Imprisonment of Guatemalan Journalist José Rubén Zamora

Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora was arbitrarily imprisoned for his investigative reporting on corruption. The United Nations' Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ruled that his arrest was in violation of international law and urged for his immediate release and compensation.

House Republicans Funding Bill for Mass Migration

House Republicans propose a funding bill including billions for mass migration facilitated by the United Nations' International Organization for Migration. The bill aims to prevent the encouragement of mass-migration caravans towards the U.S. southwest border but faces criticism for being unenforceable.

Cease-fire Deal Between Israel and Hamas in Gaza

The United Nations Security Council passed a U.S.-drafted cease-fire deal to stop fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, with China not blocking and Russia abstaining. Israel proposed a three-part plan for a permanent cease-fire. Israel rescued hostages, causing uncertainty on agreeing to the cease-fire. The EU and Security Council urged implementation of the proposal.

United Nations Security Council Elections

The United Nations General Assembly elected Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama, and Somalia to the U.N. Security Council for two-year terms starting on Jan. 1, 2025. The Security Council is the only U.N. body that can make legally binding decisions such as imposing sanctions and authorizing use of force.

Public Flogging by Taliban in Afghanistan

The United Nations condemns the Taliban for publicly flogging more than 60 people, including women, in Afghanistan. The Taliban have been carrying out severe punishments, including executions and floggings, since coming to power in 2021.

Call for Action on Climate Change

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for a ban on fossil fuel companies' ads and increased taxes on energy firms, comparing them to the tobacco industry and urging a stop to their advertising. He emphasized the urgent need for global climate action to prevent a "highway to climate hell."

Challenges Facing United Nations in Peacekeeping Efforts

The United Nations' peacekeeping chief expressed concern over powerful nations undermining the organization's ability to resolve conflicts. Countries like the U.S., Russia, and China are blamed for sidelining the U.N., leading to challenges in peacekeeping efforts. The importance of multilateralism in global governance is highlighted.

North Korea's Missile Launches

North Korea fired suspected ballistic missiles towards its eastern sea following a failed satellite launch, drawing condemnation from South Korea, the United States, and Japan. Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have escalated due to increased weapons testing and military exercises.

India's Quest for Permanent Membership at the United Nations Security Council

Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar stated that India seeks a permanent spot at the United Nations Security Council, but faces resistance from current permanent members. India believes it deserves permanent membership due to its population and democracy. Jaishankar has been working with allies like Japan, Germany, and Egypt to push for Security Council reform.

Israeli Forces in Rafah

Israeli forces push deeper into Rafah after deadly airstrike, White House says no 'major ground operation' yet, U.S. aid deliveries to Gaza suspended, global condemnation mounts, United Nations orders halt to offensive, Israel submits new cease-fire proposal.

Landslide in Yambali Village, Papua New Guinea

A landslide in Yambali village, Papua New Guinea has left 670 villagers dead and more than 2,000 buried. Authorities fear a second landslide and a disease outbreak due to trapped water streams and decaying corpses. The United Nations and Australia are providing assistance in the form of shelter, geotechnical experts, heavy earth-moving equipment, and drones for mapping the site.

Gunfire exchange at Rafah border crossing and Israeli airstrike on Hamas in Rafah

Gunfire exchange at Rafah border crossing between Egyptian service members and Israeli Defense Forces, resulting in an Egyptian soldier's death. Israeli airstrike on Hamas compound in Rafah kills two top Hamas officials and civilians. United Nations' top court orders Israel to halt military offensive against Hamas in Rafah.

Criticism of the United Nations by Israel's Ambassador

Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations criticized the U.N. for being an enemy of American and free world values, suggesting that the U.S. should consider defunding the organization due to its lack of credibility and support for dictators and rogue states.

U.N. Mourning Ebrahim Raisi

Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations criticizes the U.N. for mourning Ebrahim Raisi, a dictator and mass murderer. He condemns the U.N. for paying tribute to Raisi and lowering its flag in his honor, considering it 'disgusting.'

Violence in Port-au-Prince

Armed gangs in Port-au-Prince killed a young American couple working as missionaries and a Haitian colleague. The gangs control most of the capital, with around 2,500 people killed or injured in gang violence in the first three months of the year.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians

A United Nations worker was killed in Gaza, sparking calls for an investigation and highlighting the dangers faced by humanitarian workers in the region.

United Nations revises data on Palestinian casualties in Gaza war

The United Nations revises data on Palestinian casualties in the Gaza war, cutting the numbers by half due to reliance on Hamas-run Ministry of Health figures. Israel disputes the numbers and accuses Hamas of manipulating data.

