Anti-Israel protests at UT Austin

Criminal trespassing charges against anti-Israel protesters at UT Austin dropped due to lack of evidence. Charges were dismissed after a thorough review by the county attorney. University expresses dissatisfaction with the decision.

Impact of Anti-Israel Protests on Emerson College Enrollment

Emerson College in Boston experiences low enrollment due to anti-Israel protests, leading to possible layoffs and budget cuts. President Biden's trip to France, urging Hamas for cease-fire, and expectations for G-7 summit discussed by Rep. Nancy Mace.

Anti-Israel Protests in New York City

Recent anti-Israel protests in New York City and clashes outside a Manhattan exhibit memorializing victims of a festival attack. Fox News reports on the incidents.

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA

Anti-Israel protesters set up new encampment at UCLA, leading to clashes with police and arrests. Demonstrators call for colleges to end business ties with Israel amid ongoing war in Middle East.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Support for American Students' Anti-Israel Protests

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praised American students for their anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests, calling them part of the 'Resistance Front' against Zionists. He also encouraged them to read the Quran. Khamenei's regime has a history of repressing student uprisings in Iran.

Anti-Israel Protests at U.S. College Campuses

South African Chief Rabbi and Iran's Supreme Leader discuss anti-Israel protests at U.S. college campuses, with differing perspectives on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Impact of Anti-Israel Protests on College Graduations

Graduating students facing disappointment and grief as college graduations are disrupted by anti-Israel protests, leading to milestone FOMO and emotional challenges. Experts suggest ways to process and overcome these emotions.

Anti-Israel Protests at College Campuses

Anti-Israel protests continue on college campuses, spreading to University of Pennsylvania with 75 pro-Palestinian protesters staging an encampment at Drexel University. 19 anti-Israel protesters were arrested at the University of Pennsylvania.

Foreign Funding of Anti-American and Anti-Israel Protests in the U.S.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz claims that China and Cuba are funding radical left-wing organizations to incite anti-Israel and anti-American protests in the U.S., calling for investigations by the Biden administration. He highlights the influence of these foreign entities on campus protests and criticizes the lack of action by the DOJ and FBI. Cruz also addresses concerns about anti-American sentiments among foreign students and challenges elite institutions for tolerating antisemitic behavior.

Anti-Israel Protests at University of California, Irvine

Anti-Israel protesters cause chaos at University of California, Irvine campus, leading to clashes between mayors and law enforcement. Columbia University student's anti-Israel rant at commencement ceremony captured on video.

Columbia University Commencement Cancellation and Anti-Israel Protests

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik apologizes for canceling main commencement due to security concerns from anti-Israel protests. Barnard College senior criticizes university's handling of protests and the 'vile' rhetoric faced as a Jewish student.

Anti-Israel Protests at Graduation Ceremonies in the U.S.

Anti-Israel protests disrupt graduation ceremonies at various universities across the U.S., with some students engaging in disruptive behavior while others exhibit silent demonstrations. Protests involve waving flags, chanting, and holding signs denouncing Israel.

Failure of Leadership at American Universities during Anti-Israel Protests

The New York Times editorial board criticized American university administrators for failing to address dangerous disruptions and threats to academic freedom during anti-Israel protests on campuses, resulting in Jewish students and protesters feeling harassed and endangered. The board called for better enforcement of student conduct policies to protect free speech while maintaining order.

Investigation into Northwestern University's Deal with Anti-Israel Protesters

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., has opened an investigation into Northwestern University's deal with anti-Israel protesters, demanding answers on an agreement that includes covering the full cost of attendance for five Palestinian students. Critics argue that this is rewarding inappropriate behavior and failing to address antisemitism on campus.

Anti-Israel protests at University of Pennsylvania

Anti-Israel protests continue on college campuses, with 33 people arrested at the University of Pennsylvania for dismantling an encampment.

