Controversy Over Hiring Illegal Immigrants for Taxpayer-Funded Jobs in California

California Democrats are proposing a bill that would direct the University of California system to begin hiring illegal immigrants for taxpayer-funded state jobs, which has sparked controversy and criticism from Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio.

Louisiana Bill on Surgical Castration for Sex Offenders

Louisiana is considering a bill that would allow judges to order surgical castration for sex offenders who committed offenses against children under 13. The bill has faced opposition due to concerns about its historical context and potential disproportionate impact on Black men.

California Bill Banning School Districts from Notifying Parents About LGBTQ Identification

California lawmakers are introducing a bill that would ban school districts from notifying parents if their child identifies as LGBTQ. The bill aims to protect LGBTQ students and provide resources for their families, while opponents argue that it keeps parents in the dark.

Illinois Democrats pushing bill to change criminal terminology

Illinois Democrats are pushing a bill to replace the term 'offender' with 'justice-impacted individual' in state laws, facing criticism from Republicans for being soft on crime. The bill aims to help criminals re-enter society, but Republicans argue it is costly and removes accountability from criminals.

Proposed Bill to Change Terminology in Illinois Crime Reduction Act

Illinois Democrat lawmakers are proposing a bill to change the term 'offenders' to 'justice-impacted individuals' in the Illinois Crime Reduction Act. Governor J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, supports the bill, which has faced criticism for being soft on crime. The bill passed the state House and Senate and would affect around 1800 individuals.

Louisiana Bill Requiring Display of Ten Commandments in Schools

Louisiana is poised to become the first state requiring display of the Ten Commandments at all schools that receive public funding, including colleges and universities. The bill has passed the state Senate and requires a second vote in front of the full House before potentially becoming a law.

Limitations on Transgender Athletes in New Hampshire

The New Hampshire senate has passed a bill that would place limitations on transgender athletes in grades 5-12, banning them from teams that align with their gender identity.

Bill to Strip Tax-Exempt Status from Nonprofits Supporting Terrorists Facing Opposition

A new bill that would strip the tax-exempt status of nonprofits found to be materially supporting terrorists is facing opposition from groups like the ACLU. The bill passed the House with bipartisan support but is now being challenged due to concerns about due process and potential politicized enforcement.

Alabama Gambling Bill Failure

Alabama lawmakers express disappointment as gambling bill fails to pass, continuing a 25-year stalemate on the issue. Efforts to allow lottery, sports betting, and casinos with slot machines and table games were unsuccessful in the Senate.

Senate Passes $105 Billion Bill for Air Travel Safety and Customer Service

The Senate passed a $105 billion bill to improve safety and customer service for air travelers, preventing the FAA law from expiring. The bill aims to boost the number of air traffic controllers, improve safety standards, and make it easier for customers to get refunds after flight delays.

Georgia Protests Over Media Freedom Law

Georgia is experiencing massive protests over a proposed law seen as a threat to media freedom and EU aspirations. The bill requires organizations receiving over 20% of funding from abroad to register as 'pursuing the interests of a foreign power.'

Alabama bill to allow state inmates to speak at parole hearings

A bill in Alabama would allow state inmates to speak by phone or video conference at their parole hearings, with an amendment to allow victims and law enforcement officials to participate electronically.

North Carolina Bill Requiring Sheriffs to Work with ICE

North Carolina bill requiring sheriffs to work with ICE may become law, sparking debate among lawmakers. Bill aims to ensure cooperation between law enforcement agencies for public safety.

Mail-in Ballot Processing Bill Approved in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's House of Representatives approved a bill to allow processing of mail-in ballots before Election Day, supported by Democrats but opposed by Republicans.

House Passes Bill Expanding Definition of Antisemitism in Academic Settings

The House passed a bill to expand the legal definition of antisemitism in academic settings, which would mandate the Department of Education to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism. The bill has faced criticism for potential impact on free speech on campus.

California State Sen. Josh Newman's Bill on Airport Screening

California State Sen. Josh Newman is pushing a bill to restrict expedited airport screening by for-profit companies like Clear. The bill aims to move Clear customers to separate screening lanes but does not ban Clear from California airports.

Gray Wolf Endangered Species Protections

The US House of Representatives passed a bill to remove endangered species protections for gray wolves, sparking outrage among conservationists. The White House opposes the bill and may veto it if it reaches President Biden's desk.

