Strangulation During Sex

An Australian survey found that almost 60% of respondents under 35 had been strangled during sex, leading to concerns about health risks and lack of consent. Experts launched the 'Breathless' campaign to highlight the dangers of strangulation during sex.

Sewage Spill in Morro Bay

7,600 gallons of raw sewage were released into Morro Bay due to a sewage main break at The Inn at Morro Bay. The public is warned to avoid the water for health reasons.

Heat Stress and Its Measurement

Experts are warning about the dangers of heat stress, which is a condition that occurs when the body's cooling systems are overwhelmed by prolonged exposure to heat. Heat stress can lead to symptoms ranging from dizziness to organ failure and death. Various factors including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and clothing play a role in how the body responds to extreme heat. Different methods, such as wet-bulb temperature and the Universal Thermal Climate Index, are used to measure heat stress levels and assess health risks.


Recent research suggests that Americans may be breathing in cancer-causing chemicals while driving due to harmful flame-retardant chemicals in vehicle interiors.

Health risks of energy drink consumption among young people

The consumption of energy drinks, especially among young people, has been linked to significant health problems due to high caffeine content, leading to symptoms like palpitations and chest pains. Marketing strategies targeting adolescents and Generation Z have contributed to the rise in energy drink consumption. Excessive caffeine intake, especially in young individuals, can have serious cardiovascular risks and even lead to death in rare cases.

Health Risks of Ultra-Processed Foods

Research published in The British Medical Journal links consumption of ultra-processed foods to poor mental health, heart issues, and a range of other health problems. These foods are high in fat, sugar, salt, and chemicals, and have been linked to weight gain, early death, depression, anxiety, and various diseases.

Nestlé accused of using double standards in baby food products

Nestlé is accused of using double standards in its baby food products, adding sugar in lower-income countries while marketing as 'no added sugar' in others. This has raised concerns among global health experts. Investigations found high levels of added sugar in products sold in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The company claims to be working on reducing added sugars globally.

Resumption of Uranium Ore Processing in the U.S.

The U.S. will resume processing uranium ore after decades, sparking concerns about health risks for the Navajo Nation and others along transport routes.

Iguana Removal in South Florida

Iguana removed from Miami resort swimming pool after laying 30 eggs, Humane Iguana Control warns of potential infestations and health risks associated with iguanas in South Florida.

Counterfeit Botox Injections in the U.S.

CDC and FDA are investigating reports of patients in nearly a dozen U.S. states being injected with counterfeit Botox, leading to harmful reactions and hospitalizations. Public health authorities warn against receiving injections from untrained individuals or in non-health care settings. Consumers are urged to ensure they are receiving genuine Botox from licensed providers to avoid serious health risks.

PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water in the U.S.

A study found high levels of PFAS chemicals in drinking water in certain parts of the U.S., posing health risks such as cancers, heart issues, and elevated cholesterol. The EPA finalized new limits on PFAS in drinking water to protect public health.

Risks of Recreational Use of Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Social media users are being bombarded with advertisements for erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra and Cialis, leading to recreational use with potential risks. Dr. Bole warns against unnecessary use and mixing with alcohol or other drugs. These drugs can have side effects and interactions. It's important to consult a healthcare professional before use to address potential underlying health issues.

Investigation of Fake Botox Injections by CDC

The CDC is investigating reports of botulism-like illnesses caused by fake Botox injections in non-medical settings. Patients experienced symptoms like blurred vision, droopy face, and difficulty breathing. Fake Botox can lead to serious health risks.

The Risks of Marijuana Use

Marijuana is the most commonly used federally illegal drug in the U.S., but medical professionals warn of its long-term effects on the mind and body, including increased risks of heart attack, stroke, mental illness, addiction, and lung damage.

Mercury Contamination in Yanomami Tribe

Many Yanomami in the Amazon have been contaminated with mercury from illegal gold mining, leading to severe health problems. The contamination levels exceed safety standards set by the EPA and WHO, raising concerns about long-term effects on the community.

Debate on Eating Easter Eggs

Doctors debate whether to eat Easter eggs in moderation or all at once, citing concerns about obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

Banning of Chrysotile Asbestos by EPA

The EPA has joined over 50 countries in banning chrysotile asbestos, a harmful chemical, as reported by Politico's E&E News.

Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods on Health

Consuming high amounts of ultra-processed foods can lead to adverse health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, obesity, metabolic syndrome, certain cancers, and premature death. Studies suggest a link between ultra-processed foods and chronic diseases. The FDA is considering new labeling regulations to help consumers make healthier choices.

Health risks in Louisiana's Cancer Alley due to industrial pollution

Residents living along an 85-mile stretch of road in Louisiana, known as 'Cancer Alley,' face seven times the national average cancer risk, chronic health conditions, and other serious health issues due to the high concentration of fossil fuel and petrochemical operations in the area. The Human Rights Watch report highlights the failure of state and federal regulators to monitor and address the dangers posed by industrial pollution, leading to devastating health effects on the local population.

Travel Safety and Preparedness

Traveling presents risks such as health issues and emergencies, especially with the resurgence of travel post-pandemic. The Wellness Company offers a Travel Emergency Kit with medications and supplies to prepare for unexpected situations.

Health Risks of Sweetened Beverages

Drinking artificially sweetened and sugar-sweetened beverages increases the risk of atrial fibrillation, a heart condition that can lead to serious health consequences. Water is recommended as the best choice to avoid these risks.

Regulation of High-Potency Marijuana Products

Lawmakers in states that have legalized marijuana are debating whether high-potency pot products should be regulated differently as marijuana becomes more mainstream in America.

Sleep Apnea: Risks and Treatment

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can lead to cardiovascular problems, diabetes, mental health issues, and other health complications. Lifestyle changes and treatments like CPAP machines can help manage the condition.