Israel's Participation in Eurovision 2024

Israel's Eden Golan advances to the grand final of Eurovision, facing anti-Israel protests but receiving overwhelming support and high votes in the semifinals. Despite security concerns and threats, Golan remains determined and honored to represent Israel in the competition.

Response to Anti-Israel Protests and President Biden's Handling

Republican Congressman Darrell Issa expresses disappointment in President Biden's response to anti-Israel protests, criticizes Democratic Party's stance on Israel and anti-Semitism, and calls for Biden to reject donations from progressive groups fueling protests.

Rising Antisemitism on College Campuses

Discussions on rising antisemitism on college campuses, particularly at Stanford University, with concerns about anti-Israel protests and lack of proper discipline from university leadership.

Senate Republicans Call for Investigation into Tax-Exempt Status of Pro-Palestine Organizations

Senate Republicans call for an investigation into tax-exempt status of organizations supporting anti-Israel protests at universities. Young voters in Michigan fear backlash over Biden's stance on Israel could split the vote and enable Trump to win the November election.

Threat to Federal Financial Aid for College Students Involved in Anti-Israel Protests

Republicans are threatening to cut federal financial aid for college students who commit crimes during anti-Israel protests on campus. The bill aims to disallow aid for students convicted of unlawful assembly, rioting, or property damage during protests.

Proposed Bill to Send Convicted Individuals to Gaza for Community Service

House Republicans propose a bill to send individuals convicted of illegal activities at anti-Israel college protests to Gaza for community service as a punishment. The bill targets pro-Hamas campus activists and aims to address unrest on U.S. college campuses.

Emory University no confidence vote following anti-Israel protests

Emory University undergraduate students pass a no confidence vote against the school's president following anti-Israel protests resulting in arrests. Faculty Senate also votes no confidence against the president.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Transport Workers Union President discusses legal action against Columbia University for its response to anti-Israel protests where custodians were targeted by protesters who took over a campus building.

Columbia University Commencement Controversy

Rep. D'Esposito pens letter to Columbia University President regarding canceled commencement ceremony due to anti-Israel protests. He asks for a list of graduating students from his district to organize a separate ceremony. Columbia University has canceled its main commencement ceremony due to disruptions caused by protests, but students will still be able to celebrate at smaller, school-based ceremonies.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Jewish students at Columbia University release a letter expressing discomfort with anti-Israel protests on campus, defending their Zionist views and calling for peace and constructive dialogue.

Divided Opinions on Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

A new national poll shows Democrats are divided on anti-Israel protests on college campuses, while Republicans are mostly united in opposition. The poll also highlights a generational divide, with younger voters more supportive of the protests.

Controversy over University Ties with Hillel Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona refused to condemn calls for universities to cut ties with Hillel at a recent congressional hearing amidst anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Legislation to Put Terrorist Supporters on No-Fly List

Legislation introduced to put terrorist supporters on no-fly list amid anti-Israel campus protests. Bill would target individuals encouraging violence against Jews or supporting terrorist groups.

Recent News and Events Covered by FOX News Network

Summary of recent news and events covered by FOX News Network, including updates on the NY v. Trump trial, anti-Israel protests, a deadly incident in Mexico, political controversies, and more.

Anti-Israel Protests on University Campuses

Anti-Israel protesters on university campuses show no signs of giving up despite summer break approaching. Protests and encampments in support of Palestine continue amidst the war between Israel and Hamas. Universities are clearing and policing these demonstrations, but protesters vow to continue to pressure politicians for a response to Palestine.

Anti-Israel Protests at University of Michigan Commencement

Anti-Israel protesters disrupted commencement ceremonies at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, leading to confrontations with attendees. Protests have been ongoing at various college campuses, with demands including divesting from Israeli companies and ending academic ties with Israel.

Anti-Israel Protesters Occupy and Damage PSU Library

Anti-Israel protesters occupied and damaged Portland State University Library, leading to its closure for several months. Law enforcement cleared the protesters out, but the damage was extensive. Only six of the 30 arrested were PSU students.

