggering criticism of the network. Fox News contributor Joe Concha criticized the network's narrative on immigration and controlling the narrative around President Trump's speeches.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election

Voters discuss their support for either Trump or Biden on Super Tuesday, with concerns about economy, immigration, and global instability. The election is predicted to be close due to high voter dissatisfaction with both candidates. Trump leads in electoral college votes but faces challenges due to past controversies. Biden also struggles with low polling numbers and dissatisfaction from voters. Several third-party candidates are gaining support, making the election unpredictable.

President Biden's strategy to address concerns about his age

President Biden's team is implementing a strategy to address concerns about his age by having him engage more directly with voters and social media influencers, showcasing his achievements and personality to shift public perception.

Analysis of Trump voters' energy levels by John Heilemann

MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann believes former President Donald Trump voters have a 'lack of energy' based on his observations of low turnout at rallies and lack of enthusiasm among Republicans.

California Senate Race and Homeless Crisis

Steve Hilton discusses the California Senate race and the growing homeless crisis on Fox News, highlighting the surprising surge of former MLB star Steve Garvey against Adam Schiff. Voters are seeking change due to various issues in California.

2024 Republican Presidential Nomination Race

Former President Donald Trump remains the overwhelming choice of likely Republican primary voters as he continues cruising toward his party’s 2024 presidential nomination, with a poll showing him crushing his last remaining competitor, former Gov. Nikki Haley. Trump leads in almost all 15 Super Tuesday states, with notable differences in support across different demographics. Some cite his track record as president and his personal behavior as reasons for not voting for him. There are concerns about potential impact on the November election.

Texas Voters and Presidential Primary Election

Voters in Texas are driven to the polls in the presidential primary election by concerns about immigration and democracy.

Comparison of Trump and Biden's Policies

A New York Times-Siena College poll suggests that former President Donald Trump's policies are perceived to be more beneficial to voters across various demographics compared to President Joe Biden's policies.

2024 U.S. Presidential Election Poll

A recent poll conducted by the New York Times/Siena College shows former President Donald Trump leading among voters who favored President Biden in 2020, with a 48-43 edge. Trump has also gained support among Hispanic voters and working-class voters of color. However, Biden polls better with independent voters and concerns about criminal cases involving Trump may impact his support.

Comparison of Trump's and Biden's Policies

Voters have more positive views of Donald Trump's policies than Joe Biden's, with 40% saying Trump's policies helped them compared to 18% for Biden. Trump's policies are particularly well-regarded among women and Hispanic voters, while Biden is favored for making college more affordable. Overall, voters believe Biden's time in office has hurt more than helped.

Swiss Voters Approve Plan to Raise Pensions

Swiss voters approved a plan to raise pensions, marking the first time social benefits have increased through a plebiscite in Switzerland's history. The proposal includes introducing a 13th annual payout to pensioners, with pensions set to increase by about 8% from 2026.

Concerns about President Biden's age affecting his re-election bid

A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College shows that a majority of voters who supported President Biden in 2020 now believe he is too old to effectively lead the country, with concerns about his age cutting across various demographics. The poll indicates a growing unease as Biden moves towards his re-election bid, with comparisons to his opponent, Donald Trump, who is only four years younger. Some voters express worries about Biden's mental acuity and physical health, while others believe he has the temperament to be president. Despite concerns, Democrats appear to be slowly unifying behind Biden's bid.

Protesting War in Gaza Through Democratic Primary Votes

Some Minnesota voters are using uncommitted votes in the Democratic primary to protest the war in Gaza and influence President Biden's stance on the issue.

Poll Results: Biden vs. Trump

A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College shows President Biden trailing behind Donald J. Trump in support among registered voters, with doubts about his leadership and dissatisfaction over the nation's direction.

Sen. Bernie Sanders on President Biden's Cognitive Test

Sen. Bernie Sanders believes President Joe Biden shouldn't take a cognitive test to address concerns about his age, stating that adding hurdles before running for president could lead to a slippery slope of criteria. Sanders emphasizes that voters should consider the totality of a person, including their accomplishments and beliefs.

Michigan Voters' Message to President Biden

In Michigan, voters sent a message to President Biden by voting 'uncommitted' in the Democratic primary, concerned about his stance on the Gaza conflict. The campaign plans to engage with younger, Arab American, and Muslim voters to address their concerns. The co-chair of the Biden campaign emphasizes Biden's fitness for presidency and contrasts his ideas with those of Donald Trump.

Michigan Primary Results and Biden Campaign Challenges

NPR's Mary Louise Kelly discusses the Michigan primary results and challenges for the Biden campaign with Mitch Landrieu, the national co-chair of the Biden campaign. A group in Michigan encouraged voters to vote 'uncommitted' to send a message about President Biden's stance on the Gaza conflict.

Virginia Voters Urged Not to Use Mail-In Ballots

Richmond General Registrar Keith Balmer urges voters in Virginia not to use mail-in ballots due to security concerns and advises alternative methods for casting their votes in the upcoming presidential primary.

President Joe Biden's Age and Physical Decline

Former aides express concerns over President Joe Biden's age and physical decline, suggesting he needs to address these issues to reassure voters.

Michigan Primary Election Concerns at Wayne State University

Students at Wayne State University in Michigan share their biggest concerns for the upcoming election year as primary voters head to the polls.

Impact of Arab American and Muslim Voters on Michigan Politics

Michigan's Arab American and Muslim voters are protesting President Joe Biden's reelection over his Israel policy, with many promising not to vote for him in the primary or to mark themselves as uncommitted. This could have political repercussions for Biden in the general election as these communities are energized and hold significant voting power in the battleground state.

Donald Trump's Primary Results

Donald J. Trump has underperformed in the first three primary contests compared to pre-election polling. Three theories are suggested as possible explanations: undecided voters supporting Nikki Haley, incorrect electorate makeup in polls, and a potential Hidden Anti-Trump vote. Pollsters may have missed Democratic-leaning voters turning out to support Haley. The turnout problem may persist in competitive primaries. The Hidden Anti-Trump vote theory suggests anti-Trump voters may not be as likely to respond to surveys, potentially affecting general election polling.

Former President Trump's electoral prospects

Former President Trump wins big in GOP contests but faces challenges in attracting diverse and educated voters in the general election.

Georgia Early Voting for Presidential Primary

About 16,000 Georgia voters turned out for the start of early voting for the presidential primary, with smooth voting process and no lines at polling places. Participation is expected to increase over the three weeks of early voting.