Kansas Republicans Fail to Override Veto on Bill Banning Transgender Surgical Procedures for Children

Kansas Republicans fail to override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly's veto of a bill banning transgender surgical procedures for children. The bill aimed to prevent state employees from encouraging 'social transitioning' and restrict the use of state funds for transgender treatment.

Iraq's Anti-LGBT Law

The United Nations expresses alarm over Iraq's parliament passing a bill criminalizing same-sex relations with sentences of up to 15 years in prison.

California Bill to Limit Excessive Homework

California State Assembly member Pilar Schiavo introduced The Healthy Homework Act (AB 2999) to limit excessive homework, taking into account students' physical and mental health. The bill aims to create supportive and equitable homework policies with input from teachers, students, and parents.

Tennessee Senate Bill on Gender Transition Procedures for Minors

Tennessee Senate passes bill making it a felony for adults to aid minors in seeking gender transition procedures. Similar to a bill penalizing adults who help minors obtain abortions without parental consent. Tennessee Democrats opposed the bills, arguing they violate constitutional rights.

Criminal Justice Bill in Kentucky

Tennessee Judiciary Committee passes bill allowing death penalty for child rape cases. Kentucky's Democratic governor vetoed a GOP-backed criminal justice bill that would impose harsher sentences for a range of crimes, including criminalizing homelessness.

Florida Bill Criminalizing Harassment of First Responders

Florida bill criminalizing harassment of first responders on duty awaiting Gov. Ron DeSantis' signature. Harassment defined as causing substantial emotional distress in first responder with no legitimate purpose. Violators could face fine or jail time.

Kansas Bill on Coercive Abortion

Kansas is considering passing a bill that would make coercive abortion a felony, with harsh penalties for violators. The bill has received support from pro-life advocates but criticism from Democrats for being vague and not properly establishing what is considered coercive.

House Republicans push to rename Washington Dulles International Airport after Trump

House Republicans are pushing to rename Washington, D.C.'s main international airport after former President Trump. The bill, introduced by Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, would rename Washington Dulles International Airport to 'Donald J. Trump International Airport.' Despite little chance of passing in the Democrat-controlled Senate, the move is seen as a symbolic gesture of support for Trump.

Iowa Bill Allowing Arrest and Deportation of Migrants

A bill in Iowa allowing the state to arrest and deport some migrants is causing anxiety among immigrant communities. The legislation mirrors a Texas law and could lead to criminal charges for individuals with deportation orders. Republican leaders support the bill, while immigrant groups are organizing to address concerns about safety and trust in law enforcement.

Kentucky Senate Bill and McConnell's Future

Kentucky lawmakers pass bill stripping Democratic governor of role in picking U.S. Senate seat replacement, creating special election process instead. Bill not directly related to McConnell but reflects stance on seat filling. McConnell leaves open possibility of seeking another term in 2026.

Georgia Bill Requiring Parental Permission for Children's Social Media Use

Georgia lawmakers passed a bill requiring parental permission for children under 16 to use social media. The bill also bans social media use on school devices, requires porn sites to verify users' age, and mandates education on social media and internet use. Some oppose the bill, citing potential issues with its implementation.

Georgia Election Bill SB 189

Georgia lawmakers passed Election Bill SB 189, impacting the state's presidential ballot rules and voter challenges, amid concerns over fraudulent claims. The bill grants access to the ballot for parties in at least 20 states, defines 'probable cause' for voter challenges, and introduces new election procedures like reporting absentee ballot results quickly.

Regulation of Deceptive Synthetic Media in Political Advertising

New Hampshire House passed a bill requiring disclosure language in political ads featuring deceptive synthetic media, such as AI-generated content, within 90 days of an election.

French Bill Banning Hair Discrimination

France's lower house of parliament approved a bill that would ban discrimination over the texture, length, color, or style of someone's hair, aiming to support Black people and others facing hostility due to their hair. The bill faces further steps in the Senate. If passed, it would make France the first country to recognize discrimination based on hair at a national level.

Thailand Marriage Equality Bill Approval

Thailand's lower house of Parliament approved a marriage equality bill making the country the first in Southeast Asia to legalize equal rights for marriage partners of any gender. The bill now goes to the Senate and then to the king for royal endorsement.