Anti-Israel protests at Arizona State University

Arizona State University students fail to lift suspension following anti-Israel protests on campus, leading to ongoing legal battle and demands for charges to be dropped.

Protection of Jewish Students at UCLA

Leo Terrell criticizes UCLA and the Biden administration for not protecting Jewish students during anti-Israel chaos on campus, calling for federal action under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Patriotic Displays at Rutgers University Amid Anti-Israel Protests

Students at Rutgers University in New Jersey showed patriotism by waving American flags and chanting 'USA' amid anti-Israel protests on campus, following a similar display at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

The View hosts clash over anti-Israel protests on college campuses

Tension flared on ABC’s The View as co-hosts clashed over anti-Israel protests on college campuses, sparking debate on imagery, victims, and Trump’s re-election chances.

Yemen-based Houthi Movement Offering Education to US Students Suspended for Anti-Israel Protests

The Yemen-based Houthi movement is offering US students who were suspended for participating in anti-Israel protests to continue their studies in Yemen, as a show of support for Palestine.

President Biden's response to anti-Israel protests

Fox News contributor Tulsi Gabbard criticizes President Biden for waiting nine days to address anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Comedian Michael Rapaport's Comedy Show Canceled Over Support for Israel

Comedian Michael Rapaport speaks out against cancel culture after his comedy show is canceled due to his support for Israel, expressing frustration over being silenced and bullied by anti-Israel protesters.

UNC Chapel Hill students defend American flag from anti-Israel protesters

UNC Chapel Hill students defended American flag from anti-Israel protesters, praised by Rep. Pat Fallon for their patriotism and courage. Fraternity brothers raised $400,000 for a party in their honor. Videos show students singing National Anthem as flag was returned.

Anti-Israel Protests at Portland State University

A dramatic video captures a driver racing towards a crowd during anti-Israel protests at Portland State University. The driver was detained and taken for a mental health evaluation. Police arrested 30 people after agitators occupied the university library twice in one day. The incident involved protesters, damaged vehicles, and injuries to police officers.

Opinion Pieces on Fox News Website

Fox News host Sean Hannity criticizes President Biden's statement on anti-Israel protests as 'pathetic'. Various opinion pieces and commentary on current events are highlighted on the Fox News website.

Anti-Israel protests at Columbia University

NYPD Deputy Commissioner warns of 'outside agitators' in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. Bodycam footage shows officers breaching a building taken over by protesters. Sheppard highlights influence of professionals manipulating young minds.

House Democrats' Response to Attacks on Police at Anti-Israel Protests

House Democrats condemn attacks on police during anti-Israel protests at universities, distancing them from comparisons to the Capitol riot. Various Democratic representatives speak out against violence towards law enforcement.

President Biden's Proclamation on National Day of Prayer and College Campus Disruptions

President Biden issues proclamation urging cooperation amid college campus disruptions, condemns anti-Israel protests and violence, emphasizes peaceful protests and lawful dissent, and respects free expression while denouncing hate speech and symbols.

Anti-Israel protests at Portland State University

Police arrest students at Portland State University following anti-Israel occupation of Millar Library. Protests led to trashing of the library and several arrests by the Portland Police Bureau.

President Biden's response to anti-Israel protests at college campuses

President Biden stated that protests at college campuses have not caused him to reconsider his policies in the Middle East, despite widespread anti-Israel protests. He condemned antisemitism, Islamophobia, and violent protests on campuses.

Anti-Israel Demonstrations on College Campuses

Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., reacts to anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses and comments on federal response to protests. President Biden addresses issue, emphasizing the need for safety and condemning violence. House passes bill to expand legal definition of antisemitism used to enforce anti-discrimination laws.