Iraq requests end of UN mission promoting governance and human rights reforms

The Iraqi government has requested the United Nations to end the mission promoting governance and human rights reforms in the country by the end of 2025, citing achievement of important steps under the body's mandate.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians at the United Nations

The U.N. General Assembly voted to grant new rights and privileges to Palestine and called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine's request to become the 194th member of the United Nations. The U.S. and Israel voted against the resolution, emphasizing the need for direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine. The resolution provides Palestine with certain rights and privileges but does not grant full membership in the U.N.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution on Palestinian Membership

The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution asking the U.N. Security Council to reconsider granting full membership to the Palestinians, receiving overwhelming support. The U.S. and Israel were among the nine votes against. The resolution declared that the Palestinians meet all requirements for membership. The U.S. plans to use its veto power if full Palestinian membership is brought before the UNSC.

Multinational Security Mission in Haiti

U.S. military planes filled with civilian contractors and supplies have started landing in Haiti to pave the way for a multinational security mission led by Kenya. The deployment, estimated to cost $600 million, faces funding shortages. The mission, approved by the United Nations, aims to address the crisis in Haiti caused by gang violence and famine.

United Nations urges South Sudan to remove new taxes impacting aid

The United Nations urges South Sudan to remove newly imposed taxes and charges that led to the suspension of U.N. food airdrops for thousands of people who depend on outside aid.

United Nations Criticizes Taliban's Human Rights Record in Afghanistan

The United Nations criticized Afghanistan's Taliban for systematically depriving women and girls of their human rights. The Taliban leaders were not present at the U.N. meeting due to lack of recognition. Various countries raised concerns about the Taliban's treatment of women and girls since taking over in 2021.

Humanitarian Aid Flotilla to Gaza Halted

A humanitarian aid flotilla destined for Gaza was halted after Guinea Bissau removed its flag from two vessels, leading to a political dispute. The flotilla, organized by the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, aimed to deliver aid to Gaza but was stopped due to the flag issue.

Pro-Palestinian Protests in the U.S.

Pro-Palestinian protesters organized blockades in several U.S. cities to advocate for a free Palestine, with links provided by the United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights' NGO Action News. The events led to traffic disruptions and arrests across the country.

US Envoy's Call for Nuclear Disarmament in Nagasaki

The American envoy to the United Nations visited the atomic bomb museum in Nagasaki, Japan, calling for nuclear disarmament amid growing threats. This comes after the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, leading to Japan's surrender in WWII. The envoy emphasized the importance of arms control and preventing the spread of nuclear weapons globally.

Middle East Conflict and Peace Negotiations

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres warns of potential broader war in the Middle East, advocates for a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine with Jerusalem as a shared capital. U.S. vetoes draft resolution for immediate Palestinian statehood. Iran threatens strike on Israeli nuclear sites. Gaza conflict escalates with significant destruction. U.S. supports two-state solution through direct negotiations.

Accusation of United Nations Spreading Pro-Hamas Propaganda

The United Nations accused of spreading pro-Hamas propaganda through its online newsletter, linking to websites organizing protests against American funding of Israel in violation of U.S. law. The U.N. faced criticism for sympathizing with Palestinian militants and staff involvement in a Hamas terrorist attack. Controversy surrounds U.N. special rapporteur's criticism of Israel and Hamas.

United Nations Security Council Debate on Palestinian Statehood

The United Nations Security Council debated whether to admit the State of Palestine as a full voting member, but the U.S. vetoed the bid. The General Assembly may still approve Palestinian statehood. Support is broad outside the U.S. and its allies, but the U.S. maintains that statehood should come after a negotiated peace agreement. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has international implications and calls for a two-State solution.

Iran's Foreign Minister Granted U.S. Visa Amid Outrage Over Strike on Israel

The Biden administration granted Iran's foreign minister a U.S. visa to attend U.N. proceedings in NYC, sparking outrage after Iran's strike on Israel. Lawmakers are calling for the visa to be revoked due to concerns about anti-Israel and anti-American rhetoric.

Ghana's Vice President opposes homosexuality and supports anti-LGBTQ bill

The presidential candidate of Ghana’s ruling party, Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, opposes homosexuality and promises to maintain that stance if elected. Ghana faces pressure to sign into law a severe anti-LGBTQ bill. The bill has been criticized by rights advocates and the United Nations. Bawumia’s stance is supported by the culturally conservative West African nation, where gay sex is already punishable by up to three years in prison and LGBTQ people face harassment and abuse.