Democrats Blocking Bill on Flying Illegal Immigrants into U.S.

Democrats blocked a bill proposed by Sen. Bill Hagerty that would have stopped U.S. taxpayer dollars from flying illegal immigrants into the United States. Every Democrat voted against the proposal, allowing the continued use of taxpayer money to fly illegal aliens into the country.

Florida Bill Banning Social Media Accounts for Minors

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs a bill that will ban social media accounts for children under 14 and require parental permission for 15- and 16-year-olds, making it one of the most restrictive social media bans for minors in the country.

Police Reform

Tennessee legislature passed a bill undoing local police reforms after Tyre Nichols' death.

U.S. House passes bill protecting American data from foreign adversaries

The U.S. House passed a bill blocking the sale of sensitive American user data to foreign adversaries, specifically targeting apps like TikTok owned by hostile foreign entities. The bill aims to protect data such as biometric information, personal communications, and social security numbers. It follows bipartisan efforts to safeguard American user data and curb China's access to sensitive information.

Alabama bans state funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs

Alabama lawmakers passed a bill banning state funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in public colleges and other entities, with Gov. Kay Ivey signing the bill into law. The bill imposes restrictions on 'divisive concepts' related to race and personal identity, and requires public colleges to designate bathrooms based on biological sex. Critics argue that such bills are politically motivated and may undermine free speech protections.

Idaho Bill Banning Transgender Surgeries and Treatment

Idaho is expected to pass a bill banning public funds from going towards transgender sex change surgeries and hormone therapy treatment on state-owned properties, making it the 10th state to do so. The bill also includes penalties for violations.

TikTok CEO protests bill forcing Chinese divestment

The House of Representatives passed a bill requiring Chinese divestment from TikTok, leading to a potential ban in the U.S. President Biden indicated he would sign the legislation if it reaches his desk.

TikTok creators fighting ban in the United States

TikTok has recruited its creators to fight a bill in Congress that could lead to a ban in the United States. The creators have met with lawmakers, posted videos with the hashtag #KeepTikTok, and shared personal stories about the app's impact on their lives and businesses.

U.S. Politics

Sen. Marco Rubio introduces bill to withhold U.S. contributions to the United Nations for aid to Afghanistan until it is verified that the money is not going to the Taliban or other terrorist organizations.

ByteDance and TikTok Divestment Bill

The House approved a bill calling for China's ByteDance to divest TikTok in the U.S., citing national security concerns. The bill passed with a 352-65 vote and faces Senate approval. President Biden is expected to sign if passed, despite concerns over economic impact and potential First Amendment violations.

House Voting on Bill to Potentially Ban TikTok from Americans' Smartphones

The House is set to vote on a bill that could force TikTok's Chinese owner to divest its U.S. subsidiary due to concerns about national security. The bill faces hurdles in the Senate and potential legal challenges. Former President Trump, who initially wanted to ban TikTok, now seems to oppose the idea.

Florida Bill Banning Young Adults from Working in Adult Entertainment Venues

Florida lawmakers passed a bill banning 18- to 20-year-olds from working in adult entertainment venues under the guise of combating human trafficking, potentially increasing exploitation and abuse. The measure, if signed by the governor, would make it a crime to employ young adults in these businesses.

New York Bill Offering Inmates Money Upon Release

New bill in New York proposes offering inmates leaving prison around $2,600 to help them reintegrate into society, sparking debate among lawmakers.

Maryland bill allowing illegal migrants to buy health insurance

Fox News reports on Maryland bill allowing illegal migrants to buy health insurance at the same rate as American citizens, potentially adding costs to taxpayers.

TikTok users calling Congress to oppose ban

Thousands of TikTok users are calling Congress to oppose a bill that could ban the app due to its ties to China. The bill aims to force owner ByteDance to divest from TikTok or face a ban in the U.S. Calls flooded in, with some accusing members of racism and others simply concerned about losing access to the app. The bill has bipartisan support and is seen as a national security measure against potential Chinese spying through TikTok.

Billionaire Megadonor Pressuring Congress over TikTok Bill

Billionaire megadonor Jeff Yass is pressuring Republican members of Congress to oppose a bill that would force Chinese company ByteDance to sell TikTok to an American company or be banned. Yass has threatened to stop funding politicians who support the bill.