Comparison of Anti-Israel Protests to Jan. 6 on College Campuses

MSNBC's Rev. Al Sharpton compared anti-Israel protests on college campuses to Jan. 6, suggesting Democrats were losing moral high ground by not condemning them. Sharpton argued that the protests had lost their original message and became about the protesters themselves.

President Biden's Handling of Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

President Biden faces criticism for not directly condemning anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Former President Trump and others call on Biden to speak out against the violence and rising antisemitism.

Political News

Fox News article discussing various political events including Biden's reaction to a Florida abortion ban, House Republicans moving to oust Speaker Johnson, and protests outside Sen. Ted Cruz's home by anti-Israel radicals.

Anti-Israel Protests at UCLA and UC Berkeley

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA and UC Berkeley lead to clashes between demonstrators, with Governor Gavin Newsom and other state officials condemning violence and hate speech on campus.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Former President Trump criticizes Columbia University's president for not handling anti-Israel protests, calls for her resignation. Protests at Columbia part of larger trend at elite universities demanding divestment from Israel. Trump also comments on Biden's response to protests.

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Anti-Israel protests on college campuses lead to closures and disruptions, affecting students' ability to access education resources. Parents express concerns about safety and demand tuition refunds.

Columbia University's controversy over honoring journalists with alleged ties to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Columbia University faces backlash for honoring journalists with alleged ties to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, leading to anti-Israel protests and controversy on campus.

Republican Senators Accuse Biden of Being More Critical of Israel Than Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Republican senators accuse President Biden of being more critical of U.S. ally Israel than the anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Sen. Tom Cotton condemns the protests and urges Biden to take action.

Anti-Israel protests at UNC Chapel Hill

Anti-Israel protesters replaced the American flag with a Palestinian flag at UNC Chapel Hill campus, leading to clashes and detentions. Students defended the American flag and sang the National Anthem.

Late-night comedian Stephen Colbert defends anti-Israel protesters

Stephen Colbert defended anti-Israel protesters on his show, emphasizing the importance of peaceful protests and criticizing the use of force by university administrators. Former President Donald Trump praised police for their response to protesters at Columbia University. Anti-Israel violence has been reported on various university campuses.

Response to Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Sen. John Kennedy criticizes President Biden's response to anti-Israel protests on college campuses. College Democrats support the protests, calling them heroic and advocating for divestment from Israel.

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Actor Brett Gelman criticizes anti-Israel protests on college campuses, calling for expulsion of protesters engaging in hate speech and violence. Gelman highlights lack of recognition of Jewish pain by protesters and questions the coordinated nature of the movement.

Anti-Israel Protesters Cleared from Tulane University

Louisiana State Police cleared out an encampment of anti-Israel protesters from Tulane University, making 14 arrests. Similar actions are taking place on various campuses across the country.

NYPD Clears Out Anti-Israel Encampment at Columbia University

NYPD clears out anti-Israel encampment at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall, leading to arrests and protests. American flag restored at City College after being replaced by Palestinian flag. Former President Trump praises NYPD action. Political leaders express concerns over police presence and student arrests. Columbia University defends actions to restore safety.

Chaos at Columbia University due to Anti-Israel Protests

Chaos at Columbia University as anti-Israel protests escalate, with a small group resorting to violence, leading to calls for restoring order and cracking down on antisemitism by faculty and alumni.

Anti-Israel Protests at UCLA and UC Berkeley

Anti-Israel protests at UCLA and UC Berkeley have sparked clashes between pro-Israel and anti-Israel demonstrators. California Governor Gavin Newsom and other state officials have refrained from commenting on the protests. Campus violence ensued with fights, items being thrown, and pepper spray deployed before police responded. UCLA has taken immediate actions to address the disruptions caused by the protests.

Criticism of Mayor Eric Adams and Columbia University Presidents by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticizes NYC Mayor Eric Adams and Columbia University presidents for handling of anti-Israel protests on campus, urging for a de-escalatory approach and warning of public safety concerns.