Israel's humanitarian aid to Gaza

Israel's efforts to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza are criticized by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan as not good enough, despite a record number of aid trucks entering Gaza daily. The United Nations claims that the aid trucks are half-full and Israel accuses them of failing to distribute aid properly.

United Nations Resolution on Intersex Rights

The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution to protect the rights of intersex people, marking a landmark moment for human rights.

Escalating Gang Violence in Haiti

More than 53,000 people have fled Port-au-Prince, Haiti, due to escalating gang violence led by boss Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier. The gangs have taken control of key institutions and infrastructure, leading to widespread human rights abuses and a lack of public order.

Calls for Reparations for Victims of Slavery

The United Nations General Secretary and 'The View' host Sunny Hostin call for reparations to overcome generations of exclusion and discrimination due to slavery. Guterres emphasizes the need for reparatory justice frameworks and financial reparations for the enslavement of people of African descent, citing the lasting legacy of slavery.

Foreign Intervention in Haiti

The article discusses the ongoing violence in Haiti and the debate around the necessity of foreign intervention to restore order in the country. Various perspectives are presented, highlighting the complexities of the situation and the historical context of foreign involvement in Haiti.

Israeli Hostage Abuse by Hamas

Amit Soussana, an Israeli hostage freed by Israel from Hamas captivity, spoke out about the sexual and physical abuse she endured during her 55 days in captivity. The United Nations has acknowledged the sexual violence against hostages by Hamas members. Soussana was badly wounded upon her release.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

The United Nations Security Council votes in favor of a resolution demanding a cease-fire in Gaza for the rest of Ramadan. The U.S. abstained from the vote, allowing the measure to pass. Israeli Prime Minister cancels a delegation's trip to the U.S. after the resolution is approved.

Imminent Famine in Gaza

The United Nations warns of an imminent famine in Gaza. NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with famine expert Alex de Waal to discuss the situation in the region.

Failed U.N. Resolution for Gaza Cease-Fire

A U.S.-led resolution for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza failed at the United Nations Security Council as Russia and China voted against it, leading to tensions and concerns over humanitarian aid and potential military actions in the region.

United Nations Resolution on Artificial Intelligence

The United Nations General Assembly is set to vote on a resolution on artificial intelligence that aims to ensure the technology benefits all nations while respecting human rights and being safe, secure, and trustworthy. The United States sponsored the resolution, hoping for global support to establish principles for AI development and use. The resolution also aims to bridge the digital divide between rich and poor countries and leverage AI for global benefit, including in areas like healthcare and education.

United Nations Warns About Growing E-Waste Issue Worldwide

The United Nations warns about the increasing amount of e-waste worldwide and the challenges in recycling it. Asia generates half of the e-waste, with low recycling rates in Africa. The report highlights the need for better e-waste management and regulations.

Crisis in Cuba: Food Shortages and Social Unrest

Cuba is facing a severe crisis with food shortages and blackouts, leading to social unrest. The government has asked the United Nations for aid, as the country struggles with economic challenges and a declining population.

U.S. Politics

Sen. Marco Rubio introduces bill to withhold U.S. contributions to the United Nations for aid to Afghanistan until it is verified that the money is not going to the Taliban or other terrorist organizations.

United Nations Report on Hamas Rape Accusations

The United Nations report confirmed Israeli accusations that Hamas terrorists committed rape during an attack and are committing sexual violence against Israeli hostages. The report also mentioned claims of sexual abuse against Palestinians detained by Israeli security forces. Israel recalled its UN ambassador in response to the report.

Cease-fire between Israel and Hamas

President Joe Biden hopes for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas to release remaining hostages by early next week. Negotiations are underway for a weekslong cease-fire to allow for the release of hostages and aid delivery into Gaza. Israel has failed to comply with a U.N. order to provide urgent aid to Gaza.

Global Conflict and United Nations

Fighters in various conflict zones are disregarding international law and the United Nations, causing the world to become less safe according to U.N. Chief Antonio Guterres. He called for debt relief for poor countries and increased efforts to combat climate change. The U.N. human rights council is facing challenges with its legitimacy and work being undermined.

Ukraine-Russia Conflict at the United Nations

Ukraine's foreign minister expressed confidence in Ukraine's ability to win the war with Russia at the United Nations, despite Russian opposition and ongoing conflict.

Recent Events in Gaza and Israel

Yemeni Houthi rebels attacked a cargo vessel causing an 18-mile oil slick, Gaza's death toll rises to 29,606 with 92 more deaths, U.N. experts warn of arms violations in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister unveils postwar plan for Gaza, former hostage accuses Netanyahu of neglecting remaining captives, and U.N. calls for accountability for human rights violations in Israel-Hamas conflict.