Maine Abortion and Sex Change Bill Debate

Maine is considering a bill that would establish 'a legal right' to abortion and surgical sex changes, with supporters arguing it is about access to healthcare and opponents voicing concerns about potential loopholes and extreme assault on family values.

Alabama IVF Immunity Bill

Alabama passes a bill granting civil and criminal immunity for IVF service providers and receivers, allowing clinics to restart IVF treatments without fear of legal repercussions after a state Supreme Court ruling created uncertainty.

Florida Bill Banning Homeless from Public Property

Florida lawmakers passed a bill to ban homeless people from setting up camp or sleeping on public property. The bill allows designated areas for the homeless to camp for up to a year, with restrictions on alcohol and drugs. Supporters argue it will help provide local services more efficiently, while opponents criticize it as a way to hide the issue without addressing root causes.

Florida Bill to Ban Homeless from Public Property

Florida lawmakers have passed a bill that will ban homeless people from setting up camp or sleeping on public property, with designated areas approved by the state for up to a year. Supporters believe this will help provide services more efficiently, while opponents argue it is just a way to hide the homeless from public view.

South Carolina Gun Law Bill

South Carolina is close to approving a bill allowing open carry of guns without a permit, with stiffer penalties for those who violate rules. The bill includes free gun training for concealed weapons permits and has faced opposition from some lawmakers and law enforcement.

IVF clinic protection bill in Alabama

Alabama lawmakers are set to approve a bill protecting IVF clinics from prosecution after providers paused services due to a state Supreme Court ruling.

Ghana's LGBTQ+ Bill and International Response

Ghana's president waits for Supreme Court ruling on bill criminalizing LGBTQ+ community, sparking international concern and risking funding from World Bank and IMF.

Georgia Republicans propose bill to criminalize squatting

Georgia Republicans propose bill to make squatting a criminal offense after man's rental property was seized by squatters while he was away caring for his sick wife. The bill aims to address the squatting crisis in Atlanta.

Missouri Bill on Transgender Students' Social Transition

Missouri legislature introduces bill that would classify assistance to transgender students under 18 in their 'social transition' as a felony, with educators facing penalties for supporting students' gender identity.

Criminalization of LGBTQ People in Ghana

A bill criminalizing LGBTQ people in Ghana and their supporters has been passed by parliament, drawing international condemnation and urging for it not to become law. The bill broadens criminal sanctions against LGBTQ individuals and their allies, threatening up to a decade in prison for those convicted.

Increase in Out-of-State Hunting License Fees in Wisconsin

Gov. Tony Evers signed a bill raising the cost of bow and crossbow deer hunting licenses for out-of-state residents in Wisconsin to generate additional revenue for the state's fish and wildlife account.

Criminalization of LGBTQ+ in Ghana

A bill criminalizing LGBTQ+ people in Ghana and their supporters has drawn international condemnation after being passed by parliament. The United Nations called it 'profoundly disturbing.'

Controversial Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill Passed in Ghana

Ghana's parliament passed a controversial anti-LGBTQ+ bill that could lead to long prison sentences for LGBTQ+ individuals and supporters.

Mississippi Bill to Close Three Public Universities

A bill proposed in Mississippi would close three of the state's eight public universities, but lawmakers say it is unlikely to pass. The proposal aims to reduce costs due to declining enrollment and financial issues.

Florida Senate Passes Bill Defining Antisemitism

Florida Senate passes bill defining antisemitism in response to a surge in antisemitic incidents. The bill aims to combat antisemitism without infringing on free speech rights.

Arizona bill allowing killing of trespassers

Arizona Republicans are advancing a bill that would allow people to legally kill someone accused of attempting to trespass or actively trespassing on their property, particularly targeting undocumented immigrants. The bill is expected to be vetoed by the state's Democratic governor.

Tennessee House bill banning LGBTQ flags in public school classrooms

Tennessee House passes bill largely banning LGBTQ flags in public school classrooms, sparking heated debate and opposition from Democrats and other opponents.

Florida Bill on Jeffrey Epstein Case Documents

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis vows to sign a bill allowing the release of documents related to Jeffrey Epstein's case. The bill permits the release of grand jury testimony and evidence from the 2006 investigation.