NYPD Raid at Columbia University Following Anti-Israel Protests

NYPD officers raided Columbia University campus following anti-Israel protests that led to occupation of Hamilton Hall, resulting in arrests and restrictions to campus access.

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Former President Trump condemns anti-Israel protests on college campuses and criticizes Jewish politicians for not joining him in condemnation. He also calls out President Biden for not taking strong action against the protesters.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Professional protest consultant involved in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. Mayor Eric Adams warns of outside agitators co-opting peaceful protests. NYPD shares tactics introduced by external actors. 63-year-old Lisa Fithian seen instructing protesters.

Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

Fox News host Jesse Watters criticizes anti-Israel protests on college campuses, citing incidents of unrest and discrimination against Jewish students.

UNC Chapel Hill American Flag Incident

UNC Chapel Hill Chancellor Lee H. Roberts returned the American flag to the top of the flag pole after anti-Israel protesters had removed it, leading to a clash between protesters and law enforcement.

Impact of Anti-Israel Protests on College Campuses

The anti-Israel protests on college campuses could help Donald Trump win the 2024 election, according to 'The View' co-hosts. The protests have resulted in chaos and suspensions on various campuses.

Anti-Israel Protests and Potential Impact on U.S. Politics

Joy Behar warns that anti-Israel college campus protests could help elect Donald Trump, expressing concern about his potential return to power and the implications for democracy.

University of Florida's Response to Anti-Israel Protests

University of Florida faces backlash and praise for cracking down on anti-Israel protesters, firing all employees in DEI positions, and protecting free speech and Jewish students.

Sen. Tom Cotton's Call to Stop Anti-Israel War Protesters

Sen. Tom Cotton calls for police or National Guard to stop anti-Israel war protesters at George Washington University on the Breitbart News Daily Podcast hosted by Mike Slater.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Anti-Israel protests escalate at Columbia University as students take over a building, barricade doors, and demand divestment from Israel, potentially disrupting the university's commencement ceremony.

Anti-Israel Protests at Portland State University

Portland State University President calls on police to remove anti-Israel protesters from main library due to property damage and criminal activities. Portland Mayor and District Attorney support filing felony charges against the protesters.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman's Support for Palestinian Refugees and Immigration Policies

Rep. Jamaal Bowman expressed full support for the U.S. to bring in Palestinian refugees from Gaza, citing the country's history of welcoming immigrants and asylum seekers. He also endorsed amnesty for long-term migrants. The article discusses his stance on immigration, recent controversies, and anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman's Support for Bringing in Palestinian Refugees from Gaza

Rep. Jamaal Bowman expressed support for the U.S. to bring in Palestinian refugees from Gaza, citing the country's history of welcoming immigrants and asylum seekers. He also supports amnesty for long-term migrants. The article discusses his comments, recent controversies, and anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Anti-Israel protests at U.S. universities

Fox News discusses anti-Israel protests at U.S. universities, White House Press Secretary dodges questions on the topic, focusing on condemning antisemitism and supporting peaceful protests.

Anti-Israel Protests at Cal Poly Humboldt

University in California condemns lawless behavior of anti-Israel agitators who took over academic buildings, resulting in millions of dollars in damages and disruption to education. Police confront protesters inside building. Campus closed for remainder of semester.

Anti-Israel Protests at U.S. Colleges

Former President Trump weighs in on anti-Israel protests at U.S. colleges and universities, urging to stop the protests. Students are protesting Israel's actions in Gaza. Hundreds of protesters arrested at various campuses. Trump also criticizes President Biden and addresses lawsuits against him.

FOX News Highlights

Anti-Israel protests have been spreading, homeless tents may face eviction, White House responds to alleged plot, cancer report reveals common types, Jerry Seinfeld discusses 'darkening moods', and more news highlights from FOX News.

