Voters' Approval on Restricting Asylum Seekers at U.S. Southern Border

Majority of voters approve of restricting asylum seekers at the U.S. southern border, especially when Biden's name is not attached to the plan. Biden's approval rating on immigration has increased, leading to a tight race between him and former President Trump. Partisan differences in opinions are clear, with varying support based on demographics. Immigration remains a key issue for voters in the upcoming election.

Reinstatement of Entry Visa Requirements for Chinese Nationals in Ecuador

Ecuador will reinstate entry visa requirements for Chinese nationals due to an increase in illegal immigration, many of whom leave for other countries, including the United States. Chinese citizens have been using Ecuador's visa waiver agreement to reach South America and ultimately seek asylum in the U.S. via the dangerous DariƩn Gap jungle trail.


President Biden issued executive actions restricting asylum for immigrants, but asylum seekers continue to arrive in a remote area of California.

ICE Arrests Migrants with Suspected ISIS Ties and DHS Screening Challenges

ICE arrested eight migrants with suspected ISIS ties, highlighting concerns over DHS's ineffective screening of non-citizens and asylum seekers entering the US. The report calls for improvements in data access, policies, technology, and security checks for asylum applicants.

Biden's Executive Actions on Asylum Seekers

President Biden issued executive actions to clamp down on migrants seeking asylum, allowing for the shutdown of the border with Mexico between ports of entry when crossing thresholds are met. The actions aim to restrict asylum and face legal challenges.

Biden Administration's Strategy at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas discusses the Biden administration's strategy at the U.S.-Mexico border in an interview with NPR, highlighting efforts to enforce the law, reduce irregular migration, and provide lawful pathways for relief. Mayorkas believes the approach is working based on decreased numbers and increased removals of individuals. He addresses challenges in processing legal immigration applications and criticizes the prior administration's impact on the system.

Migrant Workers Hiring Practices in the U.S.

Sen. J.D. Vance is demanding answers from the Department of Justice about companies allegedly prioritizing hiring migrant workers over U.S. citizens, despite federal law requiring them to do the opposite.

Housing program for asylum seekers in New Jersey

A church in New Jersey rents apartments to asylum seekers, helping them move into their own homes and pay rent even if they can't legally work yet. This program provides housing and support for migrants who struggle to find landlords willing to rent to them.

Work Permits for Asylum Seekers in America

Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez criticizes the practice of giving work permits to asylum seekers in America, stating that it perpetuates the situation where they will eventually be found lacking merit to be in the country.

Elderly couple pressured to sell property for asylum seekers in the UK

An elderly couple in the UK received a letter from their local council pressuring them to sell their property for asylum seekers, causing outrage and sparking a debate on the issue.

Mosques in New York City providing shelter and meals for migrants during Ramadan

Mosques in New York City are struggling to house and feed migrants during Ramadan. An imam in the Bronx turned his mosque into a makeshift shelter for migrants, many from African countries. The city's mosques are facing challenges meeting the needs of the increasing number of asylum seekers, particularly during this holy month.

Challenges Faced by Mosques in New York City During Ramadan

Mosques in New York City struggle to meet the needs of an increasing number of asylum seekers from Muslim-majority African countries during the holy month of Ramadan. Faith-based communities provide shelter, food, and support to migrants, but face challenges in sustainability. Mayor Eric Adams announced a program to fund institutions offering overnight shelter to migrants, but only a few have been approved so far.

US Voters' Views on Immigration Policies

US voters support policies addressing illegal immigration crisis at the border, with majority favoring increased border patrol officers and reducing asylum seekers. Building a border wall is the least popular proposal.

Chinese Migrants Crossing US Border

Chinese migrants aided by 'snakeheads' and Mexican cartels are crossing the US border, some legally via the CBP One app. They are well-dressed and pay high fees for private transportation. Many intend to return to China.

Fiscal Impact of Refugees and Asylum Seekers

A celebratory report by the Department of Health and Human Services claims the federal government made a profit of $37.5 billion from 2.9 million refugees and asylum seekers, but this profit is misleading as it excludes many costs paid by taxpayers. The report is being used to justify importing more refugees, but it fails to consider long-term costs and impacts. The report also hides information about the most expensive and least expensive categories of migrants.

Immigration Policy

President Biden is considering using executive action to turn away asylum seekers at the border if they cross illegally, a move that could inflame Latino groups and the progressive wing of his party.