Impact of Internet Use on Well-being

A large international study by the University of Oxford found that people with access to the internet scored 8% higher in measures of well-being compared to those without access. The positive correlation between well-being and internet use was consistent across various models used in the analysis.

Chronic Pain in America

A recent survey found that nearly a third of Americans experience chronic pain, with the average age of onset at 37. The most common areas of pain are legs, neck, shoulders, and back. Many turn to doctors and online sources for help, and are willing to make lifestyle changes to alleviate pain. The survey highlights the daily struggles and frustrations of living with chronic pain.

Impact of Suicide on LGBTQ Youth

12% of LGBTQ youth aged 13 to 24 attempted suicide in the past year, with many others seriously considering it, according to a survey by The Trevor Project.

Importance of Sleep for Americans

A Gallup poll found that 57% of Americans say they would feel better with more sleep, with only 42% getting as much sleep as they need. The shift in the last decade shows more Americans recognizing the importance of sleep for health and well-being. Various reasons like cultural emphasis on productivity and revenge bedtime procrastination contribute to sleep deprivation.

Impact of Location on Happiness

A new study reveals that where you live can impact your happiness, with factors such as income, life expectancy, marriage rates, and traffic volume playing a role. Arlington, Virginia, ranks as the happiest city, while California dominates the top of the list. The U.S. has dropped off the list of happiest countries for the first time, with young people's well-being contributing to the decline.

Decline in Happiness Among Younger People in the U.S. and Western Europe

The United States and some Western European countries are falling in overall well-being, especially among younger people. The U.S. dropped out of the top 20 for the first time, with Americans under 30 ranking 62nd globally. Factors contributing to this decline include economic inequality between generations and various societal pressures.

World Happiness Report 2024

The U.S. ranks higher in the world happiness report for people aged 60 and older, while younger generations are experiencing a decline in happiness. Factors such as social support and healthy life expectancy contribute to happiness levels.

Rx Kids Cash Aid Program in Flint, Michigan

The Rx Kids cash aid program in Flint, Mich., led by pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha, provides $7,500 in cash aid over a year to new mothers to tackle child poverty. The program aims to support mothers financially during pregnancy and the baby's first year, addressing the impact of poverty on health and well-being.

Science of Happiness Course at the University of Bristol

The University of Bristol's Science of Happiness course teaches students evidence-based habits to improve well-being, such as gratitude, exercise, meditation, and journaling. Continuous practice is necessary for sustained happiness.

102-year-old Woman Organizes Canned Food Drive for Birthday

Trudy Handleman, a 102-year-old woman in Iowa, celebrated her birthday by organizing a canned food drive and collected 402 cans for a local food pantry. Giving back to the community is essential for well-being and longevity.