Anti-Israel Protests at George Washington University

George Washington University faces anti-Israel protests on campus violating rules of conduct, leading to suspensions and demonstrations. Campus police monitor situation as protesters refuse to relocate. Demonstrators continue to call for police to leave campus.

Criticism of Anti-Israel Protesters on College Campuses

Sen. John Fetterman criticized anti-Israel protesters on college campuses for living in encampments and called out the rise of antisemitism in the United States following Hamas's attack on Israel.

Arab American Heritage Month and Anti-Israel Protests

Gov. Gavin Newsom declared April as Arab American Heritage Month, recognizing the contributions of Arab Americans. Anti-Israel protests are occurring on college campuses in the U.S. amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict. Many Arab Americans feel betrayed by President Biden's handling of the conflict.

Controversial remarks by Don Lemon on 'Real Time with Bill Maher'

Former CNN host Don Lemon humbled after making controversial remarks on 'Real Time with Bill Maher'. Maher and Lemon criticize anti-Israel protests as antisemitic, with Lemon suggesting it as a learning experience. Maher questions Lemon's claim of living in uncomfortable spaces as a Black gay man.

Anti-Israel protests at U.S. universities

Anti-Israel agitators arrested at Emory University protests were found to be outsiders, not part of the school community. Similar incidents reported at other universities across the U.S.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Growing anti-Israel protests at Columbia University condemned by the White House for antisemitic rhetoric and violence. Protests continue with arrests and suspension notices issued to students. New York City officials denounce the antisemitism and call for a safe learning environment for all students.

Susan Sarandon joins anti-Israel protests at Columbia University

Actress Susan Sarandon joins anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, marching with demonstrators and leading chants despite facing consequences for previous appearances at similar rallies.

Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University

Intense anti-Israel protests erupt at Columbia University in New York City, leading to mass arrests and a 'fever pitch' of demonstrations. Students demand divestment from companies with ties to Israel, resulting in clashes with police and disruptions on campus.

Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Protests

The rise of antisemitism and recent events related to anti-Israel protests at Columbia University and in the U.S. are discussed in a Fox News newsletter. Various stories highlight arrests at Columbia University, criticism of The Washington Post, and warnings from the California Highway Patrol.

Criticism of Universities' Crackdown on Anti-Israel Protests

Rep. Rashida Tlaib criticized universities for cracking down on anti-Israel students protesting 'genocide.' Anti-Israel protesters, including Irsa Hirsi, were arrested at Columbia University, leading to backlash and demands for divestment and amnesty for students facing repression.

Suspension of Isra Hirsi from Barnard College for Anti-Israel Protests

Isra Hirsi, daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, suspended from Barnard College for involvement in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University. She and two other students were suspended for participating in an unauthorized encampment despite warnings. Hirsi remains defiant and calls for divestment from companies complicit in genocide.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Anti-Israel Protests at Columbia University, Antisemitism

The article discusses Dwight D. Eisenhower's career achievements, including his role as president of Columbia University and his efforts to document and prevent Holocaust denial. It also highlights current anti-Israel protests at Columbia University and the rise of antisemitism on college campuses.

Israel-Iran tensions and anti-Israel protests in America

Fox News article discussing the possibility of Israel retaliating against Iran and the rise of anti-Israel protests in America, including extreme tactics being adopted by activists.

Anti-Israel Protests in the United States

House Speaker Mike Johnson criticizes leading Democrats for not condemning anti-Israel protests, emphasizes the importance of standing with Israel, and calls out Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for not addressing Israel funding.

Anti-Israel Protests in the U.S.

Anti-Israel protests break out in cities nationwide with clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups, leading to arrests and disruptions in major economic hubs.

Anti-Israel Protests in California

Traffic on California's Golden Gate Bridge shut down due to anti-Israel protests, causing delays and blockages on multiple roadways in the Bay Area.

President Biden's evolving response to Israel

President Biden's response to Israel has evolved over time, from unwavering support to criticism for Israel's actions in